I am a 23 year old male, 5,8" 160lbs, and am interested in starting my first cycle. I am athletic and train about 4-5 times a week ( 3-4 days/ weight room 1 day athletic conditioning). I have been training for about 2 years on and off.
My diet is fair, but will need serious structure once i begin the cycle.
I have done moderate research and have come to the conclusion of either running,
Test E and Masteron , or Test E and primo depot, or Test E and winy.
My goal is to be 185lbs 6-8% BF. I dont want to put on too much size too quickly either. That being said, i am not restricting myself to one cycle (ideally two cycles). The ultimate scenario would be 185lbs 6-8% BF by Summer 2014.
My suggestions are not set in stone since i am not nearly knowledgable enough on the matter, so anything would really help. Also i would like to have the ability to keep the gains once off, so avoiding water retention would be nice.