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Thread: Now what?

  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Now what?

    Quick recap then my situation. Mid april after about a week of taking Arime stage 5 pct (which has small does epistane in it, I started to feel really weird. Couldnt feel any emotions. I stopped after about 10 days total, as I was sure this was the cause. I got blood work done and for a couple months my total T was in the 300s. So I assumed that is what caused my, what I now understand to be, depression. April and May went by, no improvements, and 2 seperate blood tests 4 weeks apart revealed T in the 300s. Finally saw a specialist and had more blood in June and it was up to 600, but still no improvement. At that time e2 was at 6, according to the test. So my doctor thinks T was still low because free T was low, so he prescribes me clomid. I take it for a month and feel 0 improvements, so I assumed it didnt work. Got follow up blood work done which revealed my total T at 1500!. The clomid more than doubled my T and I still feel exactly how I felt in April. Now, the e2 test hasnt come back in yet, but I am assuming it is probably high since T got so high, so maybe that is a problem.

    So now Im just not sure what to do. I thought my depression was caused by low T because I couldnt imagine it being such a coincidence that I started feeling this way while taking a prohormone (although not very long) and when T was real low. My only past prohormone use was a superdrol clone last July, and magnadrol 4 years ago.

    Anyone have any thoughts? Or should I start assuming the depression while on a prohormone was a coincidence. Almost 4 months later I feel exactly how I did mid april when it started. Been off clomid for a couple days, and Im assuming now that Im off T and E will settle back down. Anyone think Ill start to feel better when that happens?

    Thanks for any input, I am struggling to try and get my life back.
    Last edited by PJS19; 07-20-2013 at 01:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Java Man's Avatar
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  3. #3
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Java man, what do you mean? Any more info I should add?

  4. #4
    Java Man's Avatar
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    No its just a long post. I may just be in a pissy mood lol. Sorry man.

    Disregard please. I'm going to the gym. I'll read when I'm not feeling like an a hole

  5. #5
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    get full bloodwork, otherwise its only best guesses

  6. #6
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok sorry for the long post, I didnt realize.

    and Dan B I did get full blood work done. Everything else was normal. Vitamin D was a little low the first test, but I am taking a supplement now. Every other category imaginable was in range.

  7. #7
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    i miss read your waiting on e2 results

  8. #8
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    I believe the e2 results will be skewed because I was taking clomid while tested. But that is just what I've heard. I am getting more blood work in about 6 weeks so those should be more accurate.

    Could High e2 make the depression stay even though T went up?

  9. #9
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    pjs19 you should post this in the hrt section the guys there may be able to help more

  10. #10
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Ok sorry for the long post, I didnt realize.

    and Dan B I did get full blood work done. Everything else was normal. Vitamin D was a little low the first test, but I am taking a supplement now. Every other category imaginable was in range.
    Its not that long. I'm on a phone so everything looks long... I was just being a little girl. Sorry. Anyways, of you have no history of depression and your bw looks ok I don't know what to think. I have depression and I just take meds for it. I got sick of trying to figure it out. I've been that way most of my life so I do what anyone today would... I blame my parents

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