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  1. #1
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2013
    Big apple

    Poor diet during cycle.

    So my next cycle is going to fall during a time where I will not be able to eat properly for the first four weeks due to school/work. I will be entering my first competition and have no choice but to run that cycle during that time frame.

    What do you guys think about running a cycle with long ester compounds in this situation? I have a couple of bottles of tren enan and test cyp and thought it would be a better idea to run these (+ mast) considering the fact that my diet will be a bit off for the first four weeks.

  2. #2
    bigstack88's Avatar
    bigstack88 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2013
    How u gonna feed ur muscles? They need allot of clean foods to build Bro

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2012
    Depends on what you mean by properly...

    If you mean that you wont be able to eat enough.
    Then you bf will only go down, aas will preserve your muscle.

    If you cant eat clean, the only gain you will have will be fat.

    In both case dont expect to gain much muscle.

    Diet is very important and you know it. If you cant find time to eat how will you find time to train...

    If you cant train and eat then dont cycle...

    Youll have to take to the time...
    Thats excuse is lame, you can find time to. It wont be eady but you can.

    Who said than that lifestyle is easy.

  4. #4
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Jan 2013
    I'd save them for a more conducive time.

  5. #5
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Pre make your meals nd take em with you where ever you go

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