Greetings, looking for some advice on my first cycle that I have already started. I am 52 years old, 175 pounds, 8% body fat, been lifting seriously for about 5 years now, diet is very clean! I decided to try a cycle to get myself over a hump in my training an put on a little size, not blow up like a balloon. A friend suggested a 10 week cycle of 200 mg test E and 250 mg of Equipose in one pin every 5 days for 10 weeks. I am now feeling I jumped into this too fast without doing enough research and relying on his word a little too much, I am already 3 pins into this cycle and have many questions?? I guess my first question is what else should I be taking along with the pins (AI)and what should I take when I'm done(PCT). I am doing as much reading on this site as my free time can allow so I figured I would reach out to you all to point me in the responsible direction. One more thing, on my last pin I stepped up the EQ to 400 mg and kept the test E at 200 mg, read that in a few threads. Thanks