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  1. #1
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    First Tren Cycle

    About me:

    Age: 27
    Height/Weight/bf: 5'10"/210/15%
    Lifting history: Started training seriously at 24. Starting weight 180, naturally got to 195 at 25. This leads me to my next stat...

    Cycle history: My first "cycle" was a horrible idea, I started Oral Tren with NO Test, I was very dumb and uninformed. I lost ALL of my gains. Second cycle was 500mg/wk of Test E kick started with 50mg/day of TBol. My third cycle (which ended 7 months ago and put me at 220) was Test E 500mg/wk and Deca 400mg/wk.

    Since then I have naturally cut down to 210 and I want to use this proposed cycle to get to 215 but lower bodyfat. I posted my diet it the nutrition section.

    Cycle: 6 weeks

    Wks 1-6: Prop/Tren Ace at 37.5mg/day (262.5mg/wk)
    Wks 1-6: Caber 1mg/week (.5mg Monday and Thursday)

    I have Adex and aromasin on hand in the event that I need it, but I think I'll be ok running such a low level of Test.

    PCT: Nolva (40/40/20/20) Clomid (100/50/50/50)

    I've heard that running Nolva as described above is just as effective as running Clomid as well. Any input on this?

    This is a short cycle do to the fact that it is my first run with Tren and I want to see how I react and also to limit shutdown as much as possible.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Is your test/tren a blend? 262.5 mg of test is not IMO a low enough test dose to forgoes the use of an AI.

  3. #3
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Is your test/tren a blend? 262.5 mg of test is not IMO a low enough test dose to forgoes the use of an AI.

    No it is not a blend. I just feel for comfortable running 1:1 as supposed to a TRT dose of Test if that's what you were going to recommend. I mean if you think it to be best Ill give it a shot and just add Test if I need to. I'm perfectly ok with running the AI from the get go. Better safe then sorry.

  4. #4
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Ummm, you need test. . . .

    That Tren dose IMO will not do shit. . . From what I experienced at least.

    Run a Ai from beginning to end, the caber should be @ about .25mg every 3rd or 4th day.

  5. #5
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    Understood. What would be a safe dose of Tren for a first time user? From what I've read 200-350mg/wk. I just don't want to over do it so I played it safe. I want to do this smoothly with minimal bumps in the road. Also, thank you for the advice on Caber. Again I was just trying to play it safe in my original lay out.

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I hear ya. . . .Safe? Well, it just depends. The usual is 100mg EOD, it did nothing for me. I went to 70mg Qd, still felt near nothing. Went big and doubled it, ran 90mg-100mg Qd for about 3 weeks. On the 3rd week, shit got real weird. I couldn't sleep and felt like I was crawling out of my own skin.

    Yeah, doesn't sound so swell.

    100mg EOD is damn safe and normal IMO. As far as the results from it - I seen nothing positive after being on for nearly a month(with the exception of strength gain).

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    300-400mg a week is more than enough Tren . As far as your test dose...that's up to you. I was simply stating that nearly 300mg was not a "low level" as you stated to where an AI would NOT be necessary.

  8. #8
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    300-400mg a week is more than enough Tren. As far as your test dose...that's up to you. I was simply stating that nearly 300mg was not a "low level" as you stated to where an AI would NOT be necessary.

    That's why I said I'd have the AI on hand because I wasn't sure if that dose would affect me. Thank you for clearing that up. I knew I needed to have it, just wasnt sure if it was necessary at that dose as I've never done below 500/wj. I think I'll give 350mg/wk of Tren a shot. If I get too bad of sides should I lower it or just cease all together?

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikefree View Post
    That's why I said I'd have the AI on hand because I wasn't sure if that dose would affect me. Thank you for clearing that up. I knew I needed to have it, just wasnt sure if it was necessary at that dose as I've never done below 500/wj. I think I'll give 350mg/wk of Tren a shot. If I get too bad of sides should I lower it or just cease all together?
    "Too bad" is a relative term. That will be up to you to decide if and when that time comes.

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    mikefree is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    "Too bad" is a relative term. That will be up to you to decide if and when that time comes.
    Thanks Lunk. I appreciate the guidance.

  11. #11
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    I just started a tren A 300, test 300 cycle. And I have already been seeing good results from it. No problem at all with sleep or anything else. I am slightly edgy but not enough to cause problems. Just my 2 cents. BTW I always use a AI...

  12. #12
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    I just started a tren A 300, test 300 cycle. And I have already been seeing good results from it. No problem at all with sleep or anything else. I am slightly edgy but not enough to cause problems. Just my 2 cents. BTW I always use a AI...

    Good to know. Thank you. Are you pinning ED?

  13. #13
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikefree

    Good to know. Thank you. Are you pinning ED?
    Every other day. The tren is definitely the strongest thing I have ever used, I have used test and deca before but the tren is way stronger even at 300 per week. The first couple days I felt slightly off but It was probably something totally unrelated. I am running my AI Eod at.25mg and it seems to be plenty so far, no bloat, acne or nipple problems. Good luck and its always better safe then sorry.

  14. #14
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Word, I have no idea how I got to such a high dose before seeing results.

    Possibly from under-dosed sauce, since when I started the batch from a completely different UGL that's when I felt the shit just kick in.

    Under-dosed crap, really makes sense now. . . But, it was semi legit since I did get a little bit of the side effects.

    Also good to know that you are seeing results from just 300mg of Tren per week. My next cycle will be, low tren, med deca & high test.

  15. #15
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Word, I have no idea how I got to such a high dose before seeing results.

    Possibly from under-dosed sauce, since when I started the batch from a completely different UGL that's when I felt the shit just kick in.

    Under-dosed crap, really makes sense now. . . But, it was semi legit since I did get a little bit of the side effects.

    Also good to know that you are seeing results from just 300mg of Tren per week. My next cycle will be, low tren, med deca & high test.
    Yeah there is a lot of under dosed tren around. I am really sensitive whenever I introduce a new compound into my body and this my first time with tren.

  16. #16
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote: I have Adex and aromasin on hand in the event that I need it, but I think I'll be ok running such a low level of Test. Quote

    In my OP, I don't see any sound reason to not include an AI start to finish when using Test, Deca , Dbol , or any anabolic of any kind. If you get your blood work done every two wks or so then don't use it and watch, but why. For mike here I just can't go on chance or not using precaution and putting the fire out after it starts. Why chance. Will your gains be any better, better noticed and in what time frame. Short haul, long haul. ...crazy mike

  17. #17
    mikefree is offline New Member
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    I got my Tren from GP so I'm fairly confident it will be up to par as all my other compounds have been from there. Crazy mike, I am going to run an AI from start to finish.

  18. #18
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikefree View Post
    I got my Tren from GP so I'm fairly confident it will be up to par as all my other compounds have been from there. Crazy mike, I am going to run an AI from start to finish.
    OK cool man. I may of got that wrong. Stay cool and you will always be cool. ...crazy mike

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