so i posted up a couple of days ago but il tell the story again, 2 weeks ago sunday i started my test/npp cycle which was
week 1-10 300mg test enanthate a week
week 1-9 100mg test prop EOD
week 1-9 200mg NPP eod
and arimidex .25mg ed throughout
what with england being so bloody hot and im the work im in i was finding it hard to get motivated and getting 5/6 meals down me a day but i powered on and did the best i could which was generally pretty good. on monday i hit the gym twice in one day which ive never done before smashed legs in the morning and went back in the evening for chest & bi's which i wouldnt do again, tuesday i woke up feeling very very tired, slightly sick and had a sore throat, turned out it was tonsillitis and i was put on penecillin which my body didnt like as i had tingle sensation in my hands and feet and a rash, i couldnt eat/train so i decided that tuesday was my last injection and i would save my gear and do it in a month or 2 as i was so frustrated that i couldnt train and eat as i wanted to make the most of this cycle. now im feeling better should i jump back on or do i leave it ???? my last jab was tuesday so its been 4 days. and ive been on for 2 weeks and 2 days. what do you guys honestly think would be my best decission and what would you do if it was you ?????? also i guess the best of my gains to come will be week 3/4and 5 yes ???
thanks alot