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  1. #1
    Ockymofo is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Pain in leg longer than usual..

    Hello, I recently started a cycle (started sunday night with a shot of 1.5ml of super test 450), I pinned in my ham, On wednesday morning, I pinned in the same leg, in the thigh 1ml super test 450 (by stealth gear) (I've never had problems pinning there before(I did two cycles previous two years ago), but I've never used this strong of test, before.). Well, I can't walk for shit (I figured pinning in the same leg might be a good idea so that I don't have two non-working legs).. my leg is quite swollen. The ham still hurts like hell, and is extremely painful to bend.. I've been stretching it as much as possible, trying to elevate it when sleeping, etc.. There is no discoloration. It is quite painful, like a never ending charley horse.

    Anyway, I am 190lbs, 5'11. Eat ridiculously clean. doubling my weight in healthy proteins (rare that I drink I protein shake.. mostly tuna , greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, tons of veggies, and a ton of vitamins / 2tbs brewers yeast twice daily mixed with 12oz whole milk. My water intake is much as I can handle.)

    I was wondering if anyone has had experience with SuperTest 450 by stealthgear? .. Should I be concerned? How long til to wait it out til I see if I have a blood infection?

    I will see about getting a picture, one leg is slightly larger looking than my other leg.
    Last edited by Ockymofo; 07-26-2013 at 05:11 AM.

  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Suggest you edit your post and read the rules about posting sources!

    You jabbed your hamstring seriously?

  3. #3
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Not only that your doing 1.35g of test a week?
    At your height you should weigh more than what you do!
    Is this your first cycle?

    Scratch that just saw this is your third cycle
    But still
    Should grow into your dose!

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    is it your first time pinning ham? what happened to the delts and gluts?

  5. #5
    Ockymofo is offline New Member
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    Pann: Sorry about violating the rules.. I didn't post the website, so I felt that what I had posted was alright. It will not happen again. I have intended on pinning twice a week. a few years ago, I did two cycles (much needed.. certain guys no matter how much they eat, don't grow.. did weight training from 16- 25, and never broke 165. I was 25 when I did the only two prior cycles.). I did jam into my hamstring.. yeah... Back a few years ago, that was my regular pinning place.. I realize it is not ideal, but it always seemed to work perfect for me.

    AD: nope.. first time it has taken so long for the soreness to go away though.. the previous cycles I did, I exclusively shot in the ham with no issues.

    note* I just got laid tonight (first time this week... hah).. My leg feels a million times better, and I can walk without limping.. Maybe my stretching exorcises weren't enough?

  6. #6
    Ockymofo is offline New Member
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    AD: as far as delts.. I'd be too scared to try that.. I have decent sized shoulders for a guy my size, however, my work requires a lot of heavy lifting over my head.. so if my shoulders don't work, i'd be screwed.. I plan on trying the glut

  7. #7
    JAB1's Avatar
    JAB1 is offline Member
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    That seems like a ridiculous amount of test for 3rd cycle. I am on my 3rd test only cycle and pinning 600mg per week, less than half of what you are doing. That being said I just pinned my delt for first time on my last shot, had previously done only glutes. It is quite sore, but not debilitating.

  8. #8
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Anyway with such a highly dosed solution like your "mega test" (shit name) it will contain a high amount of benzyl alcohol that will certainly attribute to your pain

  9. #9
    Hypertrophic89 is offline New Member
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    Wow thats alot of test test going into that system of yours i hope you got the right compounds on hand to combat the sides and conversions of other hormones thats gonna take place. i would 1.stop pinning your hams with gear that strong like above the solvent levels would be outta control. Try injecting less solution each time and increasing your injecting frequency and rotating sites. Your to scared to pin your delts but your perfectly happy running over a gram of test?

  10. #10
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypertrophic89
    conversions of other hormones thats gonna take place.

    above the solvent levels would be outta control.
    Can you try explain these for me I'm confused?

  11. #11
    Hypertrophic89 is offline New Member
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    When using testosterone a process called aromatisation takes place where the body will convert excess testosterone into Oestrogen. Excess amounts of Oestrogen in males can cause several health issues. One being puffy nipples. Read about Aromatisation. At those levels of test your injecting i can assure you that its taking place.
    Solvents are chemicals used to suspend the steroid hormone into a oily solution. Usually Benzyl Alcohol and Benzyl Benzoate they also prevent bacteria growth etc. They can cause post injection pain(PIP). You need to do alot more research brother

  12. #12
    Hypertrophic89 is offline New Member
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    sorry @panntastic i mean the original poster needs to do more research. I hope i answered your Question

  13. #13
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypertrophic89
    sorry @panntastic i mean the original poster needs to do more research. I hope i answered your Question
    Yeah I think it's the way you worded your original answer that made zero sense.
    And thanks on the quick lesson in brewing gear

  14. #14
    Ockymofo is offline New Member
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    Sorry for not being more elaborate about my cycle.. here's kind of the game plan.. I fronted loaded with 1.5mg test 450.. From there, I was going to do twice a week at 1mg. I also am taking Winstrol (oral), and anastrazole daily. After two weeks, I plan on adding 2 mls super tren , to the 1ml super test for the remainder of the cycle.. about 2.5 months. In the past, I have only done test and tren cycles with that ratio .. I had great results.. I got that ratio from a friend who does more gear than I do by a long shot.

    As far as PCT, I will be doing nova / clomid.

    I woke up today, my leg is quite stiff again.. not nearly as painful as the days prior..

  15. #15
    Ockymofo is offline New Member
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    Im definitely open to suggestions.

  16. #16
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    Heating pad & deep tissue massaging after injection helps me quite a good bit.

  17. #17
    Ockymofo is offline New Member
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    So... Again, my question never really received an answer.. A lot of criticism (which is fine.. I take info where I can get it), But no helpful reply in way of knowing how long I might want to wait out til I decide to go see a doc? .. Or any suggestions of what might be a good modification to my proposed cycle - 900ml test pw, 800ml tren pw, winstrol oral daily, with anastrazole daily for anti estrogren, and nolva/clomid for pct.

    Thx to Fcarey32 ,, the heat / massaging has helped

  18. #18
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Way too big of doses for your size for one. Besides that, I've never had pip longer than a week. How's it feel now?

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