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  1. #1
    thegame01's Avatar
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    bad injections...please read

    hey guy's me and my bro are on our second cycle .first cycle was 300 of cyp and deca .our second one is eq and cyp at 400 and 500 respectively .We have never had a problem in the first cycle with injections.

    the last few shots havent went well with him .It hurts him more then usual and he gets a lump on his ass.Also the oil(lump) slowly disipates and he can feel the oil in his shorts ..he is wasting his shots !!!

    I know the next day everything is fine but i was just wondering what causes that and can he be doing harm in there .He always has a drop that comes out usually but not like this .

    i do his shots and go in all the way with 1.5 inch 22g pins in the upper outside quadrant. i inject slowly etc etc .I beleive i do the injections very well .I am a little anal when it comes to that shit so what else can it be .Can an ass be too big to inject in and it doesnt goin the muscle deep enough or what .

    i need to find out whats happening , please someone gotta know

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Only thing i can tell u guys to do is after the plunger is all the way down, keep the pin in for 20 seconds or so then pull out.
    Other then that I would just switch injection spots, cuz it sounds like you guys are only shooting the glutes.

  3. #3
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Might have to hit in in the thighs.

  4. #4
    mammoth's Avatar
    mammoth is offline Member
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    Ok, here's a suggestion. If you stretch the skin to one side before injection it will sometimes help. What happens is when you release the skin after pulling out the pin the stretched skin will move to an angle preventing any leakage. I have seen a diagram of this on this website so if you search you may find it.

  5. #5
    thegame01's Avatar
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    ya were only doing the glutes bro but there's alote of ass to play with .needles are small .I am having no problems with my injections at all .They are smooth as always and i have a tiny ass .He is thinking about going in the quads though.

    we alternate cheeks every other injections and inject every 5 days

    MBaraso we cant even finish the injection it hurts him too much and you can right away feel the lump on his ass (hard lump) then the oil leaks out ,alote of it if not all of it .

    Last shot i stopped after 1ml was put in and then stayed in for about 30 secs and pulled out .,The oil started leaking .He put the swab on .everything was ok the latter throughout the day the oil keeps seeping out and the lump goes down proportionately .weird stuff i know


  6. #6
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    mammoth said it right bro. stretch the skin before shooting, that way the hole in the skin wont line up with the hole down through the fat and muscle. works like a charm bro.

  7. #7
    thegame01's Avatar
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    hey bro 's i appreciate the replies but i dont think you guy's are quite getting it .I am not worried about the NORMAL leakage from the hole .I am worried about him having a lump the size of a golf ball which is not visible but he can feel it with his hand .

    This lump which did NOT allow him to inject the whole shot due to pain then proceeds to leak out SEVERAL hours latter until the lum is gone .I don tthink thats normal .

    We use the right pins and right procedures including spreading the skin to help it close the skin.This has helped for the regular leakage .

    Why is not happening to me .we are doing the same drugs ,same procedures ,pins ,speed ,mixture ,amount etc rtc .

    Are there any medical people that may have a theory

    Thanks again guy's i just wanted to re explain myself .

  8. #8
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Sounds like you guys really need to switch injection spots.
    Legs are easy as well as the shoulders.
    Try switching em up..

  9. #9
    chevy44's Avatar
    chevy44 is offline Member
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    im pretty sure the method that mammoth and monstercojones are referring to, is the z- method (i think) try a search and see what comes up

  10. #10
    mammoth's Avatar
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    Originally posted by thegame01
    hey bro 's i appreciate the replies but i dont think you guy's are quite getting it .I am not worried about the NORMAL leakage from the hole .I am worried about him having a lump the size of a golf ball which is not visible but he can feel it with his hand .

    This lump which did NOT allow him to inject the whole shot due to pain then proceeds to leak out SEVERAL hours latter until the lum is gone .I don tthink thats normal .

    I honestly don't quite understand the problem however I will try and guess. IMO lumps are normal. I don't shoot glutes simply for that reason. I don't think I have ever injected and not felt a lump. They sometimes can be painful depending on the gear. There are several reasons for pain. It could be the BA content or it could be the crystallized test that is left in the tissue after the oil has been absorbed. Personally I wouldn't be concerned with the pain, for it is typical. As far as the leakage hours later, that I haven't a clue as to the cause. However if you do try using the method we described it might help prevent that. I have never heard of leakage hours after a shot. Is it bloody leakage or simply a clear leakage? Weird either way!! Hope you figure it out though!

  11. #11
    thegame01's Avatar
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    no it's not bloody bro and we do use the z track method and i have never had a lump in all the shots i ever had .he never got lumps as well until now .You mean to tell me when you rub your ass you would feel a lump the size of a golf ball in there.i dont know bro .i highly doubt this is normal .

    As he sits down the oil leaks out more and more .The lump will not go down until all the oil has leaked out .His body is not absorbing the juice for some reason .thats what i am lookin for .Why is his body rejecting the oil all of sudden

    What happens if the shot didnt go in deep enough what would happen .We use 1.5 inch but he is about 28% bf


  12. #12
    Executioner's Avatar
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    Please switch injection spots! The scar tissue may prevent the juice from entering the body, and contains it to the area of injection. This is exactly why using the same site is NOT recommended. Lyle Alanzo had the same problem, and had baseball-sized lumps of scar tissue removed from his ass.

  13. #13
    thegame01's Avatar
    thegame01 is offline Member
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    thanks bro .We are looking into doing the quads (shit) .Is it really that quick to get scar tissue were 3 weeks into cycle 2


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