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Thread: Deca, D-Bol, Winny cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Deca, D-Bol, Winny cycle

    For my first cycle I was originally thinking of doing primo and winny but then I found out how expensive primo was so now I think I will do deca-durabolin, dinabol and maybe some winny.

    week 1-10 deca 400mg week
    week 1-4 d-bol 25mg every day
    week 8-12 winny 50mg every day
    week 11-12 clomid
    maybe nolvadex if necessary how much and when should I use

    What do you guys think. I want to get good gains and I would like to keep most of what I get. As far as side effects does 25 mg a day of
    d-bol sound like to much or is it fairly safe. Thanks for the info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Need test

    Take out the dbol and winny, add test and run

    wk1-11 500mg Enan
    wk1-10 400mg Deca
    clomid 2wks after last test shot
    Nolva on hand
    A-dex/l-dex at .25mg ED for water retension and estrogen conversion prevention

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    im going to go against pheed's advice here just a little, but its a matter of preference only...........

    i agree with dropping the winny, but i'd keep the dbol in there. 25-30mg ed weeks 1-4.
    i would also add test. preferably enanthate or cypionate, at the doses and length pheedno suggested.
    if youre set on running the winny, run it 8-13 so you can start your clomid sooner with no down time.

    peace I4L

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by iron4life79
    im going to go against pheed's advice here just a little, but its a matter of preference only...........

    i agree with dropping the winny, but i'd keep the dbol in there. 25-30mg ed weeks 1-4.
    i would also add test. preferably enanthate or cypionate, at the doses and length pheedno suggested.
    if youre set on running the winny, run it 8-13 so you can start your clomid sooner with no down time.

    peace I4L

    I didn't see a problem with a dbol jump start in terms of being premature in his cycle experience, I just have it out for dbol. I prefer a Prop start to dbol. Dbol just bloats me too much which is odd because I don't bloat on anything else. I take dbol for 2wks and I can balance a basketball on my cheek when i smile

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    just for the record........

    i could live with a prop OR a dbol start. i like them both. i can understand where youre coming from though, as some people bloat real bad on the d's.
    this is a difference of opinion, nothing more bro.
    and its very rare that you give bad advice anyways, so i figured i better correct it asap.....hehe.

    peace I4L

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