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  1. #1
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    first cycle test e and eq

    I am going to begin my first cycle and have done plenty of research but not sure what doses and supplements to take.

    First 8 weeks I wss going to run 300mg of test e per week with 400 mg of eq per week

    Week 9 thru 16 I was going to bump it up to 500 mg test e and 600 mg eq per week

    Would that be a good cycle for my first time? 23 yrs old training over 2 years 6 3 180

    Pct is test complete (any comments on that?)

    What should I take to protect my liver prostate heart skin etc?

  2. #2
    Hypertrophic89 is offline New Member
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    Well i would structure your cycle a little something like this:
    Weeks 1-14 Test E 500mg P/W
    Weeks 1-14 400mg Boldenone Undec (EQ)
    Alot of people will advise you not to use EQ because it is weak etc. I myself and many others have used it and notice great effects from it. It's your first cycle so there is no need to over do it with the test doses or 2 many compounds. You could even just run a Test only cycle and get some great results. Something to think about. As for PCT you should follow something like this 14 days after your last injection:
    Nolvadex :40/20/20/20
    Clomid: 75/75/50/50
    And aromatise inhibitor is something useful to have on hand to combat the conversion of test to estro. This can cause unwanted side effects. Arimidex is a great option between 0.25-0.5mg EOD.
    In terms of Natural supps to use. There is a huge range. I believe in using Vit E great for heart health. B vitamins help use maces. Fish oil is great controls Blood pressure and give your omegas. Your using injectable so your liver shouldnt be under any stress really but milk thistle is good for liver health anyway.

  3. #3
    Hypertrophic89 is offline New Member
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    maces should be MACROS**

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    6'3 and only 180lbs you need to eat and not worry about AAS.

    Please visit our nutrition forum for some stellar advice.

  5. #5
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Ok so 500 mg test per week just so were clear what does eod mean? Im not familiar with all the lingo. And the pct I run 2 weeks after my last injection and do it for 4 weeks?

    Nolva 40 mg first week 20 for the last 3 weeks?

    I was 135 lbs when I started lifting eating is not my problem I consume 4500 to 6000 cals a day have been for over a year and a half. I have read test for the first time by itself os good but would that alone cut me down or does it make you look like creatine does because of the water retention?

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Are you struggling to continue to gain weight?

    Post up what you are yesterday, including macro's.

    You have lots of natural growing left in you.

  7. #7
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    What do you mean by what i am? Will roids stop my natural growth? Also what is a good reputable website to get all the products mentioned above cheap but good quality product?

  8. #8
    Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidrage89
    Ok so 500 mg test per week just so were clear what does eod mean? Im not familiar with all the lingo. And the pct I run 2 weeks after my last injection and do it for 4 weeks?

    Nolva 40 mg first week 20 for the last 3 weeks?

    I was 135 lbs when I started lifting eating is not my problem I consume 4500 to 6000 cals a day have been for over a year and a half. I have read test for the first time by itself os good but would that alone cut me down or does it make you look like creatine does because of the water retention?
    4500 to 6000 is quite a difference.

  9. #9
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidrage89
    What do you mean by what i am? Will roids stop my natural growth? Also what is a good reputable website to get all the products mentioned above cheap but good quality product?
    What 'quality product' are you asking about?

    As I said, 180lbs at your height is a poor base, irrespective of where you started your journey. You are clearly doing something right with that amount of weight gain so why don't you continue?

    Can we see your diet?

  10. #10
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    I eat 3 meals a day at least 1500 cals each if I can I drink a weigh shake thats another 1500

    Also an aromatise inhibitor is that what helps me not have sides like low libido or "not getting/staying up) please be clear on a good supplement to prevent those sides I have a hott gf I dont want to not wana hav sex with her or go soft that would be embarassing haha

  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Please detail this diet.

  12. #12
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    My diet is 25% fat 20% protein 55% carbs it varies what I eat but I eat a lot of lean meats pasta synthesis shakes etc never junk food

  13. #13
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    List everything you ate yesterday.

  14. #14
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Im 23 im curious about roids im going to do what I want to do all I ask for is advice if theres major downsides to a little test cycle please go into detail but as of now I want that beast feeling

  15. #15
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    What did you eat yesterday? Include amounts. What kind of ,ass gainer do you drink for 1500cals? (I'd argue that is junk food)

    Again, have your gains stopped?

  16. #16
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    165g fat
    300g protein
    825g carbs

    This is correct?

  17. #17
    Black's Avatar
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    What's the 89 in your username mean?

  18. #18
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Breakfast 6 egg omelette 1 cheese slice wheat toast little pb bnana green apple 2 packets of oatmeal pkus my intrabolic before breakfast during my workout

    Lunch 12" chicken breast duble meat on wheat little ranch pack of apples big glass of whole d milk

    Dinner pizza slice big no cheese sauce only bowl of spaghetti and my 1250 calorie weigh shake

  19. #19
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidrage89 View Post
    Breakfast 6 egg omelette 1 cheese slice wheat toast little pb bnana green apple 2 packets of oatmeal pkus my intrabolic before breakfast during my workout

    Lunch 12" chicken breast duble meat on wheat little ranch pack of apples big glass of whole d milk

    Dinner pizza slice big no cheese sauce only bowl of spaghetti and my 1250 calorie weigh shake

    How are you figuring your cals?

  20. #20
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    No junk food ey. Pizza is a health food now?

    Mate you need a better structured diet and it really doesn't look anywhere near 6000cals.

    For the last time, have you stopped gaining????

    What is your weight gain shake?

  21. #21
    Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidrage89

    Lunch 12" chicken breast duble meat on wheat little ranch pack of apples big glass of whole d milk
    I didn't know that chicken breasts were portioned out by length now.

    Subway, eat fresh!

  22. #22
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidrage89 View Post
    Breakfast 6 egg omelette 1 cheese slice wheat toast little pb bnana green apple 2 packets of oatmeal pkus my intrabolic before breakfast during my workout

    Lunch 12" chicken breast duble meat on wheat little ranch pack of apples big glass of whole d milk

    Dinner pizza slice big no cheese sauce only bowl of spaghetti and my 1250 calorie weigh shake

    Bud I don't think you have 3000 cals there. That is not a lot of food and no way 6000 cals.

  23. #23
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Correct I have an app that breaks everything down for me on my phone. Its just weight gainer from capital nutrition I max stuff in it to make it 1250 cals whole milk banana granola peanut butter etc and no my gains haven't stopped I haven't seen a jump in a little bit tho I bench the same squat the same 225 315 for the last couple months

  24. #24
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Im very good with my diet my body shows it thats not my problem I was asking questions about a test e cycle

  25. #25
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Talkin about the sandwich length

  26. #26
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    personally i feel EQ is a crap steroid . you would get the same gains/result with a bit extra test and an increased AI dose.
    I wont use it.
    but anyway first cycle i rec:

    wk1-14 500mg teste ew
    wk1-15 AI
    wk16-20 PCT : clomid 50mg ed / tamox 20mg ed

    keep it simple.
    maybe next time add a compound

  27. #27
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would also wait till age 24-25 but ..

  28. #28
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Ok so 500 mg test per week just so were clear what does eod mean? Im not familiar with all the lingo. And the pct I run 2 weeks after my last injection and do it for 4 weeks?

    Nolva 40 mg first week 20 for the last 3 weeks?

    I was 135 lbs when I started lifting eating is not my problem I consume 4500 to 6000 cals a day have been for over a year and a half. I have read test for the first time by itself os good but would that alone cut me down or does it make you look like creatine does because of the water retention?

  29. #29
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    What is Al? Ill b 24 by the time I do it in december im gathering the knowledge until then

  30. #30
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    I would also weight (get it? ) until you hit 200lbs.

    Please spend time in our nutrition forum, I'm not sure you really know what you are are eating if you are just stuffing it in.

    What is your bodyfat %? Are you happy to post a photo?

  31. #31
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    A funny guy huh.. haha ill explore the forum reshape my diet I still hav months to go bh ut im tryimg to prepare so if I can get my ? S answered thatd be nice. Supplements to block erectile dysfunction? Low libido? Does eod mean every other dose? Is test e a good roid thatll cut you as well as add mass

  32. #32
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Your diet will dictate your results.

    EOD = every other day

    AI = aromatase inhibitor

    ED shouldn't be an issue on cycle.

    No need to up or lower your dose, keep it steady throughout the cycle.

  33. #33
    itsjayman02's Avatar
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    Eod every other day ...... You have a lot to learn

    IMO your not ready to cycle

    Eat more and accurately count your macros

    Research more its not just the lingo but knowing how all of the below will help/affect your cycle

    Steroids and the young

  34. #34
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Im about 13 % body fat im ripped just not hugehugeand I know I have a lot to learn hence the studying months prior to my cycle im not gonna Inject tomorrow.

  35. #35
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Ok my friend your Q's have been answered for the most part.
    I took time and read this whole thread. Not to get on you but you have so little understanding of what everyone is saying. You don't know how to lay the cycle out, you don't understand many of the abbreviations and on and on with your lack of understanding. Everyone has to start somewhere and that's cool, but what I am saying is you need to do much more reading. The sticky's of first cycles, beginners cycles, diet and nutrition and on you need to understand. You need to read the steroid profiles and on.

    OH, there is no beast feeling, get real...ass helps you do what you are doing with your diet and training. Take it slow man. 6'-3" and 180 lbs is vey light. You are also over calculating calories IMOP.
    So back to the drawing board with the tips you've gotten and us pointing you in the right direction and strategy , now you will understand more of what you read and what you ask. Good luck ...crazy mike

  36. #36
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    So in simple terms an Ai will keep me from growing breasts and hcg will boost my natural test back up and drop my balls. That is where nolvadex and clomid come In am I right?

  37. #37
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    Again I am planning months in advance and im very strong I feel I should be bigger I am going to go deep with the nutrition but my parents are twigs I dont feel im going to get much bigger I put on 45 lbs cut body fat down I keep getting stronger but no size dif

  38. #38
    itsjayman02's Avatar
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    You use an aromatize inhibitor to reduce circulating estrogen via the aromatize enzyme. Keeping estrogen in check is much more important than just treating symptoms. Hcg will maintain testicular function during the cycle making recovery much much better

  39. #39
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidrage89 View Post
    Again I am planning months in advance and im very strong I feel I should be bigger I am going to go deep with the nutrition but my parents are twigs I dont feel im going to get much bigger I put on 45 lbs cut body fat down I keep getting stronger but no size dif
    Time, it take more time than you know. Also the farther you get in BB the harder and more time it take to make the same gains anyone did in the beginning. If we all grew at the same rate of progress as we did in our beginning we would be GIANTS, just huge. look at the standard Bodybuilder of who's body you adore and check how long he/she has been training, 5-10-15 plus years day in day out , not just here and there. Good luck, patience and perseverance is what I'm trying to get a grasp of, and so will you. Stay cool, ...crazy mike

  40. #40
    roidrage89 is offline New Member
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    I weight train 5 or 6 days a week and affiliated with exercise since I was 15 what should I do differently with my diet? I read the nuttrition forums im not understanding? 165Gs of fat 300gs of protein and 825 gs of carbs no read meat no donuts I eat very wel for the most part

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