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Thread: end of cycle... and a pic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    end of cycle... and a pic

    I just finished up with my tren 1cc ed for 8 weeks... have about 1 week left of Prop.... I think the cycle came out well, with some nice lean gains... I just hope i can keep most of it while i lean down just a little.

    anyone have a guess at where my body fat looks.... take in mind that im only flexing my stomach in the pic.....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sm_1.jpg 
Views:	353 
Size:	78.5 KB 
ID:	19004  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    looking good, but i think u put thsi picture in the wrong section!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    New Orleans
    maybe 10%? Looking good tho...umm ur nips always that red ??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by bobbo23
    maybe 10%? Looking good tho...umm ur nips always that red ??
    I changed the levels on the photo because i am pasty white right now... and wanted to give it a little more of a tan so my cuts would come out... it made my nipps look a little more red.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    lxorl, you are looking great brotha! BF I would say around 12%. So you ran a prop/fina cycle huh? What exactly were your gains? I see the added size in your chest, delts and traps.

    Good luck in your post cycle quest to keep what you gained in muscle. A few tips...don't go cutting calories any lower for at least a few months, make sure the protein is way up bro, I'd be eating at least 400 grams/day if I were you. Start taking cell tech post workout or some other creatine. You got clomid right? Run it for 4 weeks.

    Keep us posted!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by pumpseeker
    lxorl, you are looking great brotha! BF I would say around 12%. So you ran a prop/fina cycle huh? What exactly were your gains? I see the added size in your chest, delts and traps.

    Good luck in your post cycle quest to keep what you gained in muscle. A few tips...don't go cutting calories any lower for at least a few months, make sure the <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> is way up bro, I'd be eating at least 400 grams/day if I were you. Start taking cell tech post workout or some other <a href="" target="_blank">creatine</a> . You got clomid right? Run it for 4 weeks.

    Keep us posted!
    yeah i got extra clomid...... so i can run it high the first 1.5 weeks then just run it normal...... my protine is already pretty dammm high... I was gonna do some creatine along with clomid. i want to keep muscle but work on losing some of the fat...... thinking of running some Clen/eca soon, maybe i should waite for a month or so ?? but i also hear clen is anti catabolic so it could help preserv gains...

    i dont really know what my gains were.... i went from roughly 200 -205 maybe 207 but in the process i think the tren leaned me out so i actually probably lost 2-3lb of fat... which makes the muscle gain in the area of 5-10 hard to gague... im gonna go get my fat% taken soon.... ill keep eating about the same, but a little cleaner, with more cardio and keep lifting heavy....

    my thing is i like putting size on in small steps instead of blowing up all at once, its easier to go in steps then go bigger than you want and be stuck... i guess i wish i had put on a little more size so when i lose a little i will be looking like i am now... but with what I used, i guess i got what i expected....

    maybe run a Dbol, deca, test cycle this winter

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I'd like to see your diet...what you were eating during the cycle and now. Keep up the heavy lifting...maybe switch to high reps for a few weeks to change it up..and hit the cardio. As long as your diet is in check...that's the most important part.

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