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Thread: Insulin dependant diabetic + advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Worcestershire UK

    Insulin dependant diabetic + advice

    Please allow me to begin with my stats

    - Male 29 living in UK
    - WEIGHT just under 160 lbs.
    - 6 ft in height ( slim build )
    - Body fat under 20% actually 17/18%

    Right then as I've described above I'm tall thin and have a very small build, but I seriously want for this to change with the help of everybody who wishes to help me. I am an insulin dependant diabetic I take two doses a day 45units morning 55units evening. I wish to also start taking aas to increase my size and strength but honestly more so my size. I do run regularly and lift only light weight mostly arm related but all this with no change to my size
    I'm physically well and fit but I wish to look better, like so many other ppl do. The insulin which I take is Novomix-30.

    Which aas compound would be best suited for my use to gain specifically size over strength and will the assistance of my insulin help/detract away from any aas taken. Please all/any help support given will be gratefully appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    A good diet is where you need to start. Go to the nutrition section and lay out your diet and your goals. They can help you. You are not ready for aas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Worcestershire UK
    Thank you for your opinion Capebuffalo, luckily tho my diet really is enforced by my diabetes which mostly involves carbs be it pasta rice then protein from fish mostly tuna. I do not eat sugary foods like chocolate,

    Mostly tho it's pasta dishes with fish sweetcorn or chicken.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    My point is I realize your diet is dictated by your diabetes. Even so at 6 ft and under 160 lbs you will not retain any gains from aas until you eat more to support new growth. And lifting light weight only arm related, you ligaments and tendons will not handle the increase in strength. You will most likely pull and or tear something. Aas is not a wonder drug. You have to have a solid base before you begin. I hope you understand.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    There is actually a sticky about diabetic diet in the nutrition section.

    Btw did your dietician tell you to eat pasta as your only carb source?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Worcestershire UK
    Again thank you for replying. I will certainly checkout the nutrition guide, any changes that I can make to assist myself I will indeed do and I do truly understand all the points which have been made.

    I still feel that although aas is no wonder drug it could assist in reaching a goal for which I have set myself. HGH aas or testosterone surely one with my limited lifting will aid me with the insulin to gain?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by smith84 View Post
    Again thank you for replying. I will certainly checkout the nutrition guide, any changes that I can make to assist myself I will indeed do and I do truly understand all the points which have been made.

    I still feel that although aas is no wonder drug it could assist in reaching a goal for which I have set myself. HGH aas or testosterone surely one with my limited lifting will aid me with the insulin to gain?
    no it wont.
    I'm an insulin dependent diabetic also. Just because you eat food with out sugar or monitor your diet doesnt mean your eating to grow.
    Also you said you lift light weight and mostly do arms. How do you expect to get bigger working out like that? You need to start actually working out.
    Also i would talk to your dr. The type of insulin you are one is way out of date. I would switch to a basal insulin and a fast acting for meal time.
    and gh messes with your bg, there is no way you could control it with the insulin you take
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    I am a diabetic insulin dependant too. Trying to gain mass. Im on fast acting humalog for meals and slow acting lantus. I weigh 145lbs and I'm 5'9". Really just get on a better diet and start lifting and you'll gain. Most weight is gained in the legs and back so if you want to weigh more than work everything not just arms. And by the way chocolate is not bad for you as a diabetic. If you go get some dark chocolate its pretty much carb free and contains some vital nutrients that are hard for a diabetic to obtain because artificial insulin is not able to break down curtain compounds.

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