Question for you guys. I have not had a primary care doc for years. I am the type to go to emergency when injured or sick, otherwise I dont go to doctors. Well my wife has been hounding me for a while to get a primary care doc. Now she is pregnant and I need to get a vaccine for whooping cough prior to baby being born. She is urging me to set up initial appointment with a primary doc and get the vaccine. I am on cycle. If I go in for first appointment and vaccine will they take bloodwork. I dont want to do that for obvious reasons, but need to get vaccine. I am unsure what the setup with primary will be, I just assume they will want to get a full scope of my health to establish me as a patient.....Advice appriciated! Also anyone familiar with this vaccine and can I just go to pharmacy/clinic to get it? Thanks guys. Before flaming I will obviously drop cycle, let system clear and get to docs to get it prior to baby if that is my only choice!