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  1. #1
    dpg is offline New Member
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    Truth about using T3 and clen?

    Might be out there i tried to look but i want to just make it a simple question? Whats the truth about using t3 and clen ? Some say you "have" to pyramid it and only go 6weeks then stop and if you dont come off it right it will turn on or off your thyroid and you will just gain crazy weight after and be obsess. Others i read and talk to say the stay on it forever (long periods of time) is that ok does it still work whats max? do you have to pyramid it to start and stop and will it mess you up later and bad for you? And then clen too same questions but as for time some say week to 8 days then off for week then on then off etc, others say go 3 weeks on pyramid up then back off then off 3 weeks and on? I want to know the truth about it one because i have used it already and if i cant get more in time i come off it like i was told but i feel im wasting alot by doing that if it is not needed and for clean feel if im on it 3 weeks im wasting it if thats to long. im getting ready for a show in oct and need to cut up a good amount still so i want to see if it is worth running both till then and if that long of a time is worth it and good with out bad sides and when off it? do cardio twice a day while cutting but like to help from these to get it off faster.

    just for knowledge tho if someone is a consistent uses of t3 and clean and can lmk the doses and time they run it and what kind if so i'd appreciate it. i get headaches from hearing a different story every time from people and reading.


  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Not a fan of clen but it's certainly a compound that needs to be ramped up and given a break often.

    T3 does not need to be ramped up or down. (not that it would hurt) - Thyroid is not something to be concerned about in regards to recovery. It will bounce back, regardless of how long you're on T3, and it will bounce back fast. You can run T3 for as long as you're chasing your goals. But should not be taken without a small dose of Testosterone to stave off any muscle waste.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    dpg is offline New Member
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    thanks so say im running it now and will run out in a few more weeks its not going to hurt me to just run out and then if i get more 3 weeks later to just go again? im running test e right now with little deca might switch to eg for last 5 weeks then i will be about 8-9 weeks out from my goal of the show and was thinking test p tren and winny and t3 till im down enough. im 6'2 230-235 depending on time of day i weigh and have pretty good abs at this weight but they want me down to about 200 for the show if im ready so i have to lose alot while cutting and try to keep size and then some. do have a little fat in chest and lower abs to give up still and im sure a little all over. but thats the plan for now.

    (if possible too instead of making about post, i was told not to finish my deca for the last 5 weeks and to stop and take eq because i will hold less water? is that worth it or just run out the deca?) i havent seen much from it as it is im doing test e 500 deca 250 every mon and thurs. can it be my size or body im not taking enough or it?)

  4. #4
    dpg is offline New Member
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    and how much muscle and size does the t3 eat off you even if on test? i do alway get weaker, will i lose to much size taking it for 3 months that it will hurt me for the show?

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpg View Post
    thanks so say im running it now and will run out in a few more weeks its not going to hurt me to just run out and then if i get more 3 weeks later to just go again? im running test e right now with little deca might switch to eg for last 5 weeks then i will be about 8-9 weeks out from my goal of the show and was thinking test p tren and winny and t3 till im down enough. im 6'2 230-235 depending on time of day i weigh and have pretty good abs at this weight but they want me down to about 200 for the show if im ready so i have to lose alot while cutting and try to keep size and then some. do have a little fat in chest and lower abs to give up still and im sure a little all over. but thats the plan for now.

    (if possible too instead of making about post, i was told not to finish my deca for the last 5 weeks and to stop and take eq because i will hold less water? is that worth it or just run out the deca?) i havent seen much from it as it is im doing test e 500 deca 250 every mon and thurs. can it be my size or body im not taking enough or it?)
    Run out of what? T3? If so, no it won't hurt. But remember, consistency is a key factor. So your results would suffer when compared to a steady-uninterrupted run. Better to wait until you have all your gear.

    So did I understand this correctly?: You're attempting to lose 35 lbs in 8 weeks? Do you know what your BF% is? Because this sounds like you'll be losing a fair amount of lean muscle to achieve this goal.

    There really isn't a way to gauge muscle loss on T3. You just have to gauge that yourself. but if you're on test/deca, there will be no loss.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    dpg is offline New Member
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    right now im about 15weeks out but by the time im done with the test/deca i will be about 8-9 out but i started this week reducing my diet and to up cardio and cut to try my best to get the fat off and not muscle in time. bf is around 10-12 right now havent done it in a while but i have a clear 4-6 pack just little fat on lower abs and side chest that is clear in a picture. i fluctuate alot for ex. this past sunday i went in the am and was 229-230 and tonight i was 238 but look the same, so its im eating to much carbs or holding water. i think at 210 i will still be competitive at this show. as far as the t3 if i cant get anymore by the time im out can i run it out and stop it at the high dose or do i need to run it down to a low dose and stop then start again later?

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Man. If you don't start using the "enter" key... I'm going to go blind. Try typing paragraphical, buddy.

    I don't see how you will get down to 200 lbs while you've got gear in you. You only have about 25 lbs of fat on you, and you won't be able to remove all of it, or you'd need an ambulance.

    210 isn't even possible. Not by shedding fat alone.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    dpg is offline New Member
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    Sorry long day i just type and don't stop. My fault.

    Ya im not planning on killing myself to get there, if im not ready im not ready i will wait but thats the goal as of now. And its my first run at a show so i might even be fine at 215-220 after last week of losing water. Mainly concerned with the running of the clen and t3 since there is so many stories out there about them.

    Just curious hows the arr work and worth the money? i never ran liquid its always pill. (if thats is an appropriate question?)

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpg View Post
    Sorry long day i just type and don't stop. My fault.

    Ya im not planning on killing myself to get there, if im not ready im not ready i will wait but thats the goal as of now. And its my first run at a show so i might even be fine at 215-220 after last week of losing water. Mainly concerned with the running of the clen and t3 since there is so many stories out there about them.

    Just curious hows the arr work and worth the money? i never ran liquid its always pill. (if thats is an appropriate question?)
    ARR is great. I use their T3 regularly and love it. I've used several chem sites in the past, nothing really comes close to their quality. Liquid is easier to dose IMO.

    Best of luck man. Please keep us posted on your progress.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    dpg is offline New Member
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    I will thanks for the help.

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    somewhere on earth
    Some ppl think they fluctuate weight but they usually weight at different times of the day. One time in the morning. After a nights fasting. Then one time afternoon after eating n drinking water etc. Even goin toilet can make a difference. As aus said. U could no way just lose fat n get to that weight. I know you'll be drying urself out to the point of dehydration. But unless ur already holding a ton of water..... you'd literally have to sacrifice some muscle to hit that weight. Personally I'd rather not give the muscle up. U hot any pics out of interest?

  12. #12
    dpg is offline New Member
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    here is a few, have fat lower stomach and chest (i know) lol Truth about using T3 and clen?-img00928-20130625-0642-12.jpgTruth about using T3 and clen?-resizedimage_1371938118708.jpg about 15-16weeks out right now

  13. #13
    dpg is offline New Member
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    dumb question but when you run t3 and say your at a high dose or anything, do you spread it out threw out the day or take them all at once first thing in the am?

  14. #14
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpg View Post
    dumb question but when you run t3 and say your at a high dose or anything, do you spread it out threw out the day or take them all at once first thing in the am?
    No need to spread out dosing as it has a very long active life. I take full days dose right in am upon waking.

  15. #15
    dpg is offline New Member
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    ok thanks ya i been doing like 1/2 and half might be better all at once i'll give it a try

  16. #16
    austinite's Avatar
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    2.5 day half life, no need to split it up as Jimmy said.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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