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Thread: Basis for Juice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Basis for Juice

    I'm 19, 174 lbs, 5'11'' i have been lifting for roughly 6-7 years starting in 7th grade(a little early but it was west texas football). I have been lifting hard for 3-4 years, and I just became fully dedicated to lifting as I entered college last semester. I want to wait a few years before I begin a cycle, but I want to start learning now. This might seem silly but I was wondering about the legal supplements such as zmasspm, and andro are they ok to take at my age for a few months? I have low body fat, and I have had the hardest time putting on weight. What safe alternatives can I go to along with a different training program to put on some more mass. I have gone from 165 to 158 trimming fat and mass along with quitting alcohol drinking and such then back up to 174 where I am now stuck at. I watch my diet very carefully and gobble up glut. and whey, sleeping plenty, alot of water, etc. Im addicted to this sport and I want to maximize my gains until I'm ready for a cycle. Thanks everyone and I happy to be a new member.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Deadlifting in the Vatican
    If indeed you are 19 and been lifting as long as you claim yet unable to gain more weight I'm inclined to question your diet and your training. At your age your gonads should be cranking out a variety of growth enhancing hormones. Which brings us back to the question of why you're stagnant.

    I have posted responses to young men like you before in which all things are not properly adjusted. You are still growing, although you might be unaware of the scope in which it's happening.

    Many times, younger guys like you have failed to adjust the diet accordingly and failed to calculate increased caloric intake, have failed to factor in adequate consumption of fats, and maybe not fully adjusted protein intake.

    If the above is true, then the other issue to correct is the type of exercise program. Frequently, the problem lies in either overtraining
    or undertraining. You are at an age when growth should really be moving ahead, provided all things are in line.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    well I put on 14 pounds since Spring break, I guess I just have plateau-ed again for the past few weeks and need to change my training a little. I'm going 3 days on with a day break then 2 or 3 days on again according to my work schedule. Well I'm just going to continue reading, I kinda just wanted to introduce myself and get to know everyone.


    Im going to post a most recent pic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	april 23 - 8.jpg 
Views:	215 
Size:	35.4 KB 
ID:	19002  
    Last edited by TiptronicSoldier; 05-21-2003 at 01:40 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    these are from april 23 when i weighed 162.9, i need to take some recent ones but I dont have a cam.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	april 23 - 9.jpg 
Views:	209 
Size:	36.3 KB 
ID:	19001  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Deadlifting in the Vatican
    Then it sounds like you may have figured out one of the reasons for the recent plateau. Diet is super important but training schedule and regimen will be equally as important, especially if your muscles have adapted to the routine you established.

    I. Rhino

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    wow, nice ripped look, bro i used to look like that before istarted bulking. i had the same prob. what i did was this.

    method 1:

    1.25 grams of protein/lb of bw
    3 grams of carbs/lb of bw
    or if u r are afraid to get fat then do 2.5 grams of carbs/lb of bw
    1 gallon of water ed, no junk food (cause i see it i nthe back ground of the picture).

    also the only way ur gonna gain mass, is if u sacrifice that ripped look of yours to add more calories.


    method 2:

    this method is good, but it will build muscle at say 1 lb a week or so

    to find out how many cals u need u should nultiply ur bw by 18

    bw = body weight in lbs

    grams of carbs = 18 x bw x .60 / 4 = grams of carbs every day
    gram of protein = grams of carbs/2
    grams of fat = grams of protein/ 3

    method 2 is great for keeping ur muscle fat ratio, u will put some fat on, but u should be able to always see ur abs, with method 1, your abs will disappear in no time, btu ur strength and muscle mass will skyrocket !

    now i have my ripped look back, not as ripped as urs cause im bulking again, but trust me, dont fear fat, if u put it on, u can easily get it off.

    good luck man ! pm me if needed !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Alright thanks, I drinking close to 2 gallons of water each day, is that too much? Then a little over a gallon on "off-days." Last pic is posted. Thanks again.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	april 23 - back 1.jpg 
Views:	150 
Size:	35.8 KB 
ID:	19009  

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Hahahahahaha, the junk food...Its all gone by now - thanks to my room mate, I'm sticking to snack wells and detour bars now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    Try supplements like Trac-Creatine, or Cell tech. Add a multivitamin. I'v had some freinds that looked like you and they drank a gatoradie and ate a peanuttbutter sandwich (this is extra than they would normally eat..) and then popped a couple Xenadrine. Even though xenadrine is used most often for fat loss, they used it for an energy boost. It helped them hit the weights harder and they got good gains.

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