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Thread: fools and steriods

  1. #1
    graham58 is offline New Member
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    fools and steriods

    hi i have been reading through the posts ,i keep seeing the same questions over and over again about cycles,pct ect.i am amazed at some of things people ask.i first did steriods about 20 years ago,the only information around then was from the dealers selling the gear,when i think back it was all usless.i just cant believe in this day and age ,with all the info available what people are doing to them wonder steriods have such a bad name. just press search its so simple.and on that note i would like to say thanks to all the team for the help you give

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Sad thing is that 90% of those already have their truth and eventho they are asking, they dont care about answers!

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You have to realize that most people/kids want instant gratification as in answers, Someone to tell they Yes go ahead, it's OK and instant results.

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The appreciation of this site will never be fully realized for the young due to the fact that they didn't have to experience what it was like in the 80's and 90's when there was minimal information out there (as you stated).

  5. #5
    D2'd's Avatar
    D2'd is offline Junior Member
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    LOL, my first cycles and "instructions" were a testament to this! Early 90's, very bad....

  6. #6
    pawn master's Avatar
    pawn master is offline Junior Member
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    This is the age we live in now. The young have access to a million times more info then us thanks to the internet and smart phones that they expect immediate answers with out having to put in the work and educate themselves. Our world has gotten lazy. When I started I had never even heard of pct. Damn shame.

  7. #7
    MBear is offline New Member
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    I know I am only 22 and even though you guys hate the young kids I have a couple of examples.
    I have a lot of friends who ask me what to take (I am real open about, a lot of people know). I always tell them keep working out for about 1 more year( a lot of them are those that get motivation for 1 month and they stop going). Other keep bugging me and ask me what to take. Pretty much what I read from you guys is what I tell them. And they get pissed cause they never get a straight answer.
    Here is sone of the answers I always use:
    How much do you know about AAS?; Are you aware of the side effects?; You know there is a risk of being infertile?; Dude you've only been working out a week and you are talking to me about this; Well have you changed your diet? Have you done your research?

    I always get a negative answer. I may not know much, but I try to make them think a little before they start.

  8. #8
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    What do you call those guys?... Askholes lol. People who ask you for advice all the time, about everything, but then don't take in anything you've told them lol.

    I can sleep better at night knowing I'm giving someone healthy advice and not just directing them "blindly." The guys that influenced me to get on the sauce at age 18... its not that they didn't care, they just didn't know any better themselves. I'm sure if they could go back, they would have told me to wait till mid to late 20's, but preferably stay natty till my 30's when my body may actually need the shit.

    Every once in a while, we'll get a younger dude who's smart enough to listen to advice from people with more experience than them. If ya help 1 out of 20, at least you helped that one guy. Made a difference. That ratio might be a little generous though

  9. #9
    Sledgehammer1's Avatar
    Sledgehammer1 is offline Junior Member
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    I was lucky. I had become friends with a guy that was a bodybuilder and highly knowledgeable about AAS. Had over 15 yrs experience and helped guide me through my first cycle.

    I think because of how the media reports on steroids , young guys think that if they just take them, they will become huge. That steroids will do all the work for them. They look at those guys on the covers of magazines and want to be just like them. Not seeing all the hard work and years that goes into getting there.

  10. #10
    BoatsB4Hose's Avatar
    BoatsB4Hose is offline New Member
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    Just as the same thing your parents thought of you. Don't you realize that everyone realizes? Yeah, the next generation may have it easier; however, female-dogging about it is churlish.
    I do my own research and ask for advice regarding adding/removing/replacing and research the advice given to me for peace of mind.
    Last edited by BoatsB4Hose; 07-07-2013 at 03:04 PM.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBear View Post
    I know I am only 22 and even though you guys hate the young kids I have a couple of examples.
    I have a lot of friends who ask me what to take (I am real open about, a lot of people know). I always tell them keep working out for about 1 more year( a lot of them are those that get motivation for 1 month and they stop going). Other keep bugging me and ask me what to take. Pretty much what I read from you guys is what I tell them. And they get pissed cause they never get a straight answer.
    Here is sone of the answers I always use:
    How much do you know about AAS?; Are you aware of the side effects?; You know there is a risk of being infertile?; Dude you've only been working out a week and you are talking to me about this; Well have you changed your diet? Have you done your research?

    I always get a negative answer. I may not know much, but I try to make them think a little before they start.
    If that was the fact instead of trying to help them not make bad mistakes we would be telling them/you what you want to hear and let your screw yourself up.

    That's one of the problems, you have it all backwards.
    Flacco likes this.

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