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Thread: Takeaways from my FIRST Cycle

  1. #1
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011

    Takeaways from my FIRST Cycle

    So I am on week 3 of my PCT currently, and would just like to give some bullets of my experience while on, and now off, of AAS.

    The Stats before / after:
    27 yrs old
    193 lbs / 203 lbs
    BF% 12% / 13%
    6' tall
    Lifting for 7+ years

    The Cycle
    1-12: 600mg Test E/wk (300mg 2x week)
    1-7: Armoasin, 25mg ED
    8-13: 25mg Proviron ED, .5mg Adex EoD
    1-12: 500UI HCG /wk (250ui 2x week)
    13: 1000UI HCG / wk (500iu 2x week)
    1-10: T3, 150mcg ED
    1-10: 120mg Clen ED, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

    Clomid: 100/50/25/25
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    I ate between 500-1000 above maint daily.

    Working out:
    Cardio was limited to about every other day at 30-45mins of fasted low intensity cardio in the morning.

    Workout was focused on Power/Hypertrophy

    I have yet to lose any gains, strength gains have stayed as well, though its back to the grind of not throwing more weight on every week.

    ***WTF Happened with Aromaisin???***
    I was taking Aromasin ED at the beginning of my cycle, late-morning with dietary fats. I got bloated eventually, started feeling funny so I got bloodwork done at like week 6, my E was pretty damn high so i immediately switched to Proviron and Adex, all the symptoms subsided within about a week.

    ***How is PCT going?***
    Absolutely amazing. there was about a 2 day period in week 1 where I felt as if i was converting from depending on external test to my body getting back up to speed with it, but after that BAM, cloud 9 again. Emotionally, physically nothing has changed. I still feel great etc

    ***What do you think of HCG***
    I'm not a science major, my knowledge is limited to what I have learned here. BUT. I believe, based on what I know (which isn't much), that the smaller you make the window where your body has to recover to get back to making normal amounts of test, the more gains you will keep. If my T is bottomed out for a week+, it doesn't matter how much i lift or eat, that shits going out the window, fast.

    "yea, but wtf does that have to do with HCG?" HCG kept my nuts working, so when it was time for them to take over again, they weren't dormant and it was a breeze.

    Would i recommend using HCG on cycle? HELL YES, in fact, at this point in time, if you ARE NOT using it you have no damn business cycling anyways, because it makes all the difference with recovery.

    ***Hows Libido on PCT***
    Ask my wife , its great! Nothing has changed, still hittin good :P. Feel alpha still.

    ***Did you have any estrogen related issues?***
    other than the time i spent using aromasin, no. I have no gyno or any of that. I developed some SERIOUSLY shitty acne on my shoulders, arms, back, and forarms that I could not get to go away with any topical remedies. I am still dealing with it now but it has subsided and should be completely gone in a week. Props goes to Austinite for the protocol im using to get rid of it, though i am unsure if it would have still stopped the acne. This is the ONE THING i want to figure out and FIX if possible before starting another cycle.

    ***Whats next for you, going to cycle again?***
    I already have my next cycle on hand:

    1-4 Tbol or Dbol (debating)
    1-16 Liver Sups
    1-14 Omnadren , 500mg/wk
    1-12 Deca , 400mg/wk
    1-16 Adex, Proviron, Prami protocol
    1-16 500iu HCG/wk

    Thank you to everyone here, without all of the information I would not have done this, and everyone really gave 110% and for me, it all paid off. Hopefully some people can take some things away from my post and learn from them, or help me improve certain aspects, sorry in advance for it being so messy!
    Java Man likes this.

  2. #2
    Spartans09's Avatar
    Spartans09 is offline Member
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    Your aromasin might have been bad. If you got it at Ar-r that would not be the case. I've had useless aromasin in pill form before.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great post. Enjoyed your questioning of "yourself." Glad you experience went well for you.
    Regarding the wife, we'll have to interview her and get her side of the story!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    So...what are the before and after results thus far?

  5. #5
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Aromasin was from AR-R , I would post pics if i werent in the military and didnt have pretty identifying tattoos. but roughly 5-7lbs of muscle kept from it. I had it all on hand over a year before actually starting it, was making sure I had everything I needed in regards to Plan A Plan B Plan C and fully understood what I was getting in to

  6. #6
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    Here is what I do for arm and shoulder acne now in addition to Austinites protocol:
    Attachment 141172

    Not kidding. It's working, too.

  7. #7
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Here is what I do for arm and shoulder acne now in addition to Austinites protocol:
    Attachment 141172

    Not kidding. It's working, too.

  8. #8
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    Throw some alcohol and AB soap on that bad boy and go to work. It will bleed, but that goes away

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