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Thread: my next cycle! ANY SUGGESTIONS?

  1. #1

    my next cycle! ANY SUGGESTIONS?

    Hey guys I'm preparing my third cycle and hoping to get some feedback:

    Stats: 28yrs old, two previous cycles, experience with test E and Prop, Tren E and Ace, Dbol, Masterone, Proviron. I'm 5 11, currently 180lbs, 15% bf or slightly under. Eating clean with at least 300grams of protien per day, usually closer to 400. Main carb sources are potatoes, oats, waxy maize, and pasta.

    Cycle: so I've got two bottles of test prop and two of test E and I'm stuck with them, I realize its not ideal but I was hoping for opinions on the best way to use them. both prop and E are 250mgs per ml, 15 cc per bottle. I also have enough Dbols to kill a horse, as well as two bottles of anavar, nolva and clomid from rui, hcg and arimedex.

    what I would like to do is 12 weeks test, first six weeks dbol at 50mgs per day and second six weeks anavar at 100mgs per day. I don't actually have the test vials in hand yet put my source and I are close and he says the prop and the Enanthate are both 15cc vials with 250mg/ml (innovagen) Has anyone used prop like this? I've only seen prop at 100mgs/ml.

    Anyways looking to do between 500 and 700mgs of test per week but really having trouble doing the math on how to work in the prop at the beginning and end of the cycle.

    Can anyone chime in and start me on a proper course of study? much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    First...please explain to me how you have cycled ALL of those compounds in 2 previous cycles?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    And how you are only 180lbs at 15% at that height after 2 cycles.

    You need to worry more about your diet than abusing AAS.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Did you weigh 120 lbs before your first cycle? If not you are not doing something( diet) right.

  5. #5
    Something seems fishy here lol something doesnt add up??? That's a lot of AAS to use in only 2 cycles

  6. #6
    two cycles over the course of five years (yes i began too young. and i just got out of almost two years in provincial. I'm on my way to the gym but I will lay out my exact cycle history tonight when I get back. Thanks for your concern guys I do get where your coming from

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Is that like 8 compounds with only 2 cycles under your belt. I may not be a an old timer yet but something seems fishy here. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm???

  8. #8

    Good point guys

    Alright so first off you guys keep saying that something smells fishy. I'm really glad I've caught the attention of some knowledgeable members and I'm fine admitting that I have abused steroids in the past but I'm not a liar and I wouldn't bother asking for help if I was going to be dishonest. So now that that's out of the way: I do indeed have experience using every compound I listed.
    My first cycle was when I was twenty. I used test enanthate for twelve weeks at 250mg 2x per along with teen enanthate for the first ten weeks at what dosage I do not remember as I was simply following a "buddy's" directions, along with dbol 50mgs per day for the first six weeks and a pct of just clomid (although I begged him to get me nolvadex as well and he didn't come through as promised. I went from 150lbs 5 11 to 190LBS.

    BY THE TIME I was 24 I had reached 210lbs and had experimented with m1ts prohormone 2weeks on 2weeks off twice since my first cycle. I was not a soft 210 I was in phenomenal shape by my standards probably 10%bf but I've never measured aside from seeing six pack abs. I then began my second cycle at age 24. 12 weeks of test prop 50mgs Ed, first 8 weeks of tren ace 80mgs Ed, last six weeks masterone at 75mgs Ed along with proviron at 50 mgs per day and I forgot to mention that the first six weeks included dvol at 50 per day. In this cycle I used hcg 250mg 2X per week arimidex .25mg per day, with a pct of clomid and nolvadex .

  9. #9
    So I ended up going to jail a couple years ago weighing 220 yes with a six pack feeling amazing until my arrest of course. And now I'm 180lbs and feeling amazing again. My goal is to get up to a very lean 200lbs and maintain that. I won't refuse new muscle growth of course but I really want to focus on aesthetics and carrying 210lbs even at 5 11 really isn't/wasn't that comfortable for me. I realize my previous use is classified as abuse but my diet is currently awesome and I have no desire to mess with trek even tho I've had very little sides from it in the past. I want to treat this next cycle as if it were my first and stick with test, dbol because I've always had fun with it, and try anavar at the latter end to cut up and feel the estrogen benefits. I remember the provision/masterone combo at the end of my last cycle being almost uphoric although I realize it was unessesary and possibly dangerous. My current health is great and I regret being an idiot and going to jail and have learned from it all. It was truly hard to keep on weight inside as the meals were very processed and diet has always been my min weapon in my personal fitness crusade. I lost 40 labs in two years and I know that in two months I will be ready to use a moderate amount of gear.

  10. #10
    I apologise for typing errors im on my girlfriends ipad and i hate it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    First cycle gained 40 pounds in 12 weeks?

  12. #12
    Yes I did. Not all muscle but I was happy at the time to receive it. I then put all my focus on trading the excess fat and water for muscle and by the time I did my next cycle I had used a number of supplements including m1ts
    Prohormone which were surprisingly effective although I would never touch them again

  13. #13
    I'm sorry I don't have before and after pcs from a first/dangerous cycle eight years ago. If nobody wants to help me out on this site or if my integrity is being questioned to the point that I can't get any answers on a basic test, dbol, anavar cycle then I'll b very surprised as I've been following this site for years and all of the members responding so far have always come across as very helpful to others. I'm really just looking for an appropriate way to begin and end a twelve week cycle of test e with test prop. Like I'm hoping to begin with prop as in frontloading then end with prop to make an easier safer way to enter into pct.

  14. #14
    By the way. Back IN Black. What are your current stats? Your photo/physique is very impressive and ultimately my goal is to look like that

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Propose a cycle with ancillaries and lets see what you have in mind!

  16. #16
    Ok so here goes:

    Week 1-14 hcg at 250iu 2x per week
    Week 1-12 arimidex at .25mg per day
    Week 1-12 test enanthate at 250mg every 3rd day
    Week 1-6 dbol at 40mg every day spaced out
    Week 7-12 anavar at 80mg every day spaced out
    Week 15 begin pct with clomid at 75/50/50/50 and nolvadex at 40/20/20/20
    Also using udca and nac for liver support, pumpkin seed oil for prostate, hawthorn berry for blood pressure with liquid Cia on hand, cod liver oil, flax seed oil, multi, B12 inj., vitamin c as well as d and calcium to avoid problems from such high protein intake.

    Question: so this my cycle outlined as if I were only using test enanthate, however I was hoping to get advice on how to work in prop at the beginning and end of my cycle to make it more effective from the start and to transition into pct better. Any advice on this would be great.

    Please let me know how you guys feel about this cycle. I realize that I need more time to recover from my "down period" and to reap the natural benefits of a clean diet and consistent training so I'm willing to continue to work my tail off until Jan 2014 but then I will be making use of gear and I'd really like to have my cycle fully planned out so I can clear my mind of it for six months of intense natural training/eating/lifestyle.

    Thanks guys

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    What are the goals with this cycle? Let me guess "gain muscle and lose fat" lol.?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    What are the goals with this cycle? Let me guess "gain muscle and lose fat" lol.?
    Huh ?? I just don't know anymore....crazy mike

  19. #19
    You don't like seeing dbol and var in the same cycle?

    And my goal is to put on 10 lbs of lbm without putting on any fat. If I drop the dbol will you start being a little more direct little less sarcastic? Test/var cycle even just a test cycle would make me happy. Either way I'm still trying to find out about using prop with enanthate. Can it work? Would you recommend it? i'm not unwilling to learn/listen but I keep sensing a snarky attitude and its a little offputting. Don't want to help or advise just tell me to screw myself at least then I know who I'm talking to. But I have a feeling you are just categorizing me with a bunch of young overzealous guys that don't listen and its not the case. Be straight forward please?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrested Development
    By the way. Back IN Black. What are your current stats? Your photo/physique is very impressive and ultimately my goal is to look like that
    WTF do you wanna look like me for, even I don't want to look like me

    5'11 and a bit, 195lbs about 10%.

    Thank you

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    10lbs of LBM should be relatively easy on just a test cycle if your diet is on point. Especially as this will almost be a virgin cycle again, it's been that long since your last.

    Why don't you just run prop for 8 weeks and forget the enan?
    Last edited by Back In Black; 06-30-2013 at 02:41 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    I wouldn't run dbol that long. Use it as a kick until the e kicks in unless you use prop for that-then drop the dbol entirely.If I had prop and e, I would pin the and prop concurrently until the 3rd week then taper the prop down daily until eow 3. Then drop the prop and let e take the helm.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Your right, after enough time here one does tend to "categorize". My apologies.

    As BIB said..10 pounds is doable with out having to run muti stacks of this and that. Your diet will dictate the amount of gains and how "lean" they are.

    Simple solution is a dbol kickstart for 4 weeks of a basic test e cycle. At week 10 simply used prop vs E and start your PCT in 3 days.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Your right, after enough time here one does tend to "categorize". My apologies
    As BIB said..10 pounds is doable with out having to run muti stacks of this and that. Your diet will dictate the amount of gains and how "lean" they are.

    Simple solution is a dbol kickstart for 4 weeks of a basic test e cycle. At week 10 simply used prop vs E and start your PCT in 3 days.
    To elaborate on the test p switch.. make sure you are pinning around the same mg per week as u would be of test e

    I've employed this method before and made the mistake of running the prop to low and it drained my energy before the pct was scheduled. I feel it hindered my gains and won't do it again.. if I want to get Into pct earlier, I will run prop start to finish

  25. #25
    Thanks to everyone who replied. I am still going to make use of my prop and enanthate on my next cycle and will be kickstarting to begin as well as switching to prop at the end before pct. I'm actually going to delay this next cycle by a few more months as I have been making continuous progress naturally and really feeling the effects of a more holistic lifestyle. Why mess with a good thing right? Plus this gives me more time to bug everyone in the nutrition thread and workout thread as well.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Prop dosed at 250mg/ml???? Might wanta double check that.

  27. #27
    yeah i just got it in its reg 100mg/ml. My source is french and i'm english so must have been a miss comunication. I was hoping for reg prop anyways as i'd be skeptical of the legitimacy otherwise
    thanks slfmade

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrested Development View Post
    yeah i just got it in its reg 100mg/ml. My source is french and i'm english so must have been a miss comunication. I was hoping for reg prop anyways as i'd be skeptical of the legitimacy otherwise
    thanks slfmade

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