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  1. #1
    roadking85's Avatar
    roadking85 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    first real cycle need help and some guidence!!!!!!!

    first off im 6.0 265 with 18 to 20% bf, have lots of lifting experience just have been out of it for a while after gal bladder surgery 18 months ago. have been back lifting for around a month and have a physical job so not to far off, been pinning 500 mgs of test for the last 3 weeks for emotional and physical support. wanting to go up to 1000mgs test e and 800 of eq, wrap it up with nolvadex . would love some advice experiences and inspiration. football and arm wrestling were my sport and pulling again is my motivation. thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is online now VET
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    so you immediately started aas after a week of being back at the gym? How old are you? Age is needed. I wouldn't use that much test myself as a first cycle although some do. The Eq probably wont help. you will need more than nolva for pct.

    Have you planned this out ?

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