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Thread: Liquid T3 at 50 mg or 75 mg (on 100 mg test cyp weekly)?

  1. #1

    Question Liquid T3 at 50 mg or 75 mg (on 100 mg test cyp weekly)?

    I'm on TRT (100 mg test cyp weekly), which puts my testosterone at around 1000 (trough). Would this be enough to preserve muscle when taking T3? I am trying to decide between 50 or 75 mg of T3 daily for fat loss. I have no desire to go to 100+, but I'll go up to 75 if the muscle loss isn't much of a concern.

    28 male, 5'-9, 180 lbs, 12% bf

    I'm going to take T3 and Albuterol (6mg 3x daily), along with Ketotifen to extend the Albuterol a few more weeks. Diet will start at 1800 calories, 200g protein, 150-200g carbs, and 30-40g fat. Heavy weights 3x per week. 40m low intensity cardio 3-4x per week.

    I'd appreciate any advice from those who have experience with T3. Thanks!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I'd go with 50. But I generally increase my TRT dose to 250 at minimum when running T3. I also run deca along with my TRT so that helps as well.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I'd go with 50. But I generally increase my TRT dose to 250 at minimum when running T3. I also run deca along with my TRT so that helps as well.
    Sounds good. Thanks for the advice! Regarding liquid T3... does it need to be refrigerated or shaken before use? And do you just swallow it or leave under your tongue?

    Since my bottle is 200 mcg/mL, I would just need .25 of a 1 mL syringe, right? It's such a small amount, so I just want to verify. Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    I'd go with 50. But I generally increase my TRT dose to 250 at minimum when running T3. I also run deca along with my TRT so that helps as well.
    With that protocol, where do your test levels sit? Trying to get an idea of the ideal test level range such as 1000-1200, etc. since I sit at 1000 with only 80mg of test weekly.

    I have been researching T3 as well, but have no intentions to blast so like the OP, I have always wondered if we would be fine on a normal TRT protocol.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    With that protocol, where do your test levels sit? Trying to get an idea of the ideal test level range such as 1000-1200, etc. since I sit at 1000 with only 80mg of test weekly.

    I have been researching T3 as well, but have no intentions to blast so like the OP, I have always wondered if we would be fine on a normal TRT protocol.
    I'm also curious about this. And still wondering about the refrigeration, shaking up, and ingestion method . Thanks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    You don't need to refrigerate it but keep it out of warm areas. I haven't used T3 in almost 2 years now but I remember having to shake it up. Just take it orally and swallow it...assuming its the liquid oral.

    It used to make me drowsy and moody and when I ran it with clen it made me appear very flat. It is extremely strong, I would no go over 50mcg personally no matter what my test dose. I even when down to 25mcg and had good results.

    T3 is powerful, be careful and monitor yourself and how you feel and look. It can start to eat away at your muscles especially if you arn't eating enough calories and doing to much cardio as most do this when running T3.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    You don't need to refrigerate it but keep it out of warm areas. I haven't used T3 in almost 2 years now but I remember having to shake it up. Just take it orally and swallow it...assuming its the liquid oral.

    It used to make me drowsy and moody and when I ran it with clen it made me appear very flat. It is extremely strong, I would no go over 50mcg personally no matter what my test dose. I even when down to 25mcg and had good results.

    T3 is powerful, be careful and monitor yourself and how you feel and look. It can start to eat away at your muscles especially if you arn't eating enough calories and doing to much cardio as most do this when running T3.
    T3 based individually. Some only need 50mcg while others need more. I'm currently on my 6 week of t3 with dose at 175mcg /day. Getting amazing results and no muscle loss. But then again I'm running test e @ 500mg and tren e @ 175mg/week. Yes this is strictly a cutting only cycle and doing great so far down 4% body fat in 6 weeks

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