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  1. #1
    parce12 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    2nd cycle androbol??

    hey guys, im planning on starting my 2nd cycle in two weeks, i was planning on doing test 600 and deca 450, but my supplier told me about androbol (injectable) is a blend of three... i just wanna know if any of you have heard about this before and if is good? recommended? and if it is good can i mix it with deca still? thanks for your answers guys

    dragon pharm

    androbol 600 (injectable) blend of:
    -1 nandrolone
    -1 testosterone
    -1 boldenone

  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Blends suck IMO. I shouldn't say all blends. Depending whats in them and what your goals are, they may be right for your cycle. Its alot easier dosing everything correctly when its separated. Looking at that one... I'm assuming its 200 of each in each ML. First of all... test should be run at least 2 weeks past any Nandralone Decanoate. You couldn't do that with that blend. You'd have to get more Test. Some people say deca with eq is worth while, some people say its a waste. Personally, I've never run them together, so I can't really comment, But I'm a firm believer in Test is King. If you aint a pro, you can really accomplish your goals with test only + good diet/training/sleep.

    What are your stats? What was your first cycle like? What type of Test is in the Blend? what do you have planned as far as an AI and PCT?

    If you didn't already know about those Deca/test facts, it says you should probably bone up a little more on reading. I can't imagine as a cook, ever thinking that making a blend like that would sell well. Unless you're selling to people who are uneducated on those compounds. Or Pros who just shoot massive amount of everything all year round lol.
    Last edited by Flacco; 06-27-2013 at 02:08 AM.

  3. #3
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Age: ?
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  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    What was your first cycle and what gains did you keep?
    Hcg ?

    Don't use blends. You can't adjust if you get sides.

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