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Thread: Need some advice please

  1. #1

    Need some advice please

    Hey guys, new here and was looking for some advice. I've have experience with sust and am currently on it. Problem is when I got to second bottle, after first bottle of 10cc, I began to experience the symptoms of coming off test when I actually wasn't. Water retention. disappeared, bad acne, depression, loss of hardness in muscle. I'm nearing the end of that bottle ( doing 1cc every 3 days) and I'm so not happy with gains n strength. I look good n made some gains but don't look way I should at all after 20cc of sust. I'm convinced bottle was low dose or old but not fake. First bottle was perfect n like I said, I've done same sust b4 with great gains.I was thinking bout just going straight into Ananthate n Eq, not sure of dose yet. I have my clomid n HCG also. Is this a terrible idea n if not, what doses should I use each week.
    I'm just so pissed about whatever it is that happened to me when I started second bottle of sust. I apologize if I'm not being specific enough about certain things, I've already typed a lot... Advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hey ceelow and welcome to the borad!!

    It seems you don't have enough knowledge about how to safely use steroids so I'm glad you've found us!!

    I would recommended a full 4 week nolv/clom pct 18 days after your last shot. If you want to run a different cycle, time on+pct=time off is a good protocol.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Thank you. I do understand that my idea was not a great one n what u said to do is why I have my clomid n HCG. I planned to come off correctly and take a break b4 next cycle but given what happened I'm just really annoyed and I guess hoping someone would tell me some way where I can stay on cycle without harming myself. Thought taking my HCG right b4 moving straight to next cycle and purchasing more. I now nobody would recommend doing it but wanted to know if it was possible without harming my system.
    Last edited by CeeLow; 07-07-2013 at 07:50 AM.

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Time to do your pct and regroup. Get all your products set for the next go and get sufficient time off while doing some research as well

  5. #5
    I was wondering since I've only been on 8weeks of sust, what if I only added 10cc which would bring me to 12 weeks on? Is that a possibility? Instead of an entire new cycle.
    And do u guys think I need to wait 18days b4 pct, given I don't add to my current cycle, cause like I said I think this last bottle of sust I'm on was definitely bad and I'm experiencing symptoms of coming off cold turkey. Terrible acne, all water retention is gone, depression, softer muscles. So should I really wait 18days to start pct or is there a way I can simply know it's time physicaly? I've never dealt with bad gear b4 so all this is new to me.
    I know some of these questions might sound dumb but as u can see I need some help... Thnx again guys

  6. #6
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    Did you get the bottles from 2 different sources? Two different types? Thats never a good idea with UGLs that you haven't used before. Yeah... If you don't think the juice is working, or if you think its bunk, whats the point of stretching out the cycle? You'll just keep losing gains (as you mentioned), getting weeker ect, and delay time for PCT. I agree with getting on PCT asap and letting your body recover. It'll just be counterproductive if you don't. And I believe pct for sust is at least 21 days after last shot. Depending on your dosages. I personally don't like sust for that reason alone. You're best bet would be to get a blood test done. That way you could see if your gear that you've been shooting is bunk, and hop on pct right away.

  7. #7
    I actually got both bottles from the same source n same brand. That how I know for sure something was wrong. Plus my source is a great one for many years.

    Getting a blood test is a great idea, thnx. But just what am I looking for in results or what should I ask doctor. Ask if my test levels are low? I'm obviously gonna tell doctor what's wrong n about my cycle, but how do I know I'm ready for pct, if so, when I get results? Will he tell me to go ahead with my pct if I need it?
    I'm definitely gonna regroup and wait, don't know what I was thinking. I'm just so pissed at the results of this cycle fail! Never thought this kinda shit would happen to me.

  8. #8
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    Just putting this out there but you said you lost myself and hardness after your first bottle of sust so is there any chance your diet was not sufficient for the NEW muscle? Sometimes people forget with new muscle you really do need to eat more to constantly keep up with new muscle growth.

    Also a side note if you have only been on 8 weeks then finish the cycle properly. Go to 12 weeks with more sust and absolute kill the rest of your cycle. My advice would be not to waste your cycle it's just a small blip you still have plenty of time to put it right.

    Don't tell your doctor anything about AAS as it will go on record. Get blood work done privately ASAP

    Good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    *Sorry myself was muscle

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