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  1. #1
    RainMaker360 is offline New Member
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    Free Gear and want to stack

    Hey all,
    25yo Male
    15% BF
    Training/Nutrition on point. Competed as a power lifter for 4 years then joined the Navy where I went through some extensive physical training to say the least.

    Ran two cycles of TestE & Sust250 12weeks. 1st cycle saw amazing gains and great results and my 2nd was interrupted when I broke my leg during a rugby tourney.

    Anyway, I was given some free gear and wanted to get a good stack to go with it or know if I should canX the shit given and build a cycle. I got 1000 5mg pills of Anabol (british AAS). Been reading it really isn't great shit, but I want to use it if I can. My hormones are a bit whack from my second cycle over 2yrs ago and want to make sure I do this cycle right and properly come off it. Needless to say, I have a pretty good grasp on how to go about taking a cycle, but I am sure over the last couple years there have been new ideas and practices that I should know before starting.

    Hit me!

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    How do you know your hormones are 'whack'? Did you run a PCT? Have you had bloodwork? What makes you think another cycle won't make it worse?

    Why don't you propose a cycle, including ancillaries and PCT plan and then you get a critique.

  3. #3
    omz2199 is offline New Member
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    what the hell is wrong with your left nipple

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by omz2199
    what the hell is wrong with your left nipple
    Knob head!

  5. #5
    RainMaker360 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post

    How do you know your hormones are 'whack'? Did you run a PCT? Have you had bloodwork? What makes you think another cycle won't make it worse?

    Why don't you propose a cycle, including ancillaries and PCT plan and then you get a critique.
    Yes I have had blood panels done by my physicians, we have counteracted most with natural supplements and medications. Test is actually what my Doc and I have discussed as a more active measure along with Hormone replacements my more personal underlying issues. So basically I will be prescribed test and hcg and have some slight input as to what dosage and prescription I am given. As well as having the capability of getting my hands on anything else that may produce more muscle gain results than what my doctor may prescribe me.

    My second cycle was stopped on week 7 with 2week of hospitalization and back to back surgeries. With that said I did not PCT that cycle and in the last year or so I have experience some ailments that I have brought to my physicians attention.

    I guess I want to know if the gear I received is worth taking with Test and an hCG and/or if I should stack something else with it. I will PCT Clomid and Novla 4wks

    Thanks for the speedy reply

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Your Dr is putting you TRT, is that right? At age 25? Does he know you have ran cycles? Has he not discussed running a restart protocol? Is he an endoCronologist?

  7. #7
    RainMaker360 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Your Dr is putting you TRT, is that right? At age 25? Does he know you have ran cycles? Has he not discussed running a restart protocol? Is he an endoCronologist?
    Lol thank you for your concern. I have been running an HRT and yes he is an ENDO doc. Nothing is confirmed with my doctor on putting me on a TRT yet, but yes I have discussed with him my past experiences cycling and he has gone about the appropriate ways to help readjust me. I understand the more information everyone has the better, but there are just too many details some of which I just don't plan to discuss. I am not asking anyone to give me advice that doesn't feel comfortable about the situation, but I had a question about what was given to me and what I could possibly stack with it. That is all....

  8. #8
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    I'm lost. You're on HRT but not TRT? Your endo thinks cycling is a good idea?

    Maybe you should post, with full disclosure, in our HRT forum. Some of our guys there are more knowledgeable than ALOT of endo's on TRT.

  9. #9
    RainMaker360 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I'm lost. You're on HRT but not TRT? Your endo thinks cycling is a good idea?

    Maybe you should post, with full disclosure, in our HRT forum. Some of our guys there are more knowledgeable than ALOT of endo's on TRT.
    HRT and TRT are not necessarily one in the same as you probably know. I am on a HGH regimen that has been used for a multitude of issues concering my parathyroid gland. Again not necessary information to achieve what I am looking for. But my Free-T is low and that is why we have discussed a TRT cycle to counteract that. I will look into the HRT forum. Thanks

  10. #10
    RainMaker360 is offline New Member
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    Again, If anyone has cycled anabol 5mg tabs and seen results let me know. It was free so I don't really care if I throw the shit away, just wanted some input on the subject.

    Thank you

  11. #11
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Sounds as if your the cause of all your issues by reckless behavior, which by this question you continue to aspire to keep doing.

    Good luck.

  12. #12
    RainMaker360 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Sounds as if your the cause of all your issues by reckless behavior, which by this question you continue to aspire to keep doing.

    Good luck.
    Wow, I have had issues on this site before trying to get information, but seriously?! Not only is this not my first go around, but I have a doctor who will be monitoring my injections and running countless tests and labs through out the months. I am not trying to live to be 100! I am not even trying to live to be 50. I can promise you if I died tomorrow I would die happy. I have traveled the world, slept with countless women, served my country, and put my life on the line doing so. What is the point of life if you don't live a little recklessly?! I live a happy and healthy life. Appreciate the criticism and advice (or lack there of), but I had one simple question. Too difficult to answer apparently, even though I have given more than enough knowledge and information "IMO" to be awarded one.

  13. #13
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    OP I have no advice on your question. It seems foreign to me. OK. That's my input ...crazy mike

  14. #14
    Zodiac85's Avatar
    Zodiac85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RainMaker360 View Post
    Appreciate the criticism and advice (or lack there of), but I had one simple question. Too difficult to answer apparently, even though I have given more than enough knowledge and information "IMO" to be awarded one.
    I don't want to put words in everyone else's mouths, but your question is too difficult to answer correctly. Exactly because you have not given enough information. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but the vets around here want to give you the best overall advice for you. That means they'll bug you about your diet and body fat and work out routine and medical history (especially since you mentioned wonky hormones) until either you give them all the info they need to feel comfortable answering, or they'll leave the thread and let you research on your own. Same reason they won't answer steroid questions for 19 year olds. I respect that and that's why I hang around here.

  15. #15
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
    Chx beach 79 is offline Senior Member
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    I personally don't agree with most orals.

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