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  1. #1
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    4th cycle advise needed (first non test only cycle)

    Although it is a long way off I was going to start looking into what I want to run for my bulking cycle in this upcoming October. For the most part I have done 3 test only cycles and would now like to experiment with additional aas. I was wondering if this would be a decent bulking cycle for someone on a budget.

    1-4 Dbol 40md ed
    1-10 Test C 500mg
    1-10 Deca 300mg

    Keep in mind that this is 10 instead of 12 weeks and 300mg Deca instead of 400 mg Deca because of money constraints. I know everyone has there own preference as to bulking cycles but this seems to be what I am looking for since I feel Tren and its side effects are a little too hardcore for my taste. However, I am still considering running Anadrol instead of Dbol although anadrol sides seem to be a lot worse than Dbol. Anyway, any commentary would be appreciated and thank you for your time.

    I am 25 , 5'11 fluctuating at 200lb and guessing 10-12%bf. First cycle was 8 weeks of testosterone enenthate at 500mg a week for 8 weeks (may 2012) for a cut. Second cycle was 800mg (little overdose) of test400 at 12 weeks (went from 180 to 215 in 12 weeks with a loss of 12lb water weight) in december 2012. I also ran adex on the second cycle at .5 ed. PCT was same for both cycles at 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex and 100/100/50/50 Clomid. Also ran IGF-lr3 after second cycle for 4 weeks at 50mcg ed sub-q to help preserve gains as well. Currently on third of test prop only at 125mg eod for 10 weeks.

  2. #2
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    245 views. Anyone?

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    I personally would use the money for the deca on more test and run it 12 weeks. Not a fan of water weight from dbol . If your still making gains from test only keep making gains on test only. IMO

  4. #4
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2012
    Hmm so you would recommend keeping it test only still. That's definitely worth considering and would save me a lot of money

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    I personally would use the money for the deca on more test and run it 12 weeks. Not a fan of water weight from dbol. If your still making gains from test only keep making gains on test only. IMO
    ^^^ Agreed. If you're still getting good gains from test, I'd keep running test. Stacking compounds creates more variability and sides and as Cape said, wait until the results from test slow before spending more money on stacks.

    Some people get a lot of water retention and gyno on deca - not everyone; some are more prone than others. I use low doses of deca for joint problems only.

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