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  1. #1
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Advice - Questions I have after researching for 2 weeks..


    35 yr old here, got myself down from 200 to 175 lbs since new year. (6ft1). Now that I have a good exercise routine and high protein diet established I am going to do my first cycle. My goal is to improve my leg strength and build (skinny legs) and pack on 10 solid pounds of maintainable lean muscle. I want my first cycle to be effective yet basic. After my research I am comfortable with what I putting in my body, but my biggest concern is the acne side affect. Below is what I have narrowed down my first cycle to and a couple questions I have based on this potential cycle.

    Test Enanthate - 300mg/week for 12 weeks
    Winstrol - 20mg/day for 8 weeks
    Nolvadex - post cycle therapy

    My thoughts on why this stack.

    I went with a lower dose of test to see how my body reacts to it for my first cycle.
    I went with WInstrol over Dianbol because from what I have researched Dianbol has the worse Acne Side affects. I also prefer lean muscle over bulk.
    Nolvadex - just choose this based on the info I read and the starter stack recommendation

    My questions:
    *Overall does this stack seem to match my goals above?
    *Should I consider Deca instead of test if my biggest concern is acne? I would rather have "lower results" with less chance of acne that greater results with high acne probability

    Overall I am looking for a good basic intro stack with these least acne side affects. Thanks for reading and offering help. I have done plenty of research but wanted to get some opinions from a community.

  2. #2
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    Okay, I would postpone this cycle until you do a minimum of 6 more months of research. You don't seem to exactly have a grasp on what you're doing. Don't be so quick to put all the chemicals you can find in your body... And 175 at 6'1 is extremely light...

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    First off, I would up the test. No reason to be shit down over an extra 100mg. You want to start around 500. 400minimum.
    Second, that dose of winstrol won't do anything. Start at 50mg

    Most importantly, you don't mention any use of an AI. How are you planning on controlling estrogen on cycle?
    No mention of HCG , whether you were going to use it or not on purpose.
    Saying Nolvadex for PCT means nothing to me. Lay out dosages so we know you understand what you're getting into

    You can't run Deca without test... Test is the base if all cycles because anything you take will shut down your natural production of testosterone . You don't function correctly without it.

    It seems like you need to do some more reading as your knowledge of basic concepts is lacking at best

  4. #4
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    I am naturally lean, was 150 lbs when graduated highschool. I was just going to do the beginner stack posted on this site but after the research it seems that might be a stack that will surely lead to acne. I know acne is a possible side affect regardless, but looking for a solid beginner stack to minimize acne and put on lean muscle and strength. I personally prefer the look of a light heavyweight boxer (175 lbs, walk around weight of 190) than a WWF superstar. Any recommendations on where to start the new research would be helpful.

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayduray View Post
    I am naturally lean, was 150 lbs when graduated highschool. I was just going to do the beginner stack posted on this site but after the research it seems that might be a stack that will surely lead to acne. I know acne is a possible side affect regardless, but looking for a solid beginner stack to minimize acne and put on lean muscle and strength. I personally prefer the look of a light heavyweight boxer (175 lbs, walk around weight of 190) than a WWF superstar. Any recommendations on where to start the new research would be helpful.
    This just highlights the lack of knowledge. The "pro wrestler look" is one of many years of cycling and lifting for that specific physique. One simple test/winstrol cycle won't put you anywhere near that or even something resembling it at a lower weight

  6. #6
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    Thanks Chiveon - I should have mentioned I based my beginning stack on the beginning stack info on steriod .com. SO they have Nolva at 40mg week 15 16 per day and 20mg day week 17. For AI : " Aromatase Inhibitor such as Arimidex or Letrozole ; 0.5mg every other day of either should suffice" - In my research I read that with winstrol you may not need.

  7. #7
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    I was just making a reference to my goal, which is to be lean and cut, more in the look of a professional boxer. I am aware of the dedication and years of work and diet and exercise that a body builder/wrestler would put in to get those amazing physiques. Thats just not my personal goal, nor would my build support that effectively.

  8. #8
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    Thanks again Chive on. It gets confusing as a newbie, I think people forget how overwhelming it is as a beginner. Im reading a lot of posts and checking out the acne threads as well. Im understanding that the test-e 500/wk alone will potentially lead to acne problems. From what I have read on multiple sites now Winstrol sounds like a solid steriod to stack with it considering my goal of lean gains and avoiding acne if at all possible (compared to Dianbol which sounds like my gains would maybe be better but a greater chance of acne issues). I am researching the AI component and looking more into the Nolvadex recommendations.

  9. #9
    Krb367's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcarey32 View Post
    Okay, I would postpone this cycle until you do a minimum of 6 more months of research.
    Best advice ^
    I've been trolling for almost 6 months and I still don't have it all figured out.

    No disrespect OP but I'd be more worried about understanding the use for an AI while on cycle instead of which aas is going to give me less chances acne. You say that you're comfortable with what you're going to be putting in your body, but since this would be your first cycle you have no idea how your body is going to react. I'd rather waste money on an AI and never end up needing it, than running into something unexpected halfway through a cycle and wishing I had it then.

  10. #10
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.JPG 
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ID:	143640

    So I did do another month of research, this board and site being the most used and then some other articles and sights as well. The above image (excel sheet photo) is what I have decided to get started. For the acne issue I am starting the stack in October so if I do get it at least its not pool season (ive also read the acne threads and tips to help). Hopefully now that I have done much more research and broke it down to an exact schedule and plan if there are any red flags or things I should go back and research more I would appreciate the advice as to what to look further into. I wanted to come back to this thread I started now that I have put in more research. Definitely not an expert, but have read enough that this seems to be a solid first stack approach.

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayduray View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	112 
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    So I did do another month of research, this board and site being the most used and then some other articles and sights as well. The above image (excel sheet photo) is what I have decided to get started. For the acne issue I am starting the stack in October so if I do get it at least its not pool season (ive also read the acne threads and tips to help). Hopefully now that I have done much more research and broke it down to an exact schedule and plan if there are any red flags or things I should go back and research more I would appreciate the advice as to what to look further into. I wanted to come back to this thread I started now that I have put in more research. Definitely not an expert, but have read enough that this seems to be a solid first stack approach.
    Hmmm. You sure you researched on our site?

    Drop the winstrol . No hCG after last testosterone injection, you want to recover, right? PCT is too aggressive.

    You may have missed this thread in your research:

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  12. #12
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    Thanks - Printing that post now to read tomorrow. Adjusting the PCT down to match the recommendation there is an easy fix as well as changing the test and HCG to twice weekly and stopping HCG with the last test injection.

    May I ask why it is not recommended to stack with winstrol or dianbol? THanks for the point in the right direction to further read up.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayduray View Post
    Thanks - Printing that post now to read tomorrow. Adjusting the PCT down to match the recommendation there is an easy fix as well as changing the test and HCG to twice weekly and stopping HCG with the last test injection.

    May I ask why it is not recommended to stack with winstrol or dianbol? THanks for the point in the right direction to further read up.
    Your answer is on your printer.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  14. #14
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    thanks - ill check out for tonight, better to read up again on a fresh sleep. Thanks for the help and pointing me to the post. (Also printed out your post on HCG to read and better understand it!)

  15. #15
    justo's Avatar
    justo is offline Associate Member
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    Dont even cycle if your worried about spots or acne. More or less anyting you take is going to have possible acne affects. Serious whats the point, you said you was comfortable putting it in your body so you should be comfy living with a few spots

  16. #16
    clayduray is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justo View Post
    Dont even cycle if your worried about spots or acne. More or less anyting you take is going to have possible acne affects. Serious whats the point, you said you was comfortable putting it in your body so you should be comfy living with a few spots
    I am aware there will be some acne side affects - it just comes down to how bad. My apartment complex has free tanning so that should help a little going in there once a week. That is also why timing it up with the winter. A few spots I'm not going to be worried about, riddled with a complete acne back I cant deal with. From what I have read and learned from people at my age (35) and a basic starting stack I shouldn't get extreme acne. ALso won't hurt to be prepared with some of the remedies that assist treating it.

  17. #17
    justo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayduray View Post

    I am aware there will be some acne side affects - it just comes down to how bad. My apartment complex has free tanning so that should help a little going in there once a week. That is also why timing it up with the winter. A few spots I'm not going to be worried about, riddled with a complete acne back I cant deal with. From what I have read and learned from people at my age (35) and a basic starting stack I shouldn't get extreme acne. ALso won't hurt to be prepared with some of the remedies that assist treating it.
    Did you suffer from acne as a kid

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