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Thread: Little help

  1. #1
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Little help

    So im doing a rite up on tren sides..primarily night swats actually. I have what I consider a fairly sound theory and data to support it but i wanna gather as much input as is possible and consider all possibilities before i start putting it all down from outline to write up.
    Anyway gimme your thoughts guys? Why do you think tren causes night sweats ?

  2. #2
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    Great question. While most of us realize Tren is not a "fat burner" or metabolic enhancer per se, at the same time it's shown to allow you to effectively lose fat while on a maintenance TDEE. Most of that is due to Trens nutrient portioning but it seems as if there is something else going on there. I know that it effects my BP and heart rate like no other AAS and I suspect that whatever mechanism of Tren causes that, also is responsible (at least in part) to the added sweats.

    Side note: Everyone keeps referring to "night sweats" yet (for me) Tren has this effect on my day or night. Not to mention the smell of the sweat is much more pungent.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Great question. While most of us realize Tren is not a "fat burner" or metabolic enhancer per se, at the same time it's shown to allow you to effectively lose fat while on a maintenance TDEE. Most of that is due to Trens nutrient portioning but it seems as if there is something else going on there. I know that it effects my BP and heart rate like no other AAS and I suspect that whatever mechanism of Tren causes that, also is responsible (at least in part) to the added sweats.

    Side note: Everyone keeps referring to "night sweats" yet (for me) Tren has this effect on my day or night. Not to mention the smell of the sweat is much more pungent.
    All possible contributing or direct factors. Good post lunk.

  4. #4
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    I agree with Lunk on the day sweats and night sweat. I personally didn't notice a difference really between the day and night. It was a 24 hour sweat for me. Had to bring multiple shirts to work cause riding in the car to work and sitting in a chair my back would be soaked. This was with good temperature rooms also. I think night sweats happen more cause he actually get warmer through the night and our bodies to not get to breath as much cause the covers over us and then our sleep cycles. going into REM and kicking and fidgeting and our heart rate goes up and down constantly during the night.

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    I forgot to mention that I will not run tren again due to the trensomnia. I could take some melatonin and typically fall asleep but I could not STAY asleep at all. I would wake up 4+ times a night, and have trouble getting to sleep again. Not sure if others experienced this.

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    Do you guys think there is a different hormonal effect that contributes to this side ?

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    Sex Differences in the Metabolic Effects of Testosterone in Sheep


    Hormonal imbalances can affect the way in which your body regulates its core temperature. Low testosterone levels may cause hot flashes, which cause your body temperature to abnormally spike throughout the day. Hot flashes may cause profuse sweating or flushing and may disrupt your ability to sleep through the night.- Hormonal imbalances can affect the way in which your body regulates its core temperature. Low testosterone levels may cause hot flashes, which cause your body temperature to abnormally spike throughout the day. Hot flashes may cause profuse sweating or flushing and may disrupt your ability to sleep through the night. Merc Manual on Make Hypogonadism

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    Seems like a mute point when guys are running exogenous test and have BW that shows test levels in the thousands. Not saying that an overall imbalance may not be the cause but the paragraph simply refers to low test levels causing hot flashes.

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    austinite's Avatar
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    Interesting. I did a little bit of research myself on this one. My main reason for researching was to find out why I do not respond to trenbolone in a positive matter, I only get side effects. But I came across some interesting reads.

    I would work my way backwards with this one.

    Perspiration is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This system is connected to all of our sweat glands and it's actions are involuntary. Unlike other systems (that control senses). So the sympathetic system exists to regulate body temperature based on things you do, such as level of activity, sexual function, etc... that trigger the release of sweat from elevated body temperature.

    Now, we know that emotions can trigger the sympathetic nervous system (for example; if you're nervous or scared you might begin to sweat). So this is a psychological effect that starts in the brain. SNS is complex and smart enough to prevent excessive perspiration and only releasing it when needed. However, just like anything else, it's possible that it could malfunction. This is called hyperhidrosis. I had a hard time finding out reasons for malfunction, but all evidence leads to a main and dominating reason: emotional distress.

    Hormonal changes from Trenbolone and the fluctuation in serum levels can lead to emotional distress. Even if we 'think' we feel OK, a whole lot is going on in the background. My theory is that Trenbolone causes the sympathetic nervous system to malfunction. Causing it to be triggered at random.

    I don't think there is a solution, however, I believe that it can be alleviated by lower doses and more frequent injections. Ideally, twice daily, but that's just not going to happen. So anything beyond daily injections could cause a higher level of malfunction in the SNS.

    I could be way off of course, but that's what I've concluded from considering the lack of studies.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Interesting. I did a little bit of research myself on this one. My main reason for researching was to find out why I do not respond to trenbolone in a positive matter, I only get side effects. But I came across some interesting reads.

    I would work my way backwards with this one.

    Perspiration is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This system is connected to all of our sweat glands and it's actions are involuntary. Unlike other systems (that control senses). So the sympathetic system exists to regulate body temperature based on things you do, such as level of activity, sexual function, etc... that trigger the release of sweat from elevated body temperature.

    Now, we know that emotions can trigger the sympathetic nervous system (for example; if you're nervous or scared you might begin to sweat). So this is a psychological effect that starts in the brain. SNS is complex and smart enough to prevent excessive perspiration and only releasing it when needed. However, just like anything else, it's possible that it could malfunction. This is called hyperhidrosis. I had a hard time finding out reasons for malfunction, but all evidence leads to a main and dominating reason: emotional distress.

    Hormonal changes from Trenbolone and the fluctuation in serum levels can lead to emotional distress. Even if we 'think' we feel OK, a whole lot is going on in the background. My theory is that Trenbolone causes the sympathetic nervous system to malfunction. Causing it to be triggered at random.

    I don't think there is a solution, however, I believe that it can be alleviated by lower doses and more frequent injections. Ideally, twice daily, but that's just not going to happen. So anything beyond daily injections could cause a higher level of malfunction in the SNS.

    I could be way off of course, but that's what I've concluded from considering the lack of studies.
    Interesting and a part or at least portion of the things i had at lest partially considered and this basic premise is touched on in my outline. Keep the thoughts coming guys there is no "right or wrong" here. Lets see what we can come up with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Seems like a mute point when guys are running exogenous test and have BW that shows test levels in the thousands. Not saying that an overall imbalance may not be the cause but the paragraph simply refers to low test levels causing hot flashes.
    True however there is at least some impact tren has on hormones or the upregulation of their recptors that test does not impact NEARLY as much. Perhaps a consideration?

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    Tipping my hand a bit: Effect of plasma prolactin on sweat rate and sw... [Am J Physiol. 1993] - PubMed - NCBI
    Relevance is obvious.
    A quote from this abstract: ".....when estrogen was administered with progestin, suggesting that estrogen modifies progestin-related changes in temperature regulation.

    This shows that while progestins (if tren really is one) RAISE the threshold for sweating EXCEPT in the presence of eevated estrogen. Hmmmm
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 07-07-2013 at 05:05 PM.

  13. #13
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    I'm excited to see this write up.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Tipping my hand a bit: Effect of plasma prolactin on sweat rate and sw... [Am J Physiol. 1993] - PubMed - NCBI
    Relevance is obvious.

    Estrogen modifies the temperature effects of ... [J Appl Physiol. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI
    A quote from this abstract: ".....when estrogen was administered with progestin, suggesting that estrogen modifies progestin-related changes in temperature regulation.

    This shows that while progestins (if tren really is one) RAISE the threshold for sweating EXCEPT in the presence of eevated estrogen. Hmmmm
    I can see (and was thinking earlier) where menopausal women are often put on estro/progesterone replacement therapy and obviously one of the biggest symptoms they experience is hot flashes and sweating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Tipping my hand a bit: Effect of plasma prolactin on sweat rate and sw... [Am J Physiol. 1993] - PubMed - NCBI
    Relevance is obvious.

    Estrogen modifies the temperature effects of ... [J Appl Physiol. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI
    A quote from this abstract: ".....when estrogen was administered with progestin, suggesting that estrogen modifies progestin-related changes in temperature regulation.

    This shows that while progestins (if tren really is one) RAISE the threshold for sweating EXCEPT in the presence of eevated estrogen. Hmmmm

    This is interesting, as many know in my past life I lost the ability to use heroin socially ;-) (I was a junkie)... Anyhow been off hard drugs for 20 yrs. However the first time I used Tren one of the first things I noticed was that it had two effects very similar to Heroin. Both sweating ( sweating without exercise or high temps) and sexual functions ( erections not as extreme as normal and endless staying power). Possibly they both (opiates and tren) exhibit changes to plasma prolactin levels.

    After doing a little research, it would seem that plasma prolactin level changes could indeed be responsible for decreased erections as well as staying power.

    Effects of acute prolactin manipulation on sexu... [J Endocrinol. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI

    And that opiates may well cause these changes in plasma prolactin levels.

    Effects of acute prolactin manipulation on sexu... [J Endocrinol. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI

    So yes I would say you may very well be on to something.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 07-07-2013 at 06:56 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I can see (and was thinking earlier) where menopausal women are often put on estro/progesterone replacement therapy and obviously one of the biggest symptoms they experience is hot flashes and sweating.
    This has been an analogy I have used for quite some time and I firmly believe thee is a degree of connection.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    This is interesting, as many know in my past life I lost the ability to use heroin socially ;-) (I was a junkie)... Anyhow been off hard drugs for 20 yrs. However the first time I used Tren one of the first things I noticed was that it had two effects very similar to Heroin. Both sweating ( sweating without exercise or high temps) and sexual functions ( erections not as extreme as normal and endless staying power). Possibly they both (opiates and tren) exhibit changes to plasma prolactin levels.

    After doing a little research, it would seem that plasma prolactin level changes could indeed be responsible for decreased erections as well as staying power.

    Effects of acute prolactin manipulation on sexu... [J Endocrinol. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI

    And that opiates may well cause these changes in plasma prolactin levels.

    Effects of acute prolactin manipulation on sexu... [J Endocrinol. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI

    So yes I would say you may very well be on to something.
    And given opiates effects on dopamine and thus prolactin I do not disagree.

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    Also we are all aware (or should be) or the thoughts expressed re tren and potential kidney duress. Interestingly enough kidney distress has a major side effect of hyperhydrosis AND along with that excess urea being sweated out of the skin which has an odor. Sound familiar at all ?

    This one is gonna require some serious work.

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    Hmmmm. One thing my blood tests while on tren did not include was kidney function. Next time I run it I will establish a baseline by getting tested clean, then get tested for kidney function along with the usual lipid and liver tests.

    I didn't even think to get kidney function tested. I wish there were human studies with tren.

    I'm thinking about what I read about trenbolone ie: 'to increase feed efficiency' when used on cattle of course, but I see no reason why it would be any different in human skeletal muscle... Since it kicks the anabolism cycle into overdrive and the body releases growth and repair mechanisms while we sleep, it makes sense to me that the accelerated growth and repair taking place due to the accelerated and excessive damage a bodybuilder on tren would do would cause excess body heat to be generated while asleep thus triggering the SNS response explained in more detail above than I could possibly explain by Austinite.

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    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 07-08-2013 at 06:46 AM.

  21. #21
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    Hey! I've been counting and collecting "Jimmy Likes" for months now. Thanks a lot, Java!

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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Hey! I've been counting and collecting "Jimmy Likes" for months now. Thanks a lot, Java!
    You need to raise your standards buddy! lol

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    bump for input/thoughts...

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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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    That's it????? Need more feedback folks. Like Jimmy said, there is no right or wrong here, the more thoughts the merrier. Thanks for everyones input, lots of thoughts got my brain going in all sorts of directions.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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    Had some good night sweats along with sleepless nights running test and Tren. Different story when I added mast. No sweats and sleeping quite well.

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