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Thread: Gear from Thailand to USA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Gear from Thailand to USA

    Looking to bring some t3 and clen (pills) back to the USA with me from Thailand....risky...not risky...what's your take?

    I was able to leave the country with winny pills and liquid clen/Viagra/cialis/adex/prami/t3 without issues...but coming back to the USA might be another story.

    I should also mention that the bag with the gear in it was also inspected by customs (I got one of those letters saying they checked my stuff)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I took pct and CIA to Singapore then Thailand then Indonesia back to Singapore ten back to states I had no problems and got checked a few times. I put it in shaving kit, travel bag and checked it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I took 2000 10 mg valiums back from Thailand to the U.S. with no problem. Your biggest is whether the Thai stuff is real. I get all that stuff imported INTO Thailand.

  4. #4
    Basically if I plan on taking any sort of contraband across a border I try make it as inconspicuous as possible.

    Pills are probably the easiest. Just get any prescription bottle with your name on it, take your script out fill in what you want to. Or if you cant do that, get a bottle of advil or somesuch and do the same. Customs won't sniff test you pills and they don't know what Thai advil (or whatever) looks like.

    I hope this wasn't against some forum rule. Inform if it was I'll delete. Or you can go ahead and delete it yourself.

  5. #5
    BE CAREFUL clen from Thailand sometimes has traces of meth in the pills. I'd stay away, if you get caught the Thai's may think your trying to smuggling meth!

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