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Just need some advice based on personal experience on this one.
Originally had thought about taking prop and tren. Tried it before about 2 years ago but night sweats and fever was so bad I got off after 11 days.
So now since its summer weather (hot) Im debating NPP. I would run test and NPP or tren at around 350 each. My last cycle (winter) was test 400 and deca 600. If I run NPP at 350 will I even feel anything? Also saw good prices on sustaplex 325 what do you guys think about that?
Im sitting at 207 at 12-14%. Last cycle got to 215 @ around 18%. I grow best when doing 1RM's got my flat bench to 315 and deadlift to 495. Have kept most if not all my bench strength but I no longer do 1RM for deadlift but from the amount of reps I am doing now I would say strength lose would be minimal.
My goal is 220 @ 12% after PCT.
So : Test prop 350 and Tren A 350 OR Test prop 350 and NPP 350.