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Thread: anavar vs d-bol

  1. #1
    D-BolMan is offline New Member
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    anavar vs d-bol

    Ok sorry for all the questions but I have yet another. If I was running test for 8 weeks and was going to do dbol ED for 5 weeks with it do you think I could do anavar ED for 5 weeks (weeks 1-5) instead of the dbol and receive similar gains? I read all the time of people doing anavar only cycles or women using anavar but only eq/anavar, not test,anavar. The reason being is becuase if i bought dbol though its cheaper id still pay 150 and have plenty left over and could use it for another cycle were as with anavar id pay 180 and have just the right amount for this cycle. so id be willing to pay extra only if the ox would give similar results as far as muscle gain and strength gain. also i hear dbol is great for strength gains and water rentention if you like the bloated look, will anavar give similar strength gains becuase i know it wont get you bloated? The anavar would be from ** if that helps. main reason for switch is becuase this would be first cycle im still worried about sides and I think switching from dbol to anavar would greatly reduce sides (gyno, hairloss being the ones i worry about the most)

    Last edited by D-BolMan; 12-07-2001 at 02:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    D-Bol and anavar are very differnent substances, you will not get comparable gains. anavar is great for adding strenght but you will see very little size gains when compared to D-Bol. D-Bol will rapidly increased size, granted some of this will be water but the the injectibles will help maintain those gains.

  3. #3
    giant bill is offline New Member
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    I agree with Big Al. Also, do you have enough money for this "hobby"? I wouldn't weigh my choices of steroid on economics alone. Hell, I'd pay double the asking price knowing that the gear I'm getting is real. That's the most important thing. Dudes get duped all the time in this game. Is gaining quality muscle mass worth paying a little extra?? The amount of money in food for bulking is way higher than my cycle also. Good luck on your cycle and eat plenty.

  4. #4
    RW3333 is offline Associate Member
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    No doubt dude, i agree paying a little more especially for this sort of stuff is definetly something that is necessary if you can be sure its the real stuff. Its not like some weak stuff you buy at a health food store. Your gonna stick that stuff in your body. But, dbol and anavar have different pro's and cons. D-bol one puts on a pretty good amount of weight, you definetly get some strength and some pretty sweet pumps, albeit its a lot of water but you can use other substances to keep some of the gains. And oxandrolone you get strength, vascularity, and some pretty sweet hardness as well as some pounds of muscle and you tend to keep it. But neither is perfect. D-bol is pretty estrogenic hence the renention and oxandrolone messes with your HDL. You can contain both to an extent. But in the end you know to do the research and youll figure it out. And hey good luck on your next cycle bro.

  5. #5
    6plates is offline Banned
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    this topic is 3 years old.......

  6. #6
    don anabolico's Avatar
    don anabolico is offline Associate Member
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    go with the var, no sides, no achne, almost doesnt alter your natural production at all, and the most keepable gains there is. oh and did i mention crazy stength with crazy vascularity effect. also allows you to aborb much more protien, so keep it up there.

  7. #7
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    dbol makes var seem like m&m's...


  8. #8
    Dimes's Avatar
    Dimes is offline Senior Member
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    I would go with the one that gives you what you're looking for, if your looking for bigger gains and strength... then d-bol, if you want to go on the safe side and have less gains, but keep most of the gains go with anavar , good luck

  9. #9
    RW3333 is offline Associate Member
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    No doubt dimes

  10. #10
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    dunno... dbol is a pain for me and var just doesnt do enough... but var is safer for sure...

  11. #11
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6plates
    this topic is 3 years old.......

    LMAO - quit bumping 3 year old threads Bro

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