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Thread: Am I ready for cycle yet.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    UK south east.

    Am I ready for cycle yet.

    Ok, so it's been over a month.

    Lost 8 lbs, around 18 % bf, but that's not bad for 53 yo.
    Blood pressure has been tested on 24 hour monitor.
    Average 126/76.

    Blood tests have returned, unfortunately it seems some values have not been, checked as follows.

    Blood glucose 5.4 mol/L
    Basophils count 0.1 10*9l
    Haematocrit 0.453 ratio
    Lymphocyte count 1.4. 10*9l
    Total white cell count. 3.8. 10*9l
    RBC 5.17. 10*12l
    Platelet count. 196. 10*9l
    Neutrophil count. 1.9. 10*9l
    Monocytes count. 0.4. 10*9l
    Mean corpuscular vol. 87.6 fl
    Mean corpuscular Hb. Conc. 336 g/L
    Mean corpuscular haemogloblin. 29.4 pg
    Haemogloblin estimation 152 g/L
    Eosinophil count. 0.1 10*9l
    GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD 58u
    Serum globulin 28 g/l
    Serum C. Reactive protein level. 7mg/l
    Serum total protein 69 g/l
    Serum sodium. 142 mmol/L
    Serum potassium. 5 mmol/L
    Serum creatinine 115 umol/L
    Serum bilirubin level 12 Umol/L
    Serum alanine amino transferase. 13 u/l
    Serum alkaline amino transferase. 74 u/l
    Serum albumin. 41 g/l
    PSA. 1.4 ug/l
    Serum test. 12. 8 nmol/L
    Serum free t4. 11 pmol/L
    Serum TSH 2.1 mlU/L

    Only one to come back with any concer was
    Possibly down to dehydration.

    Cycle Test E, 200-250 twice a week.
    HCG 250 iu eod.
    Armidex .25 eod
    Nolvadex, staggered pct 50,40,20,10
    Clomid, Staggered pct 50, 40, 20,10

    Saw plamento.
    Milk thistle.
    Multi vit.
    Flax oil.
    Anything recommended ?

    I will attempt to reduce body fat a bit more before cycle.

    Age 53
    Training since teenager, all other infor has already been posted.

    Is it time for me?
    Welcome any feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    the older you get, the more you should let your body rest between cycles.

    typical response to your question is

    time off = time on + pct

    not knowing how long your last cycle was, it's tough to say.

    having said that, your last cycle was not extreme, and was only test (or is this your proposed next cycle?). your blood pressure is "normal". If your sexual function is normal....

    I'd err to the side of caution and waiting, but I won't flame you if you start after dropping some more BF%

    I'd be more aggressive with my response to you if you were a youngster, but you are not.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Yeah, need to know your last cycle. In detail.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This will be his first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I can't imagine trying to recover at 53. I decided several years ago to stop trying to recover and instead cruise between cycles. I do compete and that did influence my decision. However I give anyone I talk to over 40 the same advice. If they want to cycle, start cruising between cycles. Recovery will become harder after each cycle regardless of age. At 53 you are most likely not ever going to produce the test your body once could.

    Added: I missed that this is his first cycle. Well, I would cruise between cycles at this point. JMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    This will be his first.
    the way he structured his questions seems to suggest otherwise...

    "Ok, so it's been over a month" (what's been over a month?)

    you may be right if he is saying that it's been a month since his last post?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    the way he structured his questions seems to suggest otherwise...

    "Ok, so it's been over a month" (what's been over a month?)

    you may be right if he is saying that it's been a month since his last post?
    I know. But I think it's a month since he joined. It is his virgin cycle he is planning though, or so every other post he's made suggests.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    UK south east.
    Thanks BIB, yes it is a month since joining and was getting everything in place, ie bloods, blood pressure check, ECG, ass, AI, pct, ect.

    This is my first ever cycle, so will be taking thing extra careful.
    Sorry for the confusion Roman.

    Not sure what the term cruising between cycles means?

    Should I stick to 200 te, twice a week.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013
    UK south east.
    Anyone got an opinion on the bloods I posted
    I don't see anything to be concerned about, but would welcome advice.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Quote Originally Posted by dickster View Post
    Thanks BIB, yes it is a month since joining and was getting everything in place, ie bloods, blood pressure check, ECG, ass, AI, pct, ect.

    This is my first ever cycle, so will be taking thing extra careful.
    Sorry for the confusion Roman.

    Not sure what the term cruising between cycles means?

    Should I stick to 200 te, twice a week.
    Cruise means rather than do a recovery you stay on taking an amp per week

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpion62 View Post
    Cruise means rather than do a recovery you stay on taking an amp per week
    what's an amp??? ...crazy mike

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dickster View Post
    Not sure what the term cruising between cycles means?
    Sorry, cruising would be using a test replacement dose between cycles. As in 100-150 mgs per week to keep your test in the normal range. Recovering for anyone over 40 is a difficult proposition. I cruise at 250 and throw in a 125 of deca because I don't want to be normal, but that's me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Bossman View Post

    Sorry, cruising would be using a test replacement dose between cycles. As in 100-150 mgs per week to keep your test in the normal range. Recovering for anyone over 40 is a difficult proposition. I cruise at 250 and throw in a 125 of deca because I don't want to be normal, but that's me.
    That u in the avin. Amazin' if so. How long u been cruising? What u found works for u?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dickster
    Thanks BIB, yes it is a month since joining and was getting everything in place, ie bloods, blood pressure check, ECG, ass, AI, pct, ect.

    This is my first ever cycle, so will be taking thing extra careful.
    Sorry for the confusion Roman.

    Not sure what the term cruising between cycles means?

    Should I stick to 200 te, twice a week.
    Without knowing the ranges it's almost impossible to tell. Do you have them?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike

    what's an amp??? ...crazy mike
    Sorry CM an amp = Ampule

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    That u in the avin. Amazin' if so. How long u been cruising? What u found works for u?
    Yes that's me. I'm 50 and decided 4-5 years ago to give up trying to recover between cycles. I was not always having blood results checked but could feel I was really never recovering. Giving my body a break yes, but not really recovering. Maybe if I gave myself more time but I also compete and felt like my overall time was at a premium if I still wanted to build between competition as well as being "on" while prepping. So I cruise once or twice a year for 8 weeks or so with 200-250 test a week and usually a little deca. This is more then TRT and I can still make small gains and I feel like I'm keeping my super naturally built muscle.

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