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Thread: Orals and Propionate compounds for pre-workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl

    Orals and Propionate compounds for pre-workout

    I myself am not acquainted with using my oral and my propionate steroids in conjunction with timing for a pre-workout.

    I hear people say they get their injection ready and they take their Oral just before or some time planned before the gym.

    What's the real SCIENTIFIC deal here. Not the bro-science "I do it and it works for me ". But the real deal medically speaking??
    ...crazy mike

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    I think this comes from say the half life of dianabol which is 4 hours therefore the effect or the concentration in the blood stream may help with training. Never tried it myself crazy Mike but each to their own. Personally I think any benefit would be due to the placebo effect

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Possibly not what you are looking for mike, but I love dbol. Either split up evenly throughout the day or all one hour before work out, I get exactly the same results. I definitely get added aggression in the gym when taken pre work out. My dose is usually only 30 a day though. Needless to say a better work out leads to more gains, hence the idea. I know that's not science but it's my personal research study

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by tdoe11 View Post
    Possibly not what you are looking for mike, but I love dbol. Either split up evenly throughout the day or all one hour before work out, I get exactly the same results. I definitely get added aggression in the gym when taken pre work out. My dose is usually only 30 a day though. Needless to say a better work out leads to more gains, hence the idea. I know that's not science but it's my personal research study
    I know I will get a lot of these answers, so I won't get my pants in a ruffle, but I did want some science. The only science you are showing is the science of placebo. That placebo in effect can be useful to some, hence the old adage "whatever works, work it".
    For you, 30 mg of Dbol is for me a low dosage. Minimum 50 mg ED. So if you are taking less for pre-workout, I dunno what it's doing.
    I like to try to keep it real and scientific. I once was a great chemist, ha, back in my using days !! (joking) ...crazy mike

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    There is no reason to pin a prop ester pre-workout. Pin it whenever, so long as you're consistent.
    If an oral has a short half-life, then it will be at greatest concentration in your bloodstream several hours after ingestion (more pumps and strength). It will also have a greater anti-catabolic effect during your workout and anabolism after your workout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    An esterless version of test would be best pre workout, either tne or suspension

    I use to use tne 1 hour before workout and felt good

    As for prop I wouldn't bother as it takes time for the ester to be cleaved by the body

  7. #7
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Thanks guys, I respect both of you. I know you guys , haha. So anyway I understand the basics and so I don't believe and don't do as I said. But I don 't know what you mean by cleave your body. I did try this, oral tbol, I took 1-2 hrs before the gym. My dose was 100 mg for a trial. I usually take 60 mg a day (mid am) so I was strong that day. Just this Friday. My curls went WAY up. but much else to be considered. I tell shortly in my come back log.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike
    Thanks guys, I respect both of you. I know you guys , haha. So anyway I understand the basics and so I don't believe and don't do as I said. But I don 't know what you mean by cleave your body. I did try this, oral tbol, I took 1-2 hrs before the gym. My dose was 100 mg for a trial. I usually take 60 mg a day (mid am) so I was strong that day. Just this Friday. My curls went WAY up. but much else to be considered. I tell shortly in my come back log.
    By cleaving I mean the body has to remove the propionate ester to free up the testosterone for your body to use

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    By cleaving I mean the body has to remove the propionate ester to free up the testosterone for your body to use
    Thanks, I won't pretend, to old for a front, I'll have to read up. Thanks guys. not so ....crazy mike

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    And as an enanthate it defo wouldn't make a difference which to me is better. More constant with no hi lo's.
    If some science pops up saying taking something akin to dbol a half hour or so before will give even more improvement then I'm on it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    In addition to TNE and Test suspension, as mentioned by pan, many commonly take halo pre-workout as well bc of the increased aggression it offers. I always thought that was the main idea in regards to timing TNE/Susp or halo pre-workout. I've always heard that Dbol offers increased aggression and a sense of euphoria as well but having a hard time confirming it through the collective experience of this site or peers.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Here you go mike

    As for dbol, I'm sure there's an article here somewhere that if taken with grapefruit juice it does something to enhance it.
    Will dig it out and paste it in

  13. #13
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Haaa, so you think "You knows yo stuff" ha. Very cool you came back with this stuff. Thanks. I'll have to read mo slow fo me, ya think. TY. ...crazy mike

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