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Thread: My 1st Cycle

  1. #1

    My 1st Cycle

    Hey All,

    Starting my 1st cycle on Monday and just wanted to share it with you guys so i can get some advice and your feedback, I'll start off by introducing myself i'm Chris and i have been lifting now for a little over 3 years, i started at 19 where i was about 5ft 9" and weighed 108lbs! I'm 22, 5ft 11" and 165lbs. I have always been an extreme ectomorph and have had a hard time gaining weight as you can tell from my weight at 19 but lifting over the years had put me on the right track.

    I went to my doctor summer last year to get some blood tests done because going through puberty as a teen i was a bit behind to the point were at 14 i was offered test boosters by my doctor but my parents declined, so after my blood tests my results came back and my test level came back a little under average for someone my age, my gp said that she was happy with the results and that i did not need anything.

    I have decided to do a cycle because i am serious about training, I have a strict diet, do not smoke or drink alcohol, go to the gym religiously 4 - 5 times a week and i play club rugby on weekends.

    I am currently working as a chef but will be quitting after i get my degree to become a Personal Trainer in 2 weeks

    In a day usually eat every 2-3 hours, 600 - 700g of chicken, lots of salads especially spinach, brown rice, Oats, kidney beans, cheese over 6 meals, in total i reach about 4000 - 4500 Cals and 200g+ Protien

    Now this is my 1st cycle so any serious advice you guys have would be appreciated,

    I am going for a 10 week cycle I have

    (Blue) Test Propionate 2ml 100mg/ml x 3
    (Green) Test Enanthate 2ml 250mg/ml x 7
    Dianabol x 100 Tabs 10mg/Tab

    Week 1:

    Mon: 1ml Blue Tue: 1ml Blue Fri: 1ml Blue

    Week 2:

    Mon: 1ml Blue & 1ml Green Tue: 1ml Blue Fri: 1 ml Blue

    Week 3 - 10

    Mon: 1ml Green Thu: 1ml Green

    3 dianabol tabs everyday on empty stomach for 30 days

    After my last injection I'm going to wait 2 weeks before starting my PCT

    What do you guys think for a 1st cycle? any serious advice would be great!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Number one, you are to yong for this. You prob won't listen and the others will talk you thru that. So Number two (2) wow, you are overloading yourself. You only need Test for your first cycle. You don't weigh enough for this amount and stack of roids.
    You need to spell out the cycle like normal people do.
    You don't need Test Cyp and Test Prop, You don't need Dbol, Where is your AI did I miss that. Your age and Dbol or anything you might get Gyno. So you HAVE to have Arimidex or something planned.
    It seem you don't have a clue if you can't write the cycle as to where we can understand it and not in you color codes. Talk in mgs not mls. That's but the first comment and I know you will get more and more Q's ...crazy mike

    Go look at the sticky for beginner cycle and get an Idea of what to take. TEST and get learn how to write it out
    Last edited by crazy mike; 06-15-2013 at 12:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Hi again, Deadpix*** go back and look up cycles for newbies and get an Idea of what you should do and what a cycle looks like on paper.
    Please don't start this Monday until you get a grip of what you are planning and others have the time to figure out what you are planning and advise. ....crazy mike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Actually at 165lbs at your height you are too light. You should consider waiting until you are 25 which should give you ample time to gain 20lbs of LBM to bring you up to a more respectable first cycle weight.

    We have a superb nutrition forum, please visit it, read the relevant stickies and formulate a plan.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the comment Crazy Mike, I was expecting for people to say i was too young and i appreciate that, as for the Dbol, would you recommend i cut it out and just stick to Test? Is this a better lay out?

    Week 1:
    300mgs Test Propionate

    Week 2:
    300mgs Test Propinate, 250mgs Test Enanthate

    Week 3 - 10
    500mgs Test Enanthate

    I was told by a friend to start with Propionate and then into Enanthate

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike
    Number one, you are to yong for this. You prob won't listen and the others will talk you thru that. So Number two (2) wow, you are overloading yourself. You only need Test for your first cycle. You don't weigh enough for this amount and stack of roids.
    You need to spell out the cycle like normal people do.
    You don't need Test Cyp and Test Prop, You don't need Dbol, Where is your AI did I miss that. Your age and Dbol or anything you might get Gyno. So you HAVE to have Arimidex or something planned.
    It seem you don't have a clue if you can't write the cycle as to where we can understand it and not in you color codes. Talk in mgs not mls. That's but the first comment and I know you will get more and more Q's ...crazy mike

    Go look at the sticky for beginner cycle and get an Idea of what to take. TEST and get learn how to write it out
    Please think long and hard about the advice Mike has provided. He speaks from many years of real life experience. With the gains you've already reported (108-165lbs), why bother messing with your natural testosterone? Cycling will shut you down. I understand your concern about low T but you said it is within normal ranges, albeit the lower end of normal for your age. IMHO, I think you should continue to train naturally for a few more years. Post your diet in the nutrition section and see if our experts can recommend changes you may not have considered to drive you towards your intended goals. If you shut yourself down now, your natural testosterone may never again be as high as it is now and then you'll be faced with the possibility of TRT at your age. That's no way to go IMO.

    I also agree that you lack some knowledge on proper cycles. Exclusion of an AI could cause you a lot of problems you haven't considered.

    Please rethink this and put off your decision for a few more years. Gaining a few extra pounds now isn't worth a potential lifetime of TRT at your age.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadPixels23 View Post
    Thanks for the comment Crazy Mike, I was expecting for people to say i was too young and i appreciate that, as for the Dbol, would you recommend i cut it out and just stick to Test? Is this a better lay out?

    Week 1:
    300mgs Test Propionate

    Week 2:
    300mgs Test Propinate, 250mgs Test Enanthate

    Week 3 - 10
    500mgs Test Enanthate

    I was told by a friend to start with Propionate and then into Enanthate
    FIRST, listen to everyone, they give good advice. The youth thing, I'm tired of fighting you newbies so I said my piece. For me, I need to be more patient and kind these days and so do with a you will, because we all know that's it.
    I start with my heaviest long ester Test E so my body begins a foundation for the shot esters to kick off. Getting to the Dbol you will not needed it and you WILL bloat with water and a great possibility of Gyno. You have no experience and won't know or see what's up until you have crossed the line. Then a Chinese fire drill, but not funny.
    wk 1-8 Test E @ 500mg wk /2
    wk 9-10 Test E @ 250 mg wk 1 time
    wk 1-12 Liquidex .25 ED and closely monitor visual pic and BW

    Wk 14 -18 PCT
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Cllomid 70/30/30/30
    Check this PCT with others I don't PCT

    You don't need the Test P but if you we then it would be Test P 100 mg EOD wk 4-8

    That's what I would do. ....crazy mike

    Diet and train will be the ticket. At your age don't do this. When you come down, all the way down, what you retain will be what you have naturally if you do it

    PS: we are your friends now, HA!
    Last edited by crazy mike; 06-15-2013 at 01:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Ok, i'm going to blow you all out of the water and say i'll take your advice, I'll put this off for a few years and carry on natty.
    Crazy Mike, MuscleInk, Back in Black Thanks for the advice! much appreciated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadPixels23
    Ok, i'm going to blow you all out of the water and say i'll take your advice, I'll put this off for a few years and carry on natty.
    Crazy Mike, MuscleInk, Back in Black Thanks for the advice! much appreciated.
    Every now and again we get a younger person that shows great maturity and hears what they hear, not what they WANT to hear. You will be glad of this decision in the years to come.

    Hopefully you will stick around, learn about your body, about dieting, about how to run your cycle when the time comes.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    HUH ? , what !! Ok now I'm gonna tell you what a stupid sh!t , young punk you are. NO, NO I'm kidding. I hope you can hang on to your new idea to wait. Really man that would be the best. Sure you will gain some weight quickly, sure you might get a real pump and temporarily while on cycle lift more, but as I said it will be temporary "in the mirror" . You get it.
    You made my day by listening, listening to old guy. But as the others said these are the facts. NOW all you HAVE TO DO is report every 4 months and let us hear about your natty gains and testify you're clean, HA! You know what I always say, Be cool ...crazy mike

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    HUH ? , what !! Ok now I'm gonna tell you what a stupid sh!t , young punk you are. NO, NO I'm kidding. I hope you can hang on to your new idea to wait. Really man that would be the best. Sure you will gain some weight quickly, sure you might get a real pump and temporarily while on cycle lift more, but as I said it will be temporary "in the mirror" . You get it.
    You made my day by listening, listening to old guy. But as the others said these are the facts. NOW all you HAVE TO DO is report every 4 months and let us hear about your natty gains and testify you're clean, HA! You know what I always say, Be cool ...crazy mike
    I'll be sure to report in with my natty gains I think i'll also stick around to learn what i can from here if everyone else on this site is as helpful as you guy i'm sure i'll learn alot.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadPixels23
    Ok, i'm going to blow you all out of the water and say i'll take your advice, I'll put this off for a few years and carry on natty.
    Crazy Mike, MuscleInk, Back in Black Thanks for the advice! much appreciated.
    I like this guy already!

    Smart decision DP. Plenty of time to prepare for anabolics down the road and once you have a solid base and have finished with your HTPA maturation, you'll be in a far better position than people who jump the gun to benefit from anabolics.

    Stick around the forum and use this time to learn as much as you can about steroids, cycles, benefits, risks, peptides, training, and nutrition. There is so much here to learn I promise you won't get bored and won't regret the decision to wait. See what kinds of nutritional changes you can make by visiting the nutrition section and asking a ton of questions. Sometimes small changes can lead to big improvements.

    I'm looking forward to learning as much from you as I hope you'll learn from us.

    Bravo on making a mature and level headed decision.

    See you in the forum!


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