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Thread: Deca / tren

  1. #1
    Cordawgy is offline New Member
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    Deca / tren

    So i recently heard of a guy doing a 14 week cycle... pretty huge stack I couldnt even remember half of it if i tried, for his contest prep. He said he ran Deca for the first six weeks, then switched it to tren for the remainder... I know 19nors are frowned upon when run together etc all that jazz. But I am wondering, I have seen that its 'possible' but what are peoples thoughts on starting a cycle with one 19 nor and finishing with another

    This method interests me because I like deca, its the only 19nor ive ran, and i like the joint lubrication etc... but then theres the water retention. This guys theory was you use the deca, but then switch it out to allow for the tren (along with his wide array of cutting gear) to give you a more lean finish. Also as I said, ive never run tren, so I was interested in this way of doing it so I had less time on tren then if i ran it for the whole cycle, and could deal with any sides better (had very minimal sides with deca in the past but alittle scared of tren ). Anyway I would be running arimidex , dbol , considering caber... clomid / nolvadex pct and of course test (going 800mg/week on this next cycle i believe). Thoughts on the deca for half a cycle tren for half a cycle idea??

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you can stack deca and tren together no probs..

    also if its your first time with tren, might be an idea to do a test/tren cycle and see how you go with that first...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I'm running Tren /NPP/Test cycle right now. It's awesome.

  4. #4
    Cordawgy is offline New Member
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    duely noted kronik, thanks both... so just a follow up question, since they're both 19nors does the tren injection just take over where the deca left off... or do u have to wait 4-6 weeks for the deca to kick in then another 4-6 for the tren to kick in? may seem like a dumb question, but for the ill informed i think it holds some legitimacy

  5. #5
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    you would be better running npp tren A and prop short est in and out quicker

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    At 26 what are your previous cycle experiences.

  7. #7
    tgunn's Avatar
    tgunn is offline Junior Member
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    Wish my legs looked like that ^ jeez..
    Anyway, get ready for tren my friend! I hope your bf is low! I had some crazy sides until I got under 15%..
    I felt like I could f a tree on tren A/test prop but I don't know about running deca /tren together.. Seams like these guys have with no prob though. They are more knowledgeable than me..

    I'd try tren ace in case the sides are to much, you can bail!

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