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Thread: need help

  1. #1

    Red face need help

    I'm 6'3 375 lbs of fat my bmi is 38. I know how nutrition is the most important part of getting in shape. I recently started paleo and I'm doing total body workouts every other day. I recently got prop and test e would you recommend that cycle for a beginner. I chose that because I have no energy and my dr. Said I need to lose 100lbs. I'm looking for help not sarcasm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Absolutely under no circumstance should you put either of those into your body! You're begging for nasty side effects carrying all that extra fat.
    Hit cardio and stick to paleo. It's a great diet and I lost over 30lbs in 3-4 months with it last summer. It can be done but you are FAR from being able to safely take any steroids, nor will they help you lose the weight.
    Weight lifting is not your issue. Cardio and diet are

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    If you eventually make your way to the diet forum and start a log you will receive more help than you can handle if you are willing to learn. Guys there will help you figure out your TDEE, macros etc. and get you better results quicker than you could imagine. You made it here for roid advice, but luckily for you, you came to the best diet forum on the net. Prepare to get as lean as you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    Yup. Agree with above. Cardio and diet. Do 30-60 mins of cardio EVERY DAY. Dial in the diet and just have patience. Set small goals that are attainable. 100lbs is a monster goal. Set smaller ones and eventually you will hit the end goal. gl

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    honestly, at your weight, you can simply not eat, do minimal sport and you'll lose weight. Even if you're very tall.
    if you really really want to use something, however, I'd ask your doctor if you can get a metabolism booster like t3.
    and/or, if you're having food cravings, an appetite suppressant. USPlabs has a few ones which work, but if he/she can prescribe one, all the better.

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