Hey guys....been a LONG time since last posting here...
My last cycle of Test-C/Winny ended in 2007..so I've been out of the game for a while, but a chronic lower back injury is making me seriously consider running a "rehabilitative" cycle for 12-14 weeks...maybe longer.
Basically I have an injury/chronic low back spasm in the L-4 area and I am pretty tired of trying to manage my life around the pain associated with it.
I have had this injury (From doing bent over rows in the gym) since 2003 and each and every year it has gotten progressively worse.
I now have a 4 year old daughter who at times I cannot play with, or pick up because of back spasms.
I actually want to run a cycle before trying any cortisol injections..and other standard methods..I want to try an inside-out approach. While on cycle before I do not remember having the spasms nearly as much, however I was also not taking Deca or EQ...
that said, here is what I am thinking:
Ideally the Deca and EQ would reduce the swelling/spasms while increasing soft tissue collegan production speeding repair or improvement.
If I can get the spasms to subside, I could really focus on training and strengthening the muscle around the injured area. I understand that this is not a final fix, but to me...If the pain subsides while geared up, and many months after...it is worth it.
I am open to commentary or better suggestions!