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Thread: Using steroids to start training again?

  1. #1

    Using steroids to start training again?

    I have a bad back. Inflammation. It keeps me from being able to run, lift and pretty much do anything without pain, which is extra bad because I unload boxes by hand all day. I have a coworker who has taken steroids for the last two decades without any ill effects. He says he takes two doses a month and it is enough to keep him from getting too sore from work. I was thinking that maybe small doses would be enough to help fight inflammation and help me heal faster from my job. I want to be able to exercise again. Especially running. I have seen doctors and have been going to a chiropractor regularly for the past 8 months. I still hurt. I just want some help.

    I don't need a big dose so I can get jacked. Some extra muscle is awesome, but I don't need to look like a fitness God. I will gain enough just from being able to exercise normally again. I don't want to ask the coworker anything, I don't want anyone I know to know I am taking it. So I need some advice. What is the best product? How do I take it? I heard injecting has the least side effects? What is the lowest dose I can take and still see some results? What's the best way to avoid side effects? How long do I take it? How long do I stay off? Where do I get it? And any other advice would be awesome.

  2. #2
    well your chiro is very likely a part of the problem, and i recommend you go see some qualified health care people like physical therapist preferably a Dr. Back&neck PT. Chiros are dangerous, they will most often lie to you that you have Scholeoesis for example and act as if they can set it straight (which no one can with manipulation by hand).

    if you have constant inflammation you might have something severe, like in my case multiple disc degeneration and a herniation. And i can promise you this, the Chiro wont know shit about it and even less what is right to do.
    One thing you should do right now is check a straight leg raise test(see it on youtube) check if your pain leads somewhere, that way you can exclude some of the more severe back injuries.

    learn how to treat inflammation, check on google. learn the proper cooling and drug usage. cooling technique can save you some drug use.

    study good posture, lift with your legs - not your back.

    drugs are probably something to look into when all else fails and it appears you havent tried much yet
    Last edited by nafnlaus; 07-07-2013 at 04:57 PM. Reason: missing word

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, first off welcome to the forum and sorry to hear about your injury. Now, speaking about your co-worker it doesn't really sound like he has a handle on AAS at all. Listening to "bro-science" is really the quickest route to get yourself hurt. I doubt you've seen his blood work to really know how he is doing. Steroids do have anti-inflamatory properties (see conticosteroid) that may help you but obviously there are more specific drugs tailored to your specific needs which your practitioner should talk to you about.

    Taking AAS right now will shut down your bodies own testosterone production which I assume is functioning normally at the moment. Meaning all of your own testosterone production will be stopped. Steroids don't "add to it" like so many think and you can't just start and stop whenever you feel like it without the possibility of serious repercussions.

    Right now I'd suggest speaking to a doctor and obtaining full blood work to include a male hormone panel. You need to see where your levels are and base future decisions on facts. AAS is really nothing to be taken lightly.

    BTW, there are many supplements that may help you. Look into TB500 for which there are a few good threads on it here. MSM Powder as well as DMSO gel. All have anti-inflamatory properties that may help you.
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  4. #4
    I have been to a physical therapist and several doctors before I went to a chiropractor. Most of the doctors said there was nothing wrong. The physical therapist helped but nothing really stuck. The second chiropractor I saw made a pretty big deference. Much more than the doctors or physical therapist did. It's just that he doesn't take my insurance and I can no longer see him. The chiropractor I see now is good but again nothing sticks. I feel good at first, then it starts to hurt again. But she still does more for me than the physical therapist or doctors did. Before I started seeing the second chiropractor I couldn't even sleep at night. I know people whose life's have been changed by their chiropractor. Not people I met at the office, but close friends. Its the only reason I went to one in the first place. It is true that there are some out there that don't know enough and will tell what they can to get your money. That's why I didn't stay with my first chiropractor. But man of them are very good at what they do, and are as knowledgeable, and in some cases more so, as a doctor or physical therapist.

    Further more, I have improved my posture greatly. That too is because of the chiropractor. I didn't even realize how bad it was.

    I will look into other options. I don't want to take something that is going to screw up my hormones. But anti-inflammatory medications only seem to help a little. While we are on the subject, since I hurt my back (about 1 year and a half ago) all my muscles heal really slowly. I used to feel great after a workout. Now I hurt for days. Not just my back.But if I work out my arms, they feel useless for almost 4-5 days. I used to only need a day a rest.

    I ice my back twice a day for 20 minutes each time and I take ibuprofen in the morning before work.

    I do lift with my legs. I didn't used to, which is why my back is screwed now.

    My point is I have tried many things. I am not saying I have tried everything, just that I am out of ideas. Doctors just tell me to take pills, physical therapist is making me do shit that I already do, and the chiropractor is helping, but it is a slow process. I feel if I didn't have to lift all day I would get better, but i never get time to heal. Steroids would help me heal faster, and help with inflammation. I feel that this plus the chiropractor may finally help.
    Last edited by dwpeacock0424; 07-10-2013 at 07:40 PM.

  5. #5
    I don't want to mess up my hormones, I am still young. It just takes so long to heal now. Not just my back. Ever since m back went, everything else heals real slow. I used to heal real fast. Now, if I work out I am sore for a week. I understand I am getting older, but thats a pretty dramatic difference considering it has only been a year and a half.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Search up TB500 log by Times Roman. I seriously think this would be a good start for you. AAS right now may just be a leap you should not take. It comes with a host of issues that require a lot of knowledge and experience to handle safely. Plus there's no guarantee your HPTA will return to it's previous level.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    Thanks for the tip, Kelkel! I am looking at tb500 right now and it seems like it does what I want. Thanks! Also, I would like to say that I am impressed by the way you handled my question. I think most of us people who have never used heavy supplements before kind of assume people who do are lunk heads. I kind of expected people to just give me information about steroids, say its great, and then send me on my way. You really helped and obviously care about giving people the right information. And of course your right, I should proceed cautiously and not jump into something that is going to mess me up later. I have just been desperate and want something to work.
    Last edited by dwpeacock0424; 07-10-2013 at 07:56 PM.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I hope it works for you DWP. Several guys here have tracked their progress on logs which is why I'm steering you that way. Good place to start.
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  9. #9
    "I feel good at first, then it starts to hurt again. But she still does more for me than the physical therapist or doctors did."

    doctors offer pills to mask the pain, but do not treat the source. chiros crack your back for a temporary pain releif, but they dont either deal with the source. Their training and understanding of the human anatomy is not good enough. chiropractors all over the world are being sued all over the world and that is no coincidence.

    you might want to seriusly consider leaving your job, my working capability went down to 30% i couldnt do the same job anymore. i could barely recover from sitting at school.

    i still recommend that you seek some skilled PT, and when you can exercise without pain, strengthen your core - it releifs preassure

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