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  1. #1
    projectswole1987 is offline New Member
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    Cool First time on the gear

    Hey everyone, this is my first post so bare with me.

    I am about to jump on my first cycle and im stoked.

    Im 26 im from Canada, I have been lifting for 3 and a half years. I started off at135lb with mayble 15% body fat and right now im about 205 and would guess about 20% body fat(Im bulking). Oh and im 6 foot 1".... Right now I only train 3 days a week doing a push,pull,legs because I have a newborn son. I will be training 4 or 5 times a week when im on the gear. My diet is good I eat pretty clean and eat alot. I track my food every once and a while to make sure im on point.

    My first cycle is going to be 500mg test E twice a week for 10 weeks. Posy cycle I have a whole bottle of Nolva. Im wondering what people think of this and also I know people are going to say that the Nolva is not enough. What would you recommend I change about my cycle and how I should run the Novla. Also im wondering about pinning im thinking glutes with a 23G 1.5 needle twice a week maybe mondays and thursdays. Thanks for all the help guys, any tips and suggestions are much appreciated . oh and should I go into the cycle on a bulk. I have a bit of a gut how will that effect things on this type of cycle?

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    You need to really focus on your food bro before considering running a cycle. Tracking your food once in a while just isn't going to work if you want to make good gains. 80 % of this is all nutrition. I suggest you hit the nutrition forum and get the food part sorted out and get your BF% down to 15 % before considering running any cycles. In the mean time read the sticky's for beginner cycles and the pct sticky's. Also research the use of hcg on cycle and the use of an AI on cycle. Good luck

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Diet is key bro and you need to get your bf down.I would also recommend you do a lil research.Read our stickys there is a ton of info there.The pct section will explain about the use of both nova and clomid for pct.Good luck!

  4. #4
    projectswole1987 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply. The gear is already on the way so its going to happen. i guess I shouldnt have said I track my food every once and while. Im very well aware of what im putting into my body. What I should have said is I dont weigh my food out. I eat alot of clean food and check in on myfitness pal to make sure im still on track as my body weight changes. So aside from the diet why is it that I need to get my bodyfat down?. Alot of reasearch has said its good to go on a bulk cycle with some bodyfat on you. To be honest Im never going to be one of those people who weighs out ever peice of food and check my bodyfat daily. Thanks for the reply man ill look into that stuff you said

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectswole1987 View Post
    Thanks for the reply. The gear is already on the way so its going to happen. i guess I shouldnt have said I track my food every once and while. Im very well aware of what im putting into my body. What I should have said is I dont weigh my food out. I eat alot of clean food and check in on myfitness pal to make sure im still on track as my body weight changes. So aside from the diet why is it that I need to get my bodyfat down?. Alot of reasearch has said its good to go on a bulk cycle with some bodyfat on you. To be honest Im never going to be one of those people who weighs out ever peice of food and check my bodyfat daily. Thanks for the reply man ill look into that stuff you said
    Just cause your gear is on the way doesn't mean you need to use it right away. It will stay good for a long time. If you are not willing to put the effort in to your diet you will be very disappointed in the results of your cycle. At 20 % BF you risk more sides from the cycle as well.

  6. #6
    projectswole1987 is offline New Member
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    Ok cool. I will get my BF% checked, that was just a guess. I have a bit of a gut and im lookin pretty husky. Thanks. Lets get this clear tho, I put alot of effort into my diet. I precook and always have my meals on hand. The only thing I do not do is weigh my food. none of the dudes I know weigh their food. Are you implying that weighing your food is absolutely necessary?

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectswole1987 View Post
    Ok cool. I will get my BF% checked, that was just a guess. I have a bit of a gut and im lookin pretty husky. Thanks. Lets get this clear tho, I put alot of effort into my diet. I precook and always have my meals on hand. The only thing I do not do is weigh my food. none of the dudes I know weigh their food. Are you implying that weighing your food is absolutely necessary?
    Most of us on here weigh our food. It is the only way to know exactly how many calories you are consuming. You can purchase a food scale cheap. You are already putting the effort in to preparing your food. Why do you not want to weigh it?

  8. #8
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectswole1987 View Post
    The gear is already on the way..
    Unrelated to your questions.... As I'm in Canada too, can I ask you what lab your gear is coming from?

  9. #9
    Neevor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Most of us on here weigh our food. It is the only way to know exactly how many calories you are consuming. You can purchase a food scale cheap. You are already putting the effort in to preparing your food. Why do you not want to weigh it?
    Just as a second opinion here.. I don't weigh my food unless I'm trying to get below around 8%-10% bodyfat. Your body will drop weight easily above 12% without having to be exact. I just track my weight and body fat daily and as long as its going down by the amount I anticipated I know I'm good. On the other hand if you want to put the effort into it more data is always better than less data.. especially if you use previous diets and cycles to anticipate results of current ones.. just my two cents.

  10. #10
    projectswole1987 is offline New Member
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    Thanks man, If im going to spend the money and the effort I might as well do it right

  11. #11
    projectswole1987 is offline New Member
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    Im new here, lol but im pretty sure we are not to mention sources, am I right anyone?. I have no problem telling you but I like this site so I wanna keep it legit

  12. #12
    bdos's Avatar
    bdos is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good luck with the cycle in the future get that bf down and youll be set.

    Why does everyone say 134lb is small

  13. #13
    Zodiac85's Avatar
    Zodiac85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectswole1987 View Post
    Im new here, lol but im pretty sure we are not to mention sources, am I right anyone?. I have no problem telling you but I like this site so I wanna keep it legit
    haha, pretty sure that's one of the rules.

  14. #14
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    Good luck with the cycle in the future get that bf down and youll be set.

    Why does everyone say 134lb is small
    That just depends on your size at 5"5 it may not be

  15. #15
    Red Bastard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectswole1987 View Post
    Im new here, lol but im pretty sure we are not to mention sources, am I right anyone?. I have no problem telling you but I like this site so I wanna keep it legit
    I'm not taking source, I mean brand, or UGL...

  16. #16
    projectswole1987 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    I'm not taking source, I mean brand, or UGL...
    Its GENETEC. What do you know about it? the dude im getting it from has been on it for a while and seen massive gains

  17. #17
    Red Bastard's Avatar
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    I have no personal experience, with that lab. But, the reviews on the small Canadian bodybuilding forum, that I spend time on, are that it's inconsistent. Not to be mistaken for the more reputable Genotech...

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