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  1. #1
    mr.trenoob is offline Junior Member
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    My bulk, cut cycle and an idea I need critique on.

    So I am 10 weeks into a bulk/cut cycle I am running for 16 weeks and I had a thought I wanted to share and get some feedback on.


    dbol 40mg ed weeks 1-3
    Test-e 500mg weeks 1-16
    Tren -e 400mg weeks 2-14

    I had great results with the dbol kickstart. Gained 26 pounds at the end of 3 weeks and lost about 9-10 pounds by week 5 which I am assuming was mostly water. I didn't look very puffy tho and still had pretty good definition even while on the dbol so some of that was probably fat as well.

    Since then I have lost another 4-5 pounds which was mostly bodyfat as I am really leaning up nicely now.

    Now here was what I am debating trying. I still have more dbol and since I am pretty happy with my bodyfat % I was thinking about running dbol again for 2 weeks at the same dose and bumping up my calories for those 2 weeks then switch back to cutting again.

    My thought process behind this is since I have been on a cut diet since the end of week 3 that maybe this will shock my body and boost my metabolism again and maybe even gain another couple pounds of muscle. I didn't run adex with my dbol for the first 3 weeks but I am thinking I might for the 2 weeks to keep water retention down.

    Any experienced/knowledgeable members have any thoughts on this? It's just a thought I have so please no flaming.

  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    I'm no expert, but if you're unsatisfied with the amount of mass you've put on, and want a few more pounds, you probably should have bulked for more than 3 weeks. I'd say fck the dbol , and just adjust your diet according to your goals. If you still have 6 weeks left, with the Test and Tren + diet/discipline, you should without a doubt be able to put on a couple more pounds of muscle while keepin BF% low. I've always felt gains flatlining after 12 weeks of Test E. I've never run Tren E though. Only Tren Ace, and for only 8 weeks. Fck the dbol. Adjust your diet. IMO.

  3. #3
    mr.trenoob is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    I'm no expert, but if you're unsatisfied with the amount of mass you've put on, and want a few more pounds, you probably should have bulked for more than 3 weeks. I'd say fck the dbol, and just adjust your diet according to your goals. If you still have 6 weeks left, with the Test and Tren + diet/discipline, you should without a doubt be able to put on a couple more pounds of muscle while keepin BF% low. I've always felt gains flatlining after 12 weeks of Test E. I've never run Tren E though. Only Tren Ace, and for only 8 weeks. Fck the dbol. Adjust your diet. IMO.
    I had considered bulking longer but the goal for summer was to be really lean and I didn't want to bulk to long and end up putting on to much fat to get as lean as I wanted. Overall I am really happy with the cycle but part of the reason I thought about adding the dbol was I seemed to put on size and strength incredibly fast and since I have been dieting so long was thinking this might make a nice little boost to the metabolism and ideally a couple more pounds of muscle before shredding up for the remainder.

  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I'm with flacco on this 1 adjust your diet for the remainder you said your cutting nice so why blow you self up with the dbol

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Usually it's recommeded to either bulk OR cut with a cycle. Pick a goal and stick with it. Very hard to do both unless your diet is just about perfect the entire time.

  6. #6
    Flacco's Avatar
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    IDK dude... I'd just save em for next cycle. I'm not one to talk... In the past, I've done AAS and other drugs just because... I had them. Like I said... if you just want another couple pounds of muscle... On Test/Tren /proper diet, you should be able to do that in a week, no problem. Why take more sh1t if ya don't have to, ya know?

    List your Stats.

  7. #7
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    Fall/Winter bulking months...don't care what my BF % is. Then other seasons depends on goals. I'm cruise/blasting never off.

    Cutting or bulking it's better to do one or the other....but on AAS you can recomp well and do both...especially on tren ...but process be bit longer than doing just 1, but work WAY better than if your natty trying to do both.

  8. #8
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    You gained 26lbs by the 3rd week and you're happy with the results??! All you gained was massive amounts of water without using an AI. Your metabolism is based off certain factors that cannot be "shocked" into changing. What you're effectively trying to do is a recomp but what you have to understand is that recomps take time and to expect noticeable results in 2wks is not realistic.

  9. #9
    mr.trenoob is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    You gained 26lbs by the 3rd week and you're happy with the results??! All you gained was massive amounts of water without using an AI. Your metabolism is based off certain factors that cannot be "shocked" into changing. What you're effectively trying to do is a recomp but what you have to understand is that recomps take time and to expect noticeable results in 2wks is not realistic.
    Who wouldn't be happy gaining roughly 16 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks? I said I lost about 9-10 in the following weeks but I am noticeably bigger than I was at the start of my cycle and I have been cutting for the last 7 weeks..

  10. #10
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.trenoob View Post
    Who wouldn't be happy gaining roughly 16 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks? I said I lost about 9-10 in the following weeks but I am noticeably bigger than I was at the start of my cycle and I have been cutting for the last 7 weeks..
    Bc 26lbs in 3wks on aromatizing compounds such as dbol and test, without an AI as you said, means massive water weight. Yes water weight is technically considered lbm, but water weight is not muscle mass.

  11. #11
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.trenoob View Post
    Who wouldn't be happy gaining roughly 16 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks? I said I lost about 9-10 in the following weeks but I am noticeably bigger than I was at the start of my cycle and I have been cutting for the last 7 weeks..
    You didn't gain 16lbs of muscle in 3 weeks. No way. you're still carrying water weight. Leave the dbol alone for now.

  12. #12
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You didn't gain 16lbs of muscle in 3 weeks. No way. you're still carrying water weight. Leave the dbol alone for now.
    ^^^this is what I'm trying to get across.

    To say you gained 16lbs of muscle in 3wks is ludicrous and the fact that dbol and test are both moderately aromatizing compounds AND you did NOT use an AI means most of your gains are water weight which technically is lbm, but NOT muscle.

    Your comparisons are also void and like comparing apples to oranges. You say you gained 16lbs in 3wks but compare your physical appearance to that towards the end of the cycle. Of course you look bigger, you weigh more but only part of that weight is muscle.

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