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Thread: test p cutting cycle and diet

  1. #1

    test p cutting cycle and diet

    Hi everyone,

    Have read a lot of great threads on this forum thought I would join and ask for some critique on my 3rd cycle.

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 190lbs
    BF: 16-18%

    Monday-Saturday heavy split lifting routine with 30min post cardio (stairs/bike).

    Aiming for 2500 From 6 meals/snacks, protein source varies weekly from top sirloin, chicken, ground turkey. Carb source from brown rice and green veggies. Current percent breakdown is 38% fat 34% protein and 28% carbs. Protein is a little over 200 grams trying to get it higher without adding to many more calories.

    Cycle: Test P
    Week 1 200mg EOD
    Weeks 2-11 150mg EOD

    Have clomed and ai on hand but no previous issues.

  2. #2
    Guess I could tell everyone my goal is drop bf % to as close to 10% as possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    Quote Originally Posted by foxhound_one View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Have read a lot of great threads on this forum thought I would join and ask for some critique on my 3rd cycle.

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 190lbs
    BF: 16-18%

    Monday-Saturday heavy split lifting routine with 30min post cardio (stairs/bike).

    Aiming for 2500 From 6 meals/snacks, protein source varies weekly from top sirloin, chicken, ground turkey. Carb source from brown rice and green veggies. Current percent breakdown is 38% fat 34% protein and 28% carbs. Protein is a little over 200 grams trying to get it higher without adding to many more calories.

    Cycle: Test P
    Week 1 200mg EOD
    Weeks 2-11 150mg EOD

    Have clomed and ai on hand but no previous issues.
    Welcome to the site. Your dosing looks fine but I would look into HCG. Also you intake 38% fat for your macros? That is too high. You are trying to cut, bring it down to 15-20 %. Another thing is I would try to drop your BF a couple more points before beginning. This will really make a difference in your results.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the advice. I know the fat is high, it comes from the muscle milk protein I've been using from costco. I'll need to switch.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    8 weeks is plenty with prop
    You need to use an ai not have it on hand.
    You are eating more fat than protein or carbs? Drop the shakes eat real food
    You have clomid any novla for pct?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I agree with the above statements , that being said what is you workout and cardio look like?
    Thats probably more important than the gear you run if your cutting... Cutting with gear is kinda a myth it is diet 1st, cardio 2nd, and never forget to still lift hard. I mean the gear helps to utilize calories better and preserve muscle in a caloric deficit but it wont magically make you lean..... understand?
    So please post your routine and check out the nutrition section talk with GB he is a good dude!!!!! He has a post he checks throughout the day i think everyday alway has gotten back to me in a few minutes. How he has time to help so many of us I dont know but he does.

  7. #7
    Monday - chest
    Tuesday - back
    Wednesday - legs
    Thursday - arms
    Friday - shoulders
    Saturday - free day (lift any muscle group I feel like focusing on for that week).
    Sunday - off

    4 to 5 different exercises per muscle group always going heavy.

    Cardio is 10min stairs pre lift and 30 post. High intensity intervals.

    Morning shake - 15oz water, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 cup mix berries, 3 scoops protein, 2 TBS peanut butter.

    Snack: small-medium apple

    Lunch: 1 cup broccoli, 5oz top sirloin.

    Snack: 1/4 cup almonds, 2 scoops whey.

    Dinner (pre workout): 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli, 5oz turkey Burger.

    Post workout: 3 scoops whey with water.

    Usually another meal with lean meat and veggies before 8pm.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Too many scoops of powder. Eat real food. It's not as easy but it is more beneficial.

  9. #9
    OK I'll work on it this week. Thanks for the feedback.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I think you need more "real carbs" i know brocolli is called a carb but doesnt really count for energy also think you need more protein more often.
    You have to have the energy to do the work you dont have any carbs til dinner then only 1/2c rice more protein more often to prevent muscle loss.

    also maybe bump up post work out cardio to 45-60 min watch hr keep between 125-135bpm is good place to maximize fat loss its a quick walk and try adding incline to the treadmill bump up til you hit 10x incline @ 4.2-4.5 is where I am at.
    Really though talk to GB.

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