Ever Since my first cycle i have always ran Test higher with other anabolics. My last 2 blast have been with low dose test and higher Tren for example. After a lot of research, personal trial and error, blood work, and bro talk I know for myself I respond better to a low test cycle. I am very sensitive to e2, never had any issues with gyno but experience all the other sides associated with e2. I have a very hard time controlling my e2 while running 500mg of test or more, I respond very well to both stane and adex, a small dose of both can tank my e2 so easily ( bw has been done ) ie. .5 adex E3D or 12mg of stane ED. Running Test solo at 500mg and above I want to run an AI regardless of how i feel for obvious health reasons. Every high test cycle i have ran i had a hard time controlling it even with blood work. Besides the pain of trying to control my e2 I experience 0 sides with 19 nors and other AAS while running my maint TrT dose or going up to maybe 300mg PW tops. I have everything on hand but have yet even ran an ai in my last 2 blast with npp/tren. Had blood work all through out and numbers were great compared to when i would run my test much higher. My last bloods I had done my free test came back at over 900 ng/dl not total, free! I think my free was so high because at the time i was taking stane 10mg ED, that proves the significant impact this ai has! This kind of turned into a rantbut I want to see how many members here run cycles like me and also have as hard as of a time as i do with controlling your estrogen. It really isn't easy. It has taken me a lot of trial and error and a lot of blood work to learn how my body responds to all this gear.
Below is my next blast
Test E- 250-300mg PW
NPP- 150mg EOD
Mast- 100mg EOD
Var- 100mg ED
Stane- 8mg ED ( If needed/adjust as i feel )
Caber/Prami on hand. Caber makes me feel like sh!t and i have yet to try prami so if i feel the need I will be using Prami not caber.
After this blast I will cruise for 4 weeks and then go right into this for another 8 weeks
Test E- 250mg PW
Tren Ace- 50mg EOD
Mast - 200mg EOD
Winny- 50mg EOD ( Had Bloods done when i last ran winny for just 4 weeks at 50mg EOD and levels were still in range )
AI/DA same as above.
Imo this is the best way to cycle. I look leaner, feel better, and feel none of the sides i experience while running high test with a 19 nor.