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Thread: Gains Slowing Down On Test E + Tbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Gains Slowing Down On Test E + Tbol

    Here are the stats I had about a month before starting my current cycle which I just copied from another post of mine:

    Lets start off with all my basics:

    Height: 6'1

    Weight: 202 lbs

    Bodyfat Percentage: 8%

    Age: 25

    Years Training: Around 5 years in the gym

    Cycle History: I ran my first cycle last year (August 2012-October 2012) with a 30 day PCT afterwards. The cycle consisted of 250mg of test e twice per week for the first 8 weeks and then 300mg of test e twice per week for the last 4 weeks. Along with the test I also ran 0.5mg of arimidex every other day throughout the whole cycle all the way up till when I started my PCT. My PCT consisted of 20mg of nolvadex for 30 days, and 100mg of clomid for the first 20 days and 50mg of clomid for the last 10 days. A note on the PCT, I wanted to run 40/40/20/20 for the nolvadex and 100/50/50/50 for the clomid but I had to alter it slightly to match with what I had. I put on 22 lbs on my cycle and my bodyfat increased from about an 8% to an 11-12%. I kept 20 lbs of this after PCT.

    Now I will get to the point of this post. Tomorrow will be the start of week 8 of my current cycle. It is the same as the previous cycle except I ran 50mgs of Tbol every day for the first 5 weeks. My gains were going great for the first 6 weeks. The majority of the gains I attribute to the tbol because they came on fast and I only really started feeling the test kick in around week 5. In the first 6 weeks I put on 17 pounds. The gains seemed lean too because I actually looked leaner when I was looking at myself in the mirror.

    Then on week 7 I actually lost a pound. Probably water mostly but still that is not they way I want the scale to be moving. It really through me off because I was making such great gains. I also notice a loss in my the hardness of my muscle but I assumed that has to do with dropping the tbol.

    Do you guys think the gains just slowed down because the test is more of a slow gaining compound? I have read some other similar experiences but I just wanted to see what you guys think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Also, I have noticed my sex drive has gone down so I am dropping the adex to 0.25mg eod to see if that makes a difference. Any advice from some of the experienced lads out there is appreciated.

  3. #3
    Has your diet remained static throughout the cycle or have you changed it to take into account your new weight gain?

  4. #4
    A 1lb drop is hardly worth losing sleep over as a good bowel movement or sweating on a very hot day can more than make up that difference but the first place to look (if its a consistent drop in weight or you can't gain any more weight) would be that your diet has remained static while you actually require more calories bc of the weight gain.

  5. #5
    You probably need to adjust DIET and possibly change your workout routine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I have been increasing calories as I went for the the change in weight. I eat about 2g/pound of body weight in protein too so its not that. This week I am dropping the adex down a bit and increasing the calories more to see how it goes. And yea I know the 1 pound isnt a big deal lol it is more of the fact that it was such a sudden change from gains to actually losing a bit

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I actually average my weights over the week so its more accurate. Just so you have an idea the first 7 weeks of weight changed looked like this: +0.3, +3.9, +4.2, +4.0, +2.4, +2.6, -0.9. So you can see how it just kind of came out of the blue

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jat View Post
    I have been increasing calories as I went for the the change in weight. I eat about 2g/pound of body weight in protein too so its not that. This week I am dropping the adex down a bit and increasing the calories more to see how it goes. And yea I know the 1 pound isnt a big deal lol it is more of the fact that it was such a sudden change from gains to actually losing a bit
    I'm not dismissing your diet by any means but total caloric intake is more important than protein intake for weight gain. 2g/lb is well over the minimum needed to promote protein synthesis AND take advantage of AAS's protein synthesis enhancement. What are your TDEE and the rest of your macro profile look like? How much have you increased your calories by also? Another idea is that it could be the tbol finished metabolizing out of your system and causing the drop in weight. I know its not known for aromatization and water weight as much as dbol but it'd be another explanation.

    I would also be careful dropping the Adex if you haven't experienced symptoms of low E2 unless you've had blood work to check the actual levels. It might lead to a slight estrogen rebound since its not a suicidal inhibitor. Just keep an eye out for sides if you do drop it

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jat View Post
    I actually average my weights over the week so its more accurate. Just so you have an idea the first 7 weeks of weight changed looked like this: +0.3, +3.9, +4.2, +4.0, +2.4, +2.6, -0.9. So you can see how it just kind of came out of the blue
    It did come out of the blue but your average has also been dropping the past few weeks too. Again it could be you didn't increase calories enough to compensate for all the weight??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    ^Yea it could be possible I underestimated how much extra food my body needs because of the weight gain. My maintenance was around 3600 prior to starting this cycle. I started the cycle eating at 4100 and increase up to 4600 where I am at now. I am bumping up to 4800 this week to see how it affects me.

    And in regards to the adex, I am not dropping completely, just lowering from 0.5mg eod to 0.25mg eod. I have been experiencing some low libido and lethargy and I think it may be due to the estrogen. It happened to me during my last cycle a bit too but I never thought it was an estrogen thing. I am getting my blood work done but my doctor is currently away so I wont have it done until late next week

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jat View Post
    ^Yea it could be possible I underestimated how much extra food my body needs because of the weight gain. My maintenance was around 3600 prior to starting this cycle. I started the cycle eating at 4100 and increase up to 4600 where I am at now. I am bumping up to 4800 this week to see how it affects me.

    And in regards to the adex, I am not dropping completely, just lowering from 0.5mg eod to 0.25mg eod. I have been experiencing some low libido and lethargy and I think it may be due to the estrogen. It happened to me during my last cycle a bit too but I never thought it was an estrogen thing. I am getting my blood work done but my doctor is currently away so I wont have it done until late next week
    Sounds like a great plan! The weight gain may take a week or two to show up so be patient with it or just bump up calories by another ~200 and if its diet related (which more than likely it is) you'll have answers sooner. I just got back bloods from mid-cycle and I noticed some of the same symptoms you mention here with libido and lethargy and I thought E2 was low. Turns out it was well OVER the reference range so I have to bump up my dosage. Good luck brother, hope you get your answers soon!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Personally, I will be sticking to shorter cycles. My gains seemed to taper off after about 9-10 weeks on longer estered Tests

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I only run 8 week cycles now. I have figured out my body and how I react pretty well. I always get my best gains weeks 3,4,5,6. So personally there is no reason to drag it out for 12+ weeks. I would rather get ready for my next rodeo

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    ^yea i have heard people say that...on my last cycle my best gains were from weeks 9-13 though haha

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jat
    ^yea i have heard people say that...on my last cycle my best gains were from weeks 9-13 though haha
    Everyone's different bro. That's 90% of this game. Not what is says on the Internet, but figuring our what works for your body

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