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  1. #1
    MBear is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    Tips and advice towards my 2nd cycle.

    I am just looking for any tips and advice towards my next cycle. I did my first cycle about a year ago of Test E 500mg every week and it was something I enjoyed a lot.
    Ht: 5’10
    Wt: 235
    Age 22(23 in a month)
    Bf: Not sure
    8 years in weightlifting, 2 years in powerlifting for training experience.
    My diet is not too strict since I am more into powerlifting than bodybuilding. I am currently getting ready to get out the military and start school. I am probably not going to start this cycle until I see where I am financially, and see how I am going to work around, school, work, and gym.
    Current gym stats are 310 bench, 410 squat, and 470 DL, and yes I know they are low for powerlifting and my height and weight. I follow the Westside Barbell method a lot. I plan on competing as soon as I get some good numbers, maybe after I do this cycle. I am also a lot into sports, for example long runs(I have a 22min 3 mile run, apparently that is good for a guy my size), sprints, and playing football. I would like to try out for the football team in my school, we’ll see, the military left my knees pretty banged up.
    I also want to do a tummy tuck surgery to get rid of a lot of excessive skin I have around the abdominal area, so if anyone has advice on this I would appreciate it. I know I am young to start cycling but my overall goal is to be a strength and conditioning coach, and I would really like to train through-out the summers in the great powerlifting gyms around the US and learn anything I can. Enough about me babbling, here is what I plan on doing next.

    Week 1-12: Test E Tuesday Morning 300mg/Saturday Night 300mgs
    Week 6-12 Anavar 50mg ED
    Week 8-12 HCG 250 UI twice a week
    Week 15-17 PCT
    Novaldex 50/50/25/25
    Clomid 50/50/25/25
    BTW: I can’t really get a hold of Armidex, the place I buy from does not carry this.

  2. #2
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Run HCG from day 1
    Increase PCT to
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Get a nice liver support supplement.
    Checkout our sponsor ar-r top right red lion for Aromasin or Adex
    You need an AI on cycle to control your E2, don't start this cycle without it.

    And do Tues ad Friday injections. to get 3.5 days apart.

  3. #3
    MBear is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    Thank you. Why the clomid so high? And I forgot to say that I plan on taking milk thistle for liver support. And will do on the injections. Thanks again.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I would suggest you read the young and steroids sticky bro.And cutting some weight wouldn't hurt.Dont use the excuse of being a powerlifter for a bad eating habits.

  5. #5
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBear View Post
    Thank you. Why the clomid so high? And I forgot to say that I plan on taking milk thistle for liver support. And will do on the injections. Thanks again.
    NAC is probably the best choice for liver support and can also help with other things.

  6. #6
    toilet is offline Banned
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    Nov 2012
    I am a noob here but;

    - your BF % seems way too high to cycle if you are looking at a tummy tuck.

    Also out of interest what were your results after your first cycle?

  7. #7
    MBear is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I would suggest you read the young and steroids sticky bro.And cutting some weight wouldn't hurt.Dont use the excuse of being a powerlifter for a bad eating habits.

    Will do. I don't think I have so much of a bad habbit. I think what kills me the most are those nights of binge drinking that kill which I've cut down a lot. I am trying to be sort of lean, kind of like a Ed Coan, Chuck Vogelpohl look I guess.

  8. #8
    MBear is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by toilet View Post
    I am a noob here but;

    - your BF % seems way too high to cycle if you are looking at a tummy tuck.

    Also out of interest what were your results after your first cycle?
    Yeah, in a way I want to do this cycle after the tummy tuck since I sort of find it a waste of money if I am going to be out for 6 weeks, but the tummy tuck will not come till maybe 3-5 year from now since its around 7000 and I really don't make that kind of money fast, but I also want to compete as soon as possible.

    Started off at 220, through out the cycle went all the way to 245 and once I laid off I stuck to 235. My bench went from a 265 to a 295, my squat from a 360 to a 410 and deadlift from a 435 to a 470. I THINK what killed it was the fact that I went back to infantry training at the end of the cycle. For the past year I been training for deployment and what not.

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