Hi everyone. Clearly I am new to this forum and looking to start a cycle. I was have done prohormones before simply because I don't know where to get injectables, and still dont to be honest, but I think I am getting close to finding a source and would like advice on how I can run a first time cycle. I am 24 5' 11" 220 lbs at about 12-15% bodyfat. I have been lifting for almost 5 years now and havent touched hormones in over a year. My goal is to try and get some strength increases and put on more muscle while avoiding water retention As much as possible. I wanted to try some peptides (cjc-1295 and ghrp-6) with aas for 6 weeks or so. I just dont know what I should be looking for as far as a good aas to take that will give me good strength and muscle. Any and all replies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks