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  1. #1
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Hello everyone - Need help please

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum. Love the site and everyone seems very knowledgable here. I need help figuring out what to take for a cycle. I want to bulk up and have strength gains and get cut.
    I have only ever done a single cycle which was about 2 years ago or more (maybe 3 or more yrs even, when I had no clue about anything). Pinned in shoulders. Hate pinning!

    Consisted of:

    Test cyp twice a week 1ml
    Dbol 2/ed
    Nolvedex as PCT

    Gained a bit and toned up. No bad sides

    Thinking of doing a cycle now:

    Test E
    Tren E

    Have a few questions tho... As I'm still a noobie and need to be safe lol.

    1. Can I use up whatever I have left of the test cyp? (Approx half a vile) And how? Says expired in 2011 but, really not sure if it actually does expire??? Anyone can shed some light? It's been stored in a dark cool place.

    2. What do I need with this cycle? I heard not to use nolvedex or clomid with tren (is that true?), but can use caber? Tamoxifen ? Aromisin? Adex? HCG ? Maybe I spelt all this wrong? Any advice from a few experienced users would be Very much appreciated.

    3. Does this cycle sound good for me to bulk up and tone up (drop body fat) and gain strength? Any suggestions? Would tren E be ok or tren ace better? There's so much info on here from various members that all contradict each other... I find myself confused. Some say Sust/Deca /Dbol would be better ...

    4. Where is best to pin these? And what dosages?

    5. The source I will be dealing with this time sells BOSS PHARMA - anyone have experience with this brand? G2G? Bunk? Anyone heard of it? He's out of Toronto. The test cyp and dbol and nolvedex I used before was from SVENSK APOTEK??

    Thank you all so much for any help.

    27 yrs old
    200-210 LB (fluctuates pretty daily :S)
    Diet depends how hard I hit the gym... Lol

  2. #2
    bdos's Avatar
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    If diets not on point all the time wait till it is.
    Last edited by bdos; 06-20-2013 at 12:47 AM.

  3. #3
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    that first cycle was pretty mild. id maybe just dod test again and double the dose before hitting up the tren . Either bulk or cut, trying to do both doesnt work for most.

  4. #4
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    I would run the same again.

  5. #5
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    If you only gained "a bit", something was definitely off. Even simple Test only cycles at relatively moderate dosages, with proper diet, should be enough to see very noticable/satisfactory gains. If you felt the first cycle wasn't as much as you wanted, and you want to jump on Tren for your second cycle... most likely, something was off. More than likely, your diet. Like Bdos said... waste of time if diet isn't right. I'd forget the Tren and have a successful cycle with just Test and maybe dbol again. From the way you made it sound ("gained a bit"), you sounded like you weren't as satisfied with your results, hence wanting to make the jump to Tren.

    How much Test/dbol did you use per week on your first go?

  6. #6
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco
    If you only gained "a bit", something was definitely off. Even simple Test only cycles at relatively moderate dosages, with proper diet, should be enough to see very noticable/satisfactory gains. If you felt the first cycle wasn't as much as you wanted, and you want to jump on Tren for your second cycle... most likely, something was off. More than likely, your diet. Like Bdos said... waste of time if diet isn't right. I'd forget the Tren and have a successful cycle with just Test and maybe dbol again. From the way you made it sound ("gained a bit"), you sounded like you weren't as satisfied with your results, hence wanting to make the jump to Tren.

    How much Test/dbol did you use per week on your first go?
    Test was 250/ml - 1 ml twice a week
    Dbol was twice a day

  7. #7
    Flacco's Avatar
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    What mg was the dbol ? How long was your cycle (weeks)?I've never heard of/used that type of gear. But 500 mg of Test... you should have seen noticable gains, even without the dbol. If your diet/training/rest was in check. Something was off.

  8. #8
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco
    What mg was the dbol? How long was your cycle (weeks)?I've never heard of/used that type of gear. But 500 mg of Test... you should have seen noticable gains, even without the dbol. If your diet/training/rest was in check. Something was off.
    I believe it was 40mg tabs.

    U haven't heard of BOSS or SVENSK apotek?

  9. #9
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beast2b View Post
    I believe it was 40mg tabs.

    U haven't heard of BOSS or SVENSK apotek?
    so you were taking 80 mg of dbol every day? Nah, I haven't used/heard of them, but there are tons of labs out there. Someone here probably has. I still say either your, diet was off, or the gear may have been bunk. You should have seen very noticable gains. Even with only the Test. I can't count how many cycles I've done and I only tried Tren for the first time on my last cycle. Do you remember how many weeks you ran the Test Cyp? How many 10ml bottles did you use?

  10. #10
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco

    so you were taking 80 mg of dbol every day? Nah, I haven't used/heard of them, but there are tons of labs out there. Someone here probably has. I still say either your, diet was off, or the gear may have been bunk. You should have seen very noticable gains. Even with only the Test. I can't count how many cycles I've done and I only tried Tren for the first time on my last cycle. Do you remember how many weeks you ran the Test Cyp? How many 10ml bottles did you use?
    It's a 20 ml bottle and u used half ... Maybe a bit over half and all the dbols

  11. #11
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beast2b

    It's a 20 ml bottle and u used half ... Maybe a bit over half and all the dbols
    I'm just north of Toronto, any idea of what brands might be floating around here that I can get my hands on that is for sure g2g? Scares the heck outta me that I might inject something that isn't real... I don't know the guy who is selling the Boss pharma stuff... Just found him online.

    The idea if test e/tren e/ dbol appeals to me.... From all the reading I done it sounds like I'd jack right up. Just got no idea on how much to take and how long and stuff like hcg and what's safe for pct... So many different opinions

  12. #12
    Flacco's Avatar
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    If the cyp was dosed at 250, and you only did 10-12 shots (2 a week)? That means you only cycled for 5 weeks or so, right? There's your problem. You didn't use enough, for long enough. Four or Five weeks of Dbol and 5 weeks of test cyp at 500 mg a week isn't going to cause very dramatic gains. Your gear was probably real. You should have just ran the whole bottle at the same dose. Any gains you saw were probably from the dbol, and you probably lost them almost as quick as you gained them. You retain alot of water with dbol. I've gotta go... but make sure to research much more this time before you start your second cycle. And Forget the Tren . For now at least.
    Last edited by Flacco; 06-20-2013 at 02:03 AM.

  13. #13
    Flacco's Avatar
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    You'd "jack right up" with a proper Test Cyp and dbol cycle. Cyp is almost identical to Test E. Some people say they respond better to one or the other, but its personal preference. On Longer Esters, "jacking right up" would be from the dbol, and diet. No need to throw in Tren .

  14. #14
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco
    You'd "jack right up" with a proper Test Cyp and dbol cycle. Cyp is almost identical to Test E. Some people say they respond better to one or the other, but its personal preference. On Longer Esters, "jacking right up" would be from the dbol, and diet. No need to throw in Tren.
    I really appreciate your help. I had no idea really what I was doin before. Didn't know anything about short or long esters. I just went with what my buddy told me would work.

    So if I do grab test E and dbol ... How much do I need and how long do I do it for? And I use the rest of the cyp from before? It's an open bike with half gone and say expires feb 2011??

  15. #15
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Take some time to read, in detail about any/all things you're gonna put into your body. If you can afford to run all Test E or all Unexpired Cyp, I'd do that.

    Try Test E/or Cyp 250mg 2x week for 10-12 weeks
    Dbol 30-50 mgs everyday split in 2 doses 12 hrs a part for 3/4 weeks
    Research Aromitase Inhibitors
    Research/Prepare proper Post Cycle Therapy
    Hit the nutrition section on here. Diet is as/more important important than the aas themselves. Without proper diet, you'd be wasting your time any money again.

  16. #16
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco
    Take some time to read, in detail about any/all things you're gonna put into your body. If you can afford to run all Test E or all Unexpired Cyp, I'd do that.

    Try Test E/or Cyp 250mg 2x week for 10-12 weeks
    Dbol 30-50 mgs everyday split in 2 doses 12 hrs a part for 3/4 weeks
    Research Aromitase Inhibitors
    Research/Prepare proper Post Cycle Therapy
    Hit the nutrition section on here. Diet is as/more important important than the aas themselves. Without proper diet, you'd be wasting your time any money again.
    Ok i think I'm gonna take your advice. Dbol and test E... No idea what the aromitase inhibitors is?? Pct is nolvedex ok? Or clomid? I used nolvedex before... But heard clomid better??

    So how many ml vile do I need? How much dbol? How much pct? I wanna do this right this time.

    So first 3-4 weeks dbol?
    Week 1-12 test E?
    Then?? Pct? When? Before I stop test or after? How long after?

    Thanks.... So u think tren is a bad idea for now? I need to bulk right up... Lost a lot of muscle mass when I broke both my hands and doc said no heavy weight lifting for year or two... Chest and arms got smaller...
    Last edited by beast2b; 06-21-2013 at 12:39 AM.

  17. #17
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    What's your bf%?

  18. #18
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    What's your bf%?
    I'm curious also.

    Quote Originally Posted by beast2b View Post
    Ok i think I'm gonna take your advice. Dbol and test E... No idea what the aromitase inhibitors is?? Pct is nolvedex ok? Or clomid? I used nolvedex before... But heard clomid better??

    So how many ml vile do I need? How much dbol? How much pct? I wanna do this right this time.

    So first 3-4 weeks dbol?
    Week 1-12 test E?
    Then?? Pct? When? Before I stop test or after? How long after?

    Thanks.... So u think tren is a bad idea for now? I need to bulk right up... Lost a lot of muscle mass when I broke both my hands and doc said no heavy weight lifting for year or two... Chest and arms got smaller...
    If I were you... I'd be googling all these questions on my own. Definitely look around this site/forums for any questions you may have. Alot of guys/gals come on and want every question answered for them without doing their own research. How do you know for sure, that all the answers you are getting are accurate? Even if they're from a "Vet" Ya Dig? People make mistakes and give bad info sometimes. Search "aromitase inhibitors aas" or something like that. Read about it. Look in the other sections of this forum. There is an entire PCT section that will lay it all out for you. IDK what AAS you have access to. Research, do the math, and figure out how much you'll need. Google... "PCT for Test E"

    Tren is definitely a bad idea. I'd say Tren is not considered a "Novice/beginners" compound. Get a basic Test cycle done before considering anything else. Alot of guys I lift with only take Test, and have only ever taken test. Test is fckin powerful dude. You don't need Tren. Your discipline/diet will make up the rest. Not the compound you're taking.

    Start very slowly. You can hurt yourself very easily on aas. Build a base. The right way to do it, is to build a solid foundation without any juice, and when you hit a platue, then do a cycle. If you start a cycle and begin training again for the first time, together... you'll gain... but then you'll loose most of your gains, and be back to where you were b4 cycling.

  19. #19
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    What's your bf%?
    I don't know what my body fat is at right now. Where can I check lol

  20. #20
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco

    I'm curious also.

    If I were you... I'd be googling all these questions on my own. Definitely look around this site/forums for any questions you may have. Alot of guys/gals come on and want every question answered for them without doing their own research. How do you know for sure, that all the answers you are getting are accurate? Even if they're from a "Vet" Ya Dig? People make mistakes and give bad info sometimes. Search "aromitase inhibitors aas" or something like that. Read about it. Look in the other sections of this forum. There is an entire PCT section that will lay it all out for you. IDK what AAS you have access to. Research, do the math, and figure out how much you'll need. Google... "PCT for Test E"

    Tren is definitely a bad idea. I'd say Tren is not considered a "Novice/beginners" compound. Get a basic Test cycle done before considering anything else. Alot of guys I lift with only take Test, and have only ever taken test. Test is fckin powerful dude. You don't need Tren. Your discipline/diet will make up the rest. Not the compound you're taking.

    Start very slowly. You can hurt yourself very easily on aas. Build a base. The right way to do it, is to build a solid foundation without any juice, and when you hit a platue, then do a cycle. If you start a cycle and begin training again for the first time, together... you'll gain... but then you'll loose most of your gains, and be back to where you were b4 cycling.
    I do google a lot... Been reading and learning for the last couple months... Just so much conflicting info, it's hard to decide what to do

  21. #21
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    somewhere on earth
    Use this for bf %

    Hello everyone - Need help please-forumrunner_20130621_204651.jpg

  22. #22
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beast2b

    I do google a lot... Been reading and learning for the last couple months... Just so much conflicting info, it's hard to decide what to do
    Ok so I think I'm 20% bf

  23. #23
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Hit the diet section AAS are not for you your not ready !!!!

  24. #24
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02
    Hit the diet section AAS are not for you your not ready !!!!
    Ok thanks ... I go thru it...

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