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Thread: (BD) Winstrol Tabs?

  1. #1

    (BD) Winstrol Tabs?

    I have a few question regarding british dragon winstrol tabs. I have a buddy that swears by them but before I decide to try them I wanna ask a few questions..

    I am looking for extra strength on the field along with speed and endurance.. I am in pretty decent shape as it as right now not looking to gain weight trying to stay lean as I can. With that being said my friend suggested I start taking BD 50 mg Winstrol tabs.. I am not wanting to take a bunch of other steroids but I am looking for some thing a little extra.

    So do you think these will help achieve the extra push of performance I desire?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    What are you stats? What field are you talking about and what are you desiring? Are you taking anything else and hopefully you are not planing on taking winny alone?

  3. #3
    Really not trying to get 2 personal as far as what sport I am doing only for privacy reasons.Although I don't have a problem talking about it VIA PM.. I am 25 Years old 5'7 160 LBS pretty lean. Like I said im just looking for more strength,speed and endurance and recovery... Ive done some reading and the last thing I wanna do is start taking some thing with out the proper education or guidance.

    Not even sure Winstrol would be the best bet for me thats why I am asking questions... Anyway Thank you for your time.

    P.S Not sure if this is against the rules but If any one with the proper experience is interested in maybe discussing things in private I'd appreciate it.. I may even be looking for a coach. Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I don't think you can PM yet... But are u planning on running any test? That would be what you would want to use as far a strength speed and recovery. And a first cycle. And you never want to run any thing with out test!

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Don't take the winney without test. It will shut you down. That said test only is the best bet.
    Considering your sport and weight nutrition is probally you best source.
    Talk to the the guys in nutrition about eating for endurance/ speed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    East Coast: on the beach
    ^^^^^ without test which is injected, it will only cause problems... Test alone would be better for your needs!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    If you weren't clear... When Fit said "shut you down"... Winny will shutdown your bodies natural testosterone which is key in building/maintaining muscle. I'm a firm believer that Test is really all you need for anything if you're not a pro BB. Test can help you to improve speed/endurance and give you that extra strength. It can help you to burn/keep off fat. Whether or not you gain/loose fat/muscle will all depend on your diet. Its good you're being causcious and didn't listen to your buddy. That woulda been a mistake. This site is great. Start reading/researching. Its good you're saying you want to research everything before jumping into anything. If I were you, I'd hold off for a while... read through old posts. You'll learn alot just reading through these threads. Decide if you want to do a cycle after you feel you've done enough research. Decide if its right for you or not.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Great, in glad every one piggybacked on my post.
    OP, I had a buddy suggest to me given my goals to take anavar only, through my research I found this was not a great idea, there are many many shreds on here that might correlate to your sport or profession and also many pertaining to why you would not use winny only on a cycle.
    Everyone says "test is best"

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Great, in glad every one piggybacked on my post.
    OP, I had a buddy suggest to me given my goals to take anavar only, through my research I found this was not a great idea, there are many many shreds on here that might correlate to your sport or profession and also many pertaining to why you would not use winny only on a cycle.
    Everyone says "test is best"
    Your advice was just so profound that I couldn't help myself. I noticed most of your advice came in the form of questions. Interesting angle my friend.

  10. #10
    Good info guys thanks alot.. I did in fact read about what it does to your test levels. My only main thing is I don't wanna bulk up to big I wanna try to stay rather lean. Ill continue to read up on a few things maybe with a corrected diet I won't have weight issues while gearing up.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    Your advice was just so profound that I couldn't help myself. I noticed most of your advice came in the form of questions. Interesting angle my friend.
    I sense sarcasm. Not claiming to be the founder of any theory, just glad more people chimed in.

  12. #12
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    Is drug testing an issue? I'm no expert, but for what you say you want... I'd go... Low Dose Test. 300 mg a week. Adjust your diet, and just focus on strength and indurance/cardio. You should just say what you do. You'll probably get better advice that way. Are you in MMA? Its as annonymous as you want it to be.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    I sense sarcasm. Not claiming to be the founder of any theory, just glad more people chimed in.
    Thats what it sounded like My fault dude. Its not you...Its the Tren Been awake all night :/

  14. #14
    Yes drug testing is a minor issue.. Yes I am in MMA.. My main concern was I didn't wanna get hammered by trolls or any one else with there opinion as far as fighters and steroids... Not here to argue with any one I am here to learn.. Some of you guys have a lot of knowledge and I respect that its like a science. Again I appreciate the information given.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Keep up the research, and think about a test e or c cycle, 500mg a week
    You should search common beginner cycles. Those will give you a good starting point

  16. #16
    Yea I been reading all day lol this site is kinda of addicting...Again thank you for your info and time I appreciate it

  17. #17
    I really need to find one that I can discuss with further... Id for sure compensate some one for there time.. I am really hoping to find a guidance coach some one with a lot of experience. Id give all the details about my diet,my routine pics etc.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Once your post count is higher you can PM, for now you can post your diet in the nutrition section. I'd start there

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