I'm 19, 174 lbs, 5'11'' i have been lifting for roughly 6-7 years starting in 7th grade(a little early but it was west texas football). I have been lifting hard for 3-4 years, and I just became fully dedicated to lifting as I entered college last semester. I want to wait a few years before I begin a cycle, but I want to start learning now. This might seem silly but I was wondering about the legal supplements such as zmasspm, and andro are they ok to take at my age for a few months? I have low body fat, and I have had the hardest time putting on weight. What safe alternatives can I go to along with a different training program to put on some more mass. I have gone from 165 to 158 trimming fat and mass along with quitting alcohol drinking and such then back up to 174 where I am now stuck at. I watch my diet very carefully and gobble up glut. and whey, sleeping plenty, alot of water, etc. Im addicted to this sport and I want to maximize my gains until I'm ready for a cycle. Thanks everyone and I happy to be a new member.