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Thread: second cycle - Bulking stack and burning fat "DIET"

  1. #1

    second cycle - Bulking stack and burning fat "DIET"

    Im into my second week. 40mg winstrol e/d, 400 deca week, 500 sust 250 week

    30 years old 5ft 10 bit of a beer belly and bit of fat on chest (lost track for a year or so bad diet etc)

    My question is can I still get good muscle gains and loose my fat with the diet I am on?

    so far diet consists of weetabix on morning with small amount of semi milk, 1 hour later protein shake

    lunch grilled chicken breast with veg, 1 hour later more chicken (on its own)

    dinner grilled chicken with veg, 1 hour later protein shake

    supper 1 or 2 tins tuna with salt and low fat salad cream.

    any advice appreciated

    P.S I am averaging 1 Kilo of chicken breast a day and its getting boring


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    East Coast: on the beach
    You will probably have better luck posting your diet in the nutrition section... Let the experts over there take a look at it, and they will give you some good advice. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    East Coast: on the beach
    Last edited by Chx beach 79; 07-05-2013 at 03:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    NOt enough info for us

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