Hey guys I'm preparing my third cycle and hoping to get some feedback:
Stats: 28yrs old, two previous cycles, experience with test E and Prop, Tren E and Ace, Dbol, Masterone, Proviron. I'm 5 11, currently 180lbs, 15% bf or slightly under. Eating clean with at least 300grams of protien per day, usually closer to 400. Main carb sources are potatoes, oats, waxy maize, and pasta.
Cycle: so I've got two bottles of test prop and two of test E and I'm stuck with them, I realize its not ideal but I was hoping for opinions on the best way to use them. both prop and E are 250mgs per ml, 15 cc per bottle. I also have enough Dbols to kill a horse, as well as two bottles of anavar, nolva and clomid from rui, hcg and arimedex.
what I would like to do is 12 weeks test, first six weeks dbol at 50mgs per day and second six weeks anavar at 100mgs per day. I don't actually have the test vials in hand yet put my source and I are close and he says the prop and the Enanthate are both 15cc vials with 250mg/ml (innovagen) Has anyone used prop like this? I've only seen prop at 100mgs/ml.
Anyways looking to do between 500 and 700mgs of test per week but really having trouble doing the math on how to work in the prop at the beginning and end of the cycle.
Can anyone chime in and start me on a proper course of study? much appreciated