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Thread: Adding HGH to Current Sust/Deca cycle

  1. #1

    Adding HGH to Current Sust/Deca cycle

    Currently half way though a sust/cycle, I'm wondering if it would be beneficial for me to start hgh now? And run for another 8 months. Looking for some size and lean out a little which half way though hgh I'll throw in some cardio and maybe anavar.

    Currently doing 16 week sust/deca cycle, I'm on 9th week.
    I heard hgh really helps with pct and keeping your aas gains, giving you a much more permenant look, since I hate coming of roids and feeling much smaller.
    Age: 23
    Weight: 90kg
    Height: 5,11"
    BF: around 13%
    Training 2 years for least 4 days per week.
    Or would I be better off extending this course for another 16 weeks or something, heard some positive things about long cycles. I just find even though I diet and train well after pct I lose a considerable amount of size.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    What are you using for pct? Adding HGH at any point would be beneficial, it dosent fall into the pct category but may help you keep gains along with pct. I wouldn't depend on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    u can add HGH anytime it will always be beneficial
    as long as its legit pharma grade and you use the right amount in the right time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    There's never a bad time to add gh.

  5. #5
    Great thanks for the advice, what's a good nolva/pct protocol? I was using this

    80mg nolva first day, then 20mg everyday in case of gyno

    I take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days.
    I take nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days.

    Also what do you guys think about running the hgh now, finish the remaining 8 weeks of sust and Deca, complete pct, then 1 month after pct is done start test only cycle (or tren/test) so that hgh can work at full benefit!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by pZanity View Post
    Great thanks for the advice, what's a good nolva/pct protocol? I was using this

    80mg nolva first day, then 20mg everyday in case of gyno

    I take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days.
    I take nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days.

    Also what do you guys think about running the hgh now, finish the remaining 8 weeks of sust and Deca, complete pct, then 1 month after pct is done start test only cycle (or tren/test) so that hgh can work at full benefit!

    You need to do some more research on that HGH. I honestly don't know how a 23 year old could afford to do real HGH. It's expensive. And you don't just run it for 12 weeks like you would a cycle of gear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Hgh is great but throwing it in during the middle of the cycle may not be the most beneficial way of using it. I don't feel it will save you during Pct (Have tried it). If you take a minute and look at some of the protocols in the stickies, you will notice that you need to run it for quite a while to see any benefit. Maybe priming with it for 8 weeks prior to a cycle and building the iu's slowly, then using it on cycle and through pct and a few weeks beyond (at this point you would be on it for 6 months) might give you more benefit then jumping right on it now. It needs time to work its magic.

  8. #8
    Thanks, so maybe would be best to save the hgh for next year or something?

    What's the best way to keep making gains? I cnt extend this cycle anymore can I? 16 weeks total, should I finish remaining weeks, and pct then rest for 1-2 months then start a new cycle.

    Also I've heard guys cycling for 6 months, is this beneficial?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You get proper educated answers her than that other shitty forum your on mate they daftys have no clue about aas

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I am of the opinion that the less time spent on cycle the better. The reason being is recovery. What good is being on cycle and getting big as a house and then only being able to keep a small portion of it. Long esther 10 to 12 weeks, short esther 6-8 weeks. This is only my opinion, ultimately you will have to find what works best for you. Good luck.

  11. #11

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