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Thread: Please help

  1. #1
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    Please help

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. Love the site and everyone seems to be very knowledgable. I need help figuring out what to take for my cycle. I want to bulk up and have strength gains and get cut.
    I have only ever done a single cycle which was about 2 years ago or more (maybe 3 or more yrs even, when I had no clue about anything). Pinned in shoulders. Hate pinning!

    Consisted of:

    Test cyp twice a week 1ml
    Dbol 2/ed
    Nolvedex as PCT

    Gained a bit and toned up. No bad sides

    Thinking of doing a cycle now:

    Test E
    Tren E

    Have a few questions tho... As I'm still a noobie and need to be safe lol.

    1. Can I use up whatever I have left of the test cyp? (Approx half a vile) And how? Says expired in 2011 but, really not sure if it actually does expire??? Anyone can shed some light? It's been stored in a dark cool place.

    2. What do I need with this cycle? I heard not to use nolvedex or clomid with tren (is that true?), but can use caber? Tamoxifen ? Aromisin? Adex? HCG ? Maybe I spelt all this wrong? Any advice from a few experienced users would be Very much appreciated.

    3. Does this cycle sound good for me to bulk up and tone up (drop body fat) and gain strength? Any suggestions? Would tren E be ok or tren ace better? There's so much info on here from various members that all contradict each other... I find myself confused. Some say Sust/Deca /Dbol would be better ...

    4. Where is best to pin these? And what dosages?

    5. The source I will be dealing with this time sells BOSS PHARMA - anyone have experience with this brand? G2G? Bunk? Anyone heard of it? He's out of Toronto. The test cyp and dbol and nolvedex I used before was from SVENSK APOTEK??

    Thank you all so much for any help.

    27 yrs old
    200-210 LB (fluctuates pretty daily :S)
    Diet depends how hard I hit the gym... Lol

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    double post, op.

  3. #3
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AD
    double post, op.
    Sorry I'm new took me forever to figure out where my previous post went. Thx

  4. #4
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    I'm not trying to be a d!ck but you're asking a lot of questions you should already know if you're planning on running Tren . I'm about to do my 4th cycle and I'm still considering Tren. I have it, I just don't know if I'll use it. Look up Antomini's Tren Guide (it's stickied) read over that and you'll learn a lot. Still, Tren is a whole different beast and should be treated as such.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    If its been two years since your one prior cycle, why not just run a long test ester (cyp or enthanate) for 12 weeks.

    What's your LBM? Bf%? TDEE?

    Your diet needs to be worked out and followed every day not just when you "hit it".

    Far too many guys do not understand how paramount nutrition is to success. You cannot achieve anything if you aren't eating enough to grow and the right proportions of macros. Anabolics will never compensate for a lack of proper nutrition - it's the foundation for success and always has been.

  6. #6
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by mikefree
    I'm not trying to be a d!ck but you're asking a lot of questions you should already know if you're planning on running Tren. I'm about to do my 4th cycle and I'm still considering Tren. I have it, I just don't know if I'll use it. Look up Antomini's Tren Guide (it's stickied) read over that and you'll learn a lot. Still, Tren is a whole different beast and should be treated as such.
    Thanks I will check out the tren guide

  7. #7
    beast2b is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk
    If its been two years since your one prior cycle, why not just run a long test ester (cyp or enthanate) for 12 weeks.

    What's your LBM? Bf%? TDEE?

    Your diet needs to be worked out and followed every day not just when you "hit it".

    Far too many guys do not understand how paramount nutrition is to success. You cannot achieve anything if you aren't eating enough to grow and the right proportions of macros. Anabolics will never compensate for a lack of proper nutrition - it's the foundation for success and always has been.
    I'm thinking of doing exactly what you're saying now... Think it's the best advice. Might do a test E and dbol cycle.
    What's LBM? TDEE???
    Body fat I'm not sure, maybe around 20%... How do I check?
    You see, my first cycle, I didn't ask any questions, my buddy said at the time "pin this twice a week 1ml (test cyp) ... Take two of these a day (dbol 12 hr apart) .... And take these after you done your cycle (nolvedex 1 a day)..."

    I was lost and now I'm doin more research, and realizing I had it all wrong!!!! I didn't even do a long enough cycle... But I did gain about 10 lb after wards... And I was very lethargic ... Didn't know why, thought them "gears" would have me bouncing off walls.. I was young.. This was like 3 yrs ago... I was I think 23-24? Was pinning in arm, sucks ass! I don't even know if that's the best place! That's where I was told to pin it..

    Thanks muscleink... I'm just tryin to figure all this out lol, and I realize now you're absolutely right, nutrition plays a huge part.

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