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Thread: Am I ready?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Am I ready?

    Hey Guys.

    So I'm currently 20 years old, Don't worry I know I'm still to young to cycle.

    I started training when i turned 16, I started to understand and Learn about dieting and training and put the knowledge I had into place at the age of about 17, I was a fat kid I then lost a shit load of weight (age 16-17) So anyway I started lifting and eating well, cut a long story short I'm now 20Yo, 82kg, 176cm, 9.8% BF (that is me in my pic) I run my own business, I am a PT I'm currently looking after 16 clients 2 of which I am prepping for shows in London.

    My knowledge when it comes to dieting and training is at a high standard doing what I do, My main focus is prepping people for shows its definitely the road i am looking to take myself and my business down.

    I have been researching AAS since the age of about 17 on and off, I want to do a test e only cycle when I turn 21 (8 months)

    I'm confident and also have a coach behind me who will be helping me through but I'd like to see what you guys think?

    So doing what I do, with the experience and my stats what do you guys think? Am i ready (considering i still have 8 months to go)

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by Muscleduke; 07-11-2013 at 02:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    It sounds like you know what your doing and putting in the time, but you are going to get a million responses that you should wait so you dont cause any permanent damage. really at your age and how far you got, i dont think you need it bro. It would do more harm than good i think

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks for your advice man.

    I mean if everyone tells me to wait a couple more years I will, I'm not in any rush. But it is something id like to do, I do want to step on stage otherwise I wouldn't bother doing a cycle.

    Cheers dude

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I'd suggest waiting. Your desire now to step on stage will seem small down the road if you do develop sides and then have to deal with them the rest of your life.

    Up to you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    no prob man, if you want to avoid the troubles associated with the young and AAS use i would consider the age of 25 as a good marker

    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleduke View Post
    Thanks for your advice man.

    I mean if everyone tells me to wait a couple more years I will, I'm not in any rush. But it is something id like to do, I do want to step on stage otherwise I wouldn't bother doing a cycle.

    Cheers dude

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks Roman.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    East Coast
    The maturity of OP is refreshing. Finally a younger guy not telling everybody to go suck a d*** because waiting is suggested. Bravo.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    you look fantastic now keep on doing what your doing now while your test levels are at there natural peek...its hard to tell what your natty genetic limit is but imagine the results you will get from a proper cycle a few years down the road when you plat au ...I think you have excellent potential my friend but in the end the decision is yours...good luck...

  9. #9
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by pitchindude View Post
    The maturity of OP is refreshing. Finally a younger guy not telling everybody to go suck a d*** because waiting is suggested. Bravo.
    Ha I'm not here to start arguments, just some advice from different people. I've got the rite people around me if I was an ignorant bastard I would have started a cycle already. Cheers bud

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    you look fantastic now keep on doing what your doing now while your test levels are at there natural peek...its hard to tell what your natty genetic limit is but imagine the results you will get from a proper cycle a few years down the road when you plat au ...I think you have excellent potential my friend but in the end the decision is yours...good luck...
    Cheers for your input dude, much appreciated. I have a lot to think about, I am more towards waiting but there is still part of me that wants to simply because I feel ready, but obviously the only thing stopping me is my age everything else I feel is good to go. Either way. All the time in the world to make a decision, thanks!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    East Coast: on the beach
    Yeah you look great! It is refreshing to see someone with a future...

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    you look fantastic now keep on doing what your doing now while your test levels are at there natural peek...its hard to tell what your natty genetic limit is but imagine the results you will get from a proper cycle a few years down the road when you plat au ...I think you have excellent potential my friend but in the end the decision is yours...good luck...
    Hey bud, I don't like to just parrot or copy but really I must go along to a "T" with the Quote from ghettoboyd. You look great and a cycle is not going to get you any farter any faster at the end of it. With your natural Test and the diet and high quality n intense workouts you will grow good solid hard mass. Keep it up and holed off on the cycle. ...crazy mike

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2013

    I can very well relate to you, I'm a medical student, not lifting for very long and I'm only 21. I fit into the group most people would not recommend steroids to.

    However: I am currently running my first cycle which is test enanthate 500mg/wk 12wk and dbol 40mg/d 4wk.

    If you feel you are ready, you are. There are some additional side effects that might occur when taking steroids at this age, but they are even more critical when taken with 16-19. Your growth plates can close. This is a risk you have to deal with, but I for myself already had a well developed bone structure and height at the age of 20, even 18+ so.

    You have to remember that millions of youngsters took steroids in the U.S., for getting more successful in sports - who don't have a clue of what the **** they are doing, doing no proper PCT, heck, don't even inject sterile.
    The vast majority is absolutely fine tho.

    Correctly administered a simple test E cycle will do little, if any harm. You should check if you are prone to male pattern baldness. If you do carry the gene responsible for it, I would not consider using steroids, as they are known to rapidly accelerate the progress.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    East Coast: on the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by kyza

    I can very well relate to you, I'm a medical student, not lifting for very long and I'm only 21. I fit into the group most people would not recommend steroids to.

    However: I am currently running my first cycle which is test enanthate 500mg/wk 12wk and dbol 40mg/d 4wk.

    If you feel you are ready, you are. There are some additional side effects that might occur when taking steroids at this age, but they are even more critical when taken with 16-19. Your growth plates can close. This is a risk you have to deal with, but I for myself already had a well developed bone structure and height at the age of 20, even 18+ so.

    You have to remember that millions of youngsters took steroids in the U.S., for getting more successful in sports - who don't have a clue of what the **** they are doing, doing no proper PCT, heck, don't even inject sterile.
    The vast majority is absolutely fine tho.

    Correctly administered a simple test E cycle will do little, if any harm. You should check if you are prone to male pattern baldness. If you do carry the gene responsible for it, I would not consider using steroids, as they are known to rapidly accelerate the progress.

    Bad advice! I pray you don't listen to this guy... You wont see the harm you do until your older in many cases!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    You have your whole life ahead of you. Small decisions made today can snowball into larger issues later. Take your time, enjoy your life and take things one step at a time. Rushing into things almost always produces bad results.

  16. #16
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Hey bud, I don't like to just parrot or copy but really I must go along to a "T" with the Quote from ghettoboyd. You look great and a cycle is not going to get you any farter any faster at the end of it. With your natural Test and the diet and high quality n intense workouts you will grow good solid hard mass. Keep it up and holed off on the cycle. ...crazy mike
    Thanks Mike, much appreciated!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by kyza View Post

    I can very well relate to you, I'm a medical student, not lifting for very long and I'm only 21. I fit into the group most people would not recommend steroids to.

    However: I am currently running my first cycle which is test enanthate 500mg/wk 12wk and dbol 40mg/d 4wk.

    If you feel you are ready, you are. There are some additional side effects that might occur when taking steroids at this age, but they are even more critical when taken with 16-19. Your growth plates can close. This is a risk you have to deal with, but I for myself already had a well developed bone structure and height at the age of 20, even 18+ so.

    You have to remember that millions of youngsters took steroids in the U.S., for getting more successful in sports - who don't have a clue of what the **** they are doing, doing no proper PCT, heck, don't even inject sterile.
    The vast majority is absolutely fine tho.

    Correctly administered a simple test E cycle will do little, if any harm. You should check if you are prone to male pattern baldness. If you do carry the gene responsible for it, I would not consider using steroids, as they are known to rapidly accelerate the progress.

    Cheers Kyza.

    Definitely can relate to what you are saying, but having a majority of people telling me to wait rather than go ahead is putting me towards the side of waiting and hitting natty limit first. Thanks for advice though, given me something to think about. Hope your cycle goes well.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Bad advice! I pray you don't listen to this guy... You wont see the harm you do until your older in many cases!!!
    No worries man, I'm not gonna jump at the chance because one person tells me it's ok! I have a while until I'm 21, I've got a lot of time to decide and yeah chances are I won't, not just yet. Still plenty more research to be done. Cheers bro
    Last edited by Muscleduke; 07-12-2013 at 07:35 AM. Reason: Spelling

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