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  1. #1
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    Need clarification on first cycle

    I have been training on and off for good 4-5years but last year i've been going to the gym consistenly. My diet still needs improvement but I'm doing the best i can with my work schedule.
    So I've decided to take my first cycle in couple of months. Still plenty of time to finalize my research, but currently I'm stuck on few questions

    1 - I'd be running test only cycle as this is my first ever use of injectable steroids (I've tried anavar before), but not sure about dosage.
    In beginners guide on forums and website they are saying to stick to 500ml/week(two injections of 250ml monday & thursday) at the same time I've seen others post their cycles where they are thinking about 1000ml/week(two injections of 500ml monday & thursday)

    2 - PCT?
    On your website its recommended sticking to novadex
    but at basic steroid newbie guide they suggest using novadex only in case of gyno and using clomid as PCT instead.

    3 - Length of cycle?
    I was always told and saw posts of 12 week cycles up till recently when i bumped into Ronnie Rowlands post where he's saying to "KEEP ANABOLIC STEROID CYCLES/PRO-HORMONE CYCLES AT 8 WEEKS!"
    Last edited by Arnas; 06-20-2013 at 01:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    500 mg a week of Test is a good/average dosage for a first cycle. No need to go higher than that the first time.

    Personally I feel proper PCT is just as important as the AAS themselves. I use with Clomid and Nolva.
    Get an Aromatase Inhibitor on hand in case of Gyno.
    Research HCG .

    What type of Test will you be using? Generally... I would recommend going with a longer ester (Test E, Cyp, Sust), and going with a longer cycle (12 weeks) for a first go. Personally, I feel the longer cycle for a first timer gives you a good amount of time (3 months) to get into good training/dieting habits, which should be pretty good before considering considering AAS anyway. Nice/slow/steady gains.

  3. #3
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    Yeah i'm currently looking at Test E.
    Would something like this (posted in other sticky threads) work
    Sample Stack #1

    Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate WEEKLY

    Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno.

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Clomid therapy three weeks after last shot ran as follows:

    Day 1 - 300mg
    Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
    Day 12-21 - 50mg/day

  4. #4
    tarmyg's Avatar
    tarmyg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would start slowly at 250mg/wk. Here is what I am running as a beginners cycle at the end of July.

    1-10 250mg Test-E/ew + Aromasin 12.5mg/ed + 250ui HCG 2/wk
    11-12 Nothing
    13-14 100mg/ed Clomid 40mg/ed Nolva
    15-16 50mg/ed Clomid 20mg/ed Nolva

    I am running it at 10 weeks because there is some serious disagreement on this board for how long to run a cycle. Basically, track your gains very closely and see when it stops. So, between Ronnie's 8 week and others 12 week I selected the middle ground.

  5. #5
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Please list your stats

    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    BF%: ?
    Cycle Exp: ?
    PCT Knowledge: ?
    Training Exp: ?

  6. #6
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02 View Post
    Please list your stats

    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    BF%: ?
    Cycle Exp: ?
    PCT Knowledge: ?
    Training Exp: ?
    age25. 5,10 172 pounds, roughly 18% BF. This would be my first cycle thats why I don't have much knowledge about them nor about PCT. Been training for 4-5 years as said previously the time when i stop going to the gym I'd be in boxing gym or playing basketball daily

  7. #7
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Ok thanks for the info

    Drop your body fat to 15% which will lessen the chance of sides

    And run for 12 weeks which is fine

    Running at 250mg as advised will not yield the results you desire

    So stick with the 500mg

  8. #8
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Sorry, I've been gone a while. Got ahead of myself. Shoulda asked for stats first... as always.

  9. #9
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Your back now so all is good mate !!

  10. #10
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Arnas, you are really quite light for your height, in terms of LBM. Can we see a torso pic to see what we are dealing with here?

    If you were 10% you'd be down to approx 158lbs. My avi is around 10% and I'm over 30lbs heavier and less than 2" taller. And I am not a big guy.

    I'm trying to say you aren't ready and that any amount of AAS won't make up for a deficient diet. We have an amazing nutrition section that you should visit.

  11. #11
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    I do have some far around my torso. As I said previously I still have couple months before my first cycle to fix up the diet.
    I'll definitely going to check out nutrition page thanks

  12. #12
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02 View Post
    Ok thanks for the info

    Drop your body fat to 15% which will lessen the chance of sides

    And run for 12 weeks which is fine

    Running at 250mg as advised will not yield the results you desire

    So stick with the 500mg
    to clarify its 500mg per week right? or 500 twice a week

  13. #13
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnas

    to clarify its 500mg per week right? or 500 twice a week
    If ur running 500mg/ wk it's two injections of 250mg a week totaling 500mg for a wk

  14. #14
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnas
    I do have some far around my torso. As I said previously I still have couple months before my first cycle to fix up the diet.
    I'll definitely going to check out nutrition page thanks
    I'm on about you you adding 15-20lbs of LBM before your start any cycle. Lets see a pic.

  15. #15
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20130621_153658.jpg 
Views:	208 
Size:	1.64 MB 
ID:	140641

    fatty as I said before lol
    sorry about delayed reply. wasn't able to attend computer last night

  16. #16
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnas
    <img src="http://forums.steroid .com/attachment.php?attachmentid=140641"/>

    fatty as I said before lol
    sorry about delayed reply. wasn't able to attend computer last night
    Honestly, you are at least 12 months away from a real diet and hard training before you should even consider AAS.

    Please go to our nutrition forum and spend some time there reading, when you have a diet plan for your goals post it for critique.

    Do the same with your workout plan in our lifting section.

    Good luck.

  17. #17
    Arnas is offline New Member
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    Well thanks alot I'm definitely going to read around abit more

  18. #18
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Picture does clarify your not ready

    Stop researching Aas and hit the gym for two years and eat clean !!1

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