Hey guys, new here and was looking for some advice. I've have experience with sust and am currently on it. Problem is when I got to second bottle, after first bottle of 10cc, I began to experience the symptoms of coming off test when I actually wasn't. Water retention. disappeared, bad acne, depression, loss of hardness in muscle. I'm nearing the end of that bottle ( doing 1cc every 3 days) and I'm so not happy with gains n strength. I look good n made some gains but don't look way I should at all after 20cc of sust. I'm convinced bottle was low dose or old but not fake. First bottle was perfect n like I said, I've done same sust b4 with great gains.I was thinking bout just going straight into Ananthate n Eq, not sure of dose yet. I have my clomid n HCG also. Is this a terrible idea n if not, what doses should I use each week.
I'm just so pissed about whatever it is that happened to me when I started second bottle of sust. I apologize if I'm not being specific enough about certain things, I've already typed a lot... Advice